When this chapotraphouse leader starts his revolution will you fight against him?

when this chapotraphouse leader starts his revolution will you fight against him?

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with one hand tied behind my back


The podcast hosts are better than 99% of the self-described left. Matt is still a bit multikulti, but Amber is legit.

Jow Forumschapotraphouse is cancer though.

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I don't think I would have to. Someone closer would do it before I could catch my flight.

Nah heart disease will do all the work for me

I will do it with Two hands tied

can you do it with both legs tied too?

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I don't understand the tweet in the picture. Is he angry that his family doesn't entirely consist of 3rd world immigrants?



That would be way too cool. It's just gonna be faggy shit the whole way through--two groups of overweight manchildren throwing eggs and milkshakes at each other while China takes over the planet. Lord o mighty! I cant wait to live in eternal Chinatown!

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i'd end his entire bloodline and everyone even REMOTELY associated with that chapo shit and sleep like a drunk toddler afterwards. fucking degenerate filth.

he hates white people, a common symptom of being a modern leftist

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please tell me he's making butter in her asshole!

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feed this fat fuck more cholesterol and watch it slowly fall to the floor in pain and die like the pig it is. do a 360 and step over the corpse.

I just hate these self-admitted slackers so much. In a communist country they'd be in a work camp for social parasitism.

Was his head photoshopped on another persons body?

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daily reminder that class politics is a form of identity politics. Marxism had its day and will never be relevant again.

poor kid. he forgot that he was white and that he is the smartest and most mentally able creature that has ever been in the world. too much negative propaganda these days. remember who you are. the best.

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I like how he's dressed exactly the same as the toddler behind him. Also he's a literal cuck and not even trying to hide it? Is that where the left-wing is at now, just openly saying "yeah I want my race to die FAST, right NOW NOW NOW" and claiming it's moral virtue?

>exactly same clothes as the small child
gets me every time

This is liberal white guilt at its worst. Maybe his family does suck, but more than likely he's just angry that his family and siblings don't hate white people enough. Also, he probably secretly wants bbc.

I mean, if someone goes "I hope I die soon" we offer them help. This guy is saying that on a nationwide scale: "I hope we all die soon." Even if he thinks the third worlders will make the country better, it's still a disgustingly weak, passive, just cucked position to take.

>too much negative propaganda these days
>posts picture of 80s rocker Sting

I hate to break it to you, but this leftist bullshit has been fucking everywhere for decades.


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