Remember to vote Paludan faggots!

Attached: paludan knepper.png (304x350, 100K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: Olsen-banden-gaar-i-krig.jpg (700x600, 151K)

Kek, share paludan memes

Attached: paludan damer.jpg (526x768, 90K)

Based, fuck the establishment

Han står til 4-5 mandater lige nu - kan vi gi ourguy noget mere?

Ja tak!

Attached: leth mountain BASED.jpg (1664x969, 299K)

sandheden driver os frem!

Attached: voldt.png (738x444, 22K)

Attached: voldtægt danmark.jpg (795x682, 42K)

>m-m-men Amagermanden!

Df, nb, sk regering when?

df og nb er stadig del af etableringen, de vil sikkert cockblocke sk - vi skal give SK alle mandaterne

Nb er fine nok bro

>the 40 yo roastie
ellers tak bruv


boomer politics - race science politics is the future

Hun fuckede sig selv med at tage afstand fra Paludan

Alt for sandt =

Attached: Ok1.gif (310x280, 1.95M)

Attached: ABomb!.jpg (500x500, 61K)

Attached: danish paludan politicians think.png (851x404, 267K)

alle perkere er en flok forbandede indavlede kotere.
Change my mind.

Attached: DeadMuzziesAreGoodMuzzies.png (550x688, 257K)

Stem konservative - homo Soren Pape giver dem alle sammen aids

I T ' S H A P P E N I N G

Attached: Capture.png (1050x173, 15K)

based mutt

Er han ikke allerede gift med en bbc?


Theres literally nothing wrong with being gay or black

Attached: Jørgen Leth om Stram Kurs.png (687x854, 473K)

hahahaha jorgen leth er 100% /ourguy/

Hey Sören!

For grinern mand

Hey homophobe!

Is this your bull talking?

Attached: IMG_0960.jpg (600x767, 122K)

Do you think he will get his entire party above 2%?

Or do you think he will just have enough votes to get himself into parliament?

Attached: question 02.gif (500x362, 1.71M)

Who are danes so schwarty?

palucuck kommer aldrig i regeringen, ingen gider fascisme i FT

But will they enter parliament?

Not sure atm, why are you curious?
Most likely he’ll get in. In the off chance he doesn’t, his voters Will probably shoot up a mosque in frustration.

>why are you curious?
I want to bet money on him.

But I'm afraid the Danish state will tax me.
Their income will be 50% if I win anything.
But if I lose, I lose all the money, without the government stepping in to help me for sharing the taxes with them.

It's kind of evil of the government to put up this kind of terms.

Attached: 1353624244413.png (231x234, 4K)