Why do right wingers hate NY/CA with a passion?

Why do right wingers hate NY/CA with a passion?

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Sodom and Gomorrah

They're retarded as fuck and want to live in poverty in fairy tale Yahweh land

Why would my reasons be different to yours?

Do you not vote for liberal politicians BECAUSE you want to improve things? Tell me your own criticisms first, devil.

>clearly hasn't been to Cali or NY
How's Wyoming kike?

Cause they think they are smarter and better than everyone else, they don't know how to drive, and they keep moving here inflating rent and voting for the same politics that turned where they came from into a shithole which is why they left in the first place.

Both those states are shitholes and the only worthwhile part is the area of New York that isn’t nyc

Because they actually suck.

Californian. I hate my state's government. Either states need to be allowed to follow some kind of internal federal model (make counties or groups of counties into mini-states within the state) or the state needs to be split up so that the predominantly right wing, rural areas aren't just dominated by the left wing coastal cities. Honestly, you could probably just seperate it into everything along the coast from San Francisco to LA, and the rest of the state. Maybe things would be bigger at the top to lump Sacramento in with the coast.

This desu, the only issue with the rest of NY is that it's ruled by NYC. There's a reason it's called The Empire State...

To be honest, people need to get the fuck out of California, we're overpopulated. I do feel bad about them fucking with other states politics, though.

Just send me to Hell or New York City
It would be about the same to me

There's plenty of parts of California that are fine other than the fact that they're under the state government.

Because Prop 187 passed and some kike judge tossed it out. Every thing that law was conceived to prevent has come to pass. Fuck California and fuck judges.

They're insufferable douchebags who constantly tell everyone else in the country how dumb and inferior they are yet they expect us to vote the way they want.

Just like NY, but that's the biggest issue. The abhorrent government and the fact that you have cities that "want what's best" for the rest of you.

The ironic thing is those evil Blue States Republicans hate so much produce a lot more tax revenue then the Red States so their retarded bullshit is funded by all of the Blue States (California, New York and New Jersey are funding Alabama, Oklahoma Kentucky etc).

At least New Yorkers have the courtesy to be direct. Califags will smile and tell you they're your friend while robbing you blind and stabbing you in the back.

You can come visit us here in actual Hell if you want

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they're retarded. It pisses them off to no end how wealthy and successful california is when they live in shit

This is why I believe states should have an internally federal model.

>Because Prop 187 passed and some kike judge tossed it out. Every thing that law was conceived to prevent has come to pass. Fuck California and fuck judges.

Carter Judge, God Damn him and Damn that kike judge

Your cities are literally covered in shit, your citizens are narcissitic and arrogant, your junkies are insane, numerous and undealt with in any fashion moral or immoral and you facilitate their self abuse, your taxes, fees, fines and penalties outshine even the most backwater of states, you use dumb uneducated minorities to bolster your votes and use them for cheap illegal labor and tell them that they should be grateful to live in a corrogated steel shack unless they wise up then you throw them out, you claim to care about the environment but your cities are drowning in garbage and pollution.

"Smell of shit is so foul
Writhe in disgust
Earth heaves and death comes to call"

May the San Andreas swallow you all and the Pacific drown what remains.

they hate me for no reason so I wish them death

Given the spiders y'all got that sounds like a perfectly reasonable reaction.

They want to enforce their bullshit on the rest of us and we want to be left the fuck alone.

corporations funnel capital from the countryside into the large cities such as NYC, LA, San Fran.
They've made us poor off our own work, extracting our resources, to build their monuments to degeneracy and sin.
Then they try to spread their filth to the rest of us, by way of their media control and power over government. See how much the Californians and New Yorkers seethe over little ol Alabama wanting to make its own decisions over Abortion? Or Kansas not wanting to teach evolution in grade school? No, we have to live by their rules, think how they think, work how they want us to work.
Really the only thing stopping it all is how many guns we have.

Because they fuck up their state with taxes and welfare and then move out to Red States with lower taxes and property and vote the same as they did.

