>go outside
>white trash everywhere
someone nuke this fucking country
Go outside
Chase Sanchez
Nicholas Wilson
>I didn't know Poland had a plastic litter problem :)
Ayden Wilson
wanna trade?
Ayden Morris
You could move to a black country like england
Adrian Morris
they have subhuman problem. they must be ended
Gabriel Scott
>posts frame from whitetrash show
pot calling kettle black
Josiah Adams
I would if I could,
Muslims>white trash, fanatical catholics, low income, no future
Elijah Price
Brandon Brown
White trash is not even a Polish thing, it’s Burger to the fullest. Besides, Poles and other Slavs aren’t white.
Says the nation with a literal subhuman problem that is a kike colony. Go die for Israel, goyim
Jack Collins
Imagine going outside and finding black, asian or hispanic trash instead of white trash.
Even less relatable. Absolutely nightmarish I tell you.