Checkmate anti-lifers

This image was just posted, valid responses came in, and it got pruned. Not sure what the issue is, as abortion discussions are absolutely Jow Forums related.

So, the response? It's always a rarity to see a woman make an argument that doesn't suck, or isn't about "muh feelz". So, it's worthy of a response. In her scenario:
-How did the 16 year old get pregnant? If willing, then she's proven she's ready for the responsibility of the potential consequences of her actions. This means that if she doesn't want to potentially become a parent, then she shouldn't have sex. Problem solved.

-If unwilling, she should immediately report the crime, and get medication from her doctors to prevent the potential unwarranted outcome of the unwanted assault. Problem solved.

I'm glad we could get that settled!

Attached: 16 year old cannot adopt and cannot get an abortion.jpg (782x778, 92K)

Other urls found in this thread:

killing children is wrong

all white abortion should be illegal.

all non-white abortion should be mandatory.

Attached: 1556726655525.png (1200x1159, 1.39M)

abortion in american politics is really funny. its either something completely ridiculous from the pro-life side like 4 weeks or something equally ridiculous from the pro-choice side like 8 months. why cant you burgers compromise