They haven't suffered enough to learn their lesson from their mess

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>Be New Yorker or Califag
>Decide the overly expensive place you live in that literally reeks of piss and shit kinda sucks
>Move to conventionally Red or Swing State
>Complain about your former living place to the residents of that state
>Loudly and proudly proclaim you're voting in favor of the same shit you voted for in your former living place
Right wingers hate locusts.

They are communist degenerates and CA is in open rebellion. We should send in the troops

Most of the countries actual industry is in the south and most of the mining and food production is rural also. The tax revenue coming from surveillance capitalist tech bro bullshit and all the gov memo writers in the coastal cities means dick all in reality.

>Because they fuck up their state with taxes and welfare and then move out to Red States with lower taxes and property and vote the same as they did.

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>Because they fuck up their state with taxes and welfare
california was a red state before retarded republicans voted in amnesty and open borders. And of course you're such fucking idiots you actually believed the "christian hispanics" would be "natural conservatives"

Given the Spiders look like this i get it

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Covered. In. Shit.


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I don't know considering California still has the largest Republican party in the union and still has the most gun owner ship of the union. And it's the only state in the union with a large enough independent third party.

New York has an abomination of a welfare system that openly encourages people to hope up in their section 8 housing and never seek out work since their unemployment bux net them as much as a minimum wage job would. The state refuses to acknowledge that people live upstate which leads to money being poured into neetbux rather than actually building up cities like Syracuse that were fucked in the ass by the loss of manufacturing jobs.

Cali is a hipster shithole full of people who openly endorse drug use and hate all authority. This leads to homeless people migrating en mass since they can camp out wherever they want without fear of police clearing them out, and pothead trannies will probably give them a pat on the back when they see them shooting up heroin in public.


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>Most of the countries actual industry is in the south
It used to be in the northeast and rust belt till free trade deals moved it away so the Corporations could earn more money (Chinese Workers cost less then American ones).
>all the gov memo writers in the coastal cities means dick all in reality.
The south often has lower tax rates for Corporations which means less revenue by them.

Dems still pushed Hart-Celler, that’s what started it. Uniparty

Remember when the courts cucked the voters on illegals and fags?

Dude its over. 25% of births are white. It's a latin american state. Democracy will have to be revoked because the spics are gonna vote for the state to take all the white peoples shit.

>Now they're onto the Carolinas and Idaho

We live in a sad timeline user

Well yeah. California has 10 million more people than Texas, the next largest state.

Because both contain enormous urban echo chambers of gated community leftist one percenters that are so in love with themselves that the feel entitled to act as a de facto ruling class over the rest of the nation. And they use the hordes of their low IQ low info minority servant class as a numerical battering ram to insist that their numbers in the vote gives them a right to wield that power.

>military bases stationed there.
>Large expressways relative to population to move goods across the country
>agriculture subsidies as a national security issue
>skewed because cost of living in blue states creates a situation where wages must be higher thus more taxes are extracted.

>use the hordes of their low IQ low info minority servant class
people who were brought in, legalized, and given citizenship by Republicans to the objection of democrats and native born californians

You mean Jews?
California and Illinois are immediately disclaimed by their own citizens who immigrate to better states. You are all as bad as the nigger migrants and the wetbacks.

>It used to be in the northeast and rust belt till free trade deals moved it away
>The south often has lower tax rates for Corporations
Union activity and anti-business regulation in general is what damaged manufacturing the most.

There's no reason why a country of 350 million should lose its manufacturing base to a bunch of illiterate rice farmers. Especially when high-income areas like Germany and Japan seem to be doing fine in that same respect.

>blue states paying more in taxes
>their billionaire liberal heroes are taxed in delaware
>apple paid $0 in taxes
You're all suckers. No wonder you want to immigrate from your coastal shitholes.

The ironic thing is that those two blue states comprise the one percent and yet demand socialism for all instead of just fucking donating to charity or investing in development causes themselves.

