Remove custom flags, they only encourage trolling

remove custom flags, they only encourage trolling

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all memeflags are jews
all jews are cowards


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but there are so many trolls here... they get the visits number up for advertising.
Stop the memefags, and the hits go down and less shekels.

all who bitch and moan about flags have too weak or too jewish arguments to have them stand up to truth.
It's the same reason debate about the holohoax is banned, it does not stand up to truth.
It's the same reason for why debate against islam is banned within islam-ruled nations, it does not handle truth.

No coindidence that the three posters who agree have the most jews per capita of any nation outside occupied Palestine.
Almost prophetic that all three would be peak kike countries and the greatest empirical enemies of Europe and Europeans.

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Go kys memefag

Jews are the best race in the world.
Have a list of races we're superior to.

>Every Race that's not Ashkenazic-Jew

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I agree.

I just want Jow Forums to suffer.

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Memeflags are too pussy to handle nationflag bantz

Is there any other type of ing?

as opposed to
>durrr flag your post is invalid

i've never used them, but i put one on just for you

Shoo Shoo Memeflag!

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nah, cunt

Jews and russians

That, or you're too pussy to try banting against National Socialism

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>I waste my time arguing with trolls in black cock threads

The only time I use memeflags is when I want to troll or shill

>wanting less trolling
You're a prissy, little bitch. Trolls trolling trolls is an art.

They encourage ISRAELIS / JIDF in the first place.

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Remove all flags they encourage shitty memes about other countries and not political discussion

I agree.

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Custom flags are awesome, nigger.

If you look at shill threads that say something completely pointless and have almost never post in the thread past its creation, it's almost always a memeflag.

Or you could keep them alongside the normal flag so the meme flag would be displayed next to the normal flag.

>If you look at shill threads that say something completely pointless
However also compelling for lesser posters to respond to, that's the important part.

Yup. They get loads of replies, and it's all so meaningless.