The only real street level problem I find in Manhattan is niggers, no matter of what social class. The statistics say that they're only a fraction of the population, but I look around me and they're FUCKING EVERYWHERE. wtf man. WHY WON'T THEY JUST LEAVE ME ALONE AND GO AWAY!?

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haven't you noticed that higher tax, higher regulation areas are nicer?
and low tax, low regulation areas are basically shitholes?

>apple paid 0 taxes
lolbertarians unironically think this is a good thing.

>No wonder you want to immigrate from your coastal shitholes
people are leaving mostly because of the high housing prices, because the area is in such high demand that prices are rising through the roof. Everyone wants to live there

>skewed because cost of living in blue states creates a situation where wages must be higher thus more taxes are extracted.
Ah no and Red States tend to have lower taxes on the rich in general (meaning you could have as much money as you don't need in Kansas and you will pay lower in taxes).
>Union activity and anti-business regulation in general is what damaged manufacturing the most.
Untrue as Corporations moved overseas to better their profits due to paying Chinks less then even non Union Workers in America. Free trade agreements along with Union busting practices has fucked the middle class which has been caused by Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton.

>low tax, low regulation areas are basically shithole

>and yet demand socialism for all
The one percent here due not demand Social Democracy nor Socialism as the mega rich here want Joe Biden or other Centrists who won't tax them more to get into power (there is a reason the media is promoting Centrists such as Bootyjudge, Biden and even Harris to be President).

There it is.

I'm saying these conservative midwest areas are usually very poorly run and managed. Everything is shitty there, and they won't fix it because they have this crazy ideology.

>places that use property price segregation, HOA segregation, zoning segregation so only whites and asians can live there are nicer.

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>Untrue as Corporations moved overseas to better their profits due to paying Chinks less then even non Union Workers in America. Free trade agreements along with Union busting practices has fucked the middle class which has been caused by Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton.
no denial that Unions got co-opted by the mafia and then the leftists. But once they were neutered the Corporations began their globalization in full.

>area is in such high demand that prices are rising through the roof
What high demand? Boomers have to have high home prices or their retirement blows up and the government has yellow vests level rioting going on in a dozen major cities and counting.
Have you not seen the bloodbaths in the market when asset prices dip even just a little? Just wait until Trump is finished dumping our Somalians in rich Jewish neighboorhoods.

>The statistics say that they're only a fraction of the population, but I look around me and they're FUCKING EVERYWHERE
Because they don't have jobs and don't have hobbies they do at home (or their home life sucks), so they go on the street.

If normal white people with jobs saw what goes on during the day, they'd turn far right real quick.

This isn't just Californians leaving. These are your own businesses and people encouraging them to leave and move to such state.

But, I went to Wyoming for business last week. I was expecting white people. The entire state is literally fucking Mexico with abusive owners and Indian managers. Your so called red states love these people. Nevada and Colorado literally has advertisements for Californians to come to them with their horde. Shit-tier businesses that have to rely on illegals and shitskins for labor being encouraged to come over, instead of saying no, fuck you.

How the hell do you manage to live in a glass and steel caynon all the time?

>poorly run
That there's not a whole lot of capital flowing through a city doesn't mean it's poorly run, it just means that they are poor. Laws tend to accumulate as patches for when someone gets away with skirting the rules.
More people means more laws and more money. You're simply conflating large populations with some sort of progress and would think very differently if I tied you to a missile and fired you at Lagos.

baka Federal taxes are the same on everyone(unless we want to get into some technical deductions).
I assumed you were talking about this frequently cited table. are you not?

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Fuck off. I work in Vermont and have to walk through a wastrel camp on city hall property to get to work. Deepest Appalachia was far and away nicer since there are no resources for the lazy.

these higher regulation areas are very nice, and mostly because of the regulations. You can count on clean water, safe food, well constructed neighborhoods and houses....etc. It's just nicer, you can see immediately why people prefer it

>because of the regulations
Chicago has the tightest regulations anywhere, why is Chicago a shithole then? You have this backwards.

I've been a Californian all my life and I'll be a Californian until the day I die. California may be the most beautiful and ecologically diverse state in the Union with the most resources. But we've also been flooded with beaners and they are really draconian regarding the Constitution. The minorities think they run it, but white people who view minorities as modern day slaves actually run it.

It sucks ass to live here in this society full of brown people.

California Republicans are like I am in NY. A registered Dem who is actually the opposite in my beliefs and I’m only in the party I listed to duck it up from within.

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Those spikes simply House the merchants that profit from the work of others.

>writing y'all
Southerners never write it, only say. That means you're a nigger or retarded yank

You can't vote in the republican primary in California if you're not registered as a republican.

>Federal government and financial centers offshoring all those midwestern town jobs.
A crazy ideology did kill those jobs. You think a town of 50k surrounded by corn is going to lure in Big Tech and Big Usury?

>no denial that Unions got co-opted by the mafia and then the leftists
It depends on what you mean by Leftists are Unions tend to (and tended to) vote for Democrats due to the Republicans being strongly Anti Union. Republicans opposed FDR in trying to ban Child Labor, trying to establish a Minimum wage and other aspects of the New deal throughout his Presidency and after (with Eisenhower being the last Republican who was not shit because he was a Democrat in most senses).
>But once they were neutered the Corporations began their globalization in full.
Also what i forgot to mention is Corporations love Illegals immigration and Ronald Reagan cut the penalties for hiring Illegals (which used to be the Business owner going to Prison) and open borders/lack enforcement is one of their tactics to undercut Citizen Labor.

That's wrong. You can't vote in the Democrat primary in California if you aren't a Democrat, but you can vote in the Republican primary if you are an independent or a Republican.

They went to shit due to liberal niggers exporting manufacturing.


>I assumed you were talking about this frequently cited table. are you not?
>why is Chicago a shithole then?
Because the fact alot of Black People live there and they drive down Neighborhoods.

>don't know how to drive
>knowing how to drive: being an aggressive asshole who always thinks they have right-of-way in all situations
>I guess California need to learn how to drive

Yeah. Republicans that were like the Bush family. Actually globalist oligarchs selling their constituency out. Just like the Clintons and Obama’s etc etc. all of them are one party selling different poisons to cause the same death.

you forgot
>controls western seaborder and most shipping comes through their ports

Don't confuse hate and disgust.

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Don't need to be affiliated with any political side to hate California.

t. Arizonan

How is it down there? Seems like destination #1 for califags due to the low cost of living.

>Black People
Baby steps, leftanon, baby steps. N-

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Hahaha. Dude I live in upstate NY. The city is a reeking shit hole where people don’t even look each other in the eye. My town upstate is so clean and beautiful I can drink water right from the stream in the heart of town. People still meet up for community days where everyone has a blast.

What the fuck are your criteria for good vs bad? More places to get fucked up to numb the reality or muh exotic food?

Californians are pretentious scum who destroy the environment while bitching that we dont do enough for the environment.
They are on average lower iw and less,educated than rural people and yet they think they kniw how we should be living our lives.
California survives by stealing resources from neighboring states.
If they did live it would be a filthy poverty stricken hellhile and all the pretentious liberal scum would be begging those flyover states to give them refugee status

Wyoming is based you moronic city slicker

Is this some kinda trick question?

How's Wyoming
Clean air, clean water.
Open roads, cheap land, cheap groceries, low taxes.
Honestly. Bretty gud

Meant for

>be pro-immigration
>we're overpopulated
Californians everybody

>Baby steps, leftanon, baby steps. N-
How do i forget the term Nigger or African Monkeys, or Chimps, or Jiggaboos or Coons, o Los Monos, or Darkies and People of Color?

That’s my point. I lean right by a long shot. But in deep blue NY I’m registered as a Dem so I can fuck their primaries by voting either for a centrist or a total embarrassment.

Because LA/NYC have more money and hotter bitches than the rest of the country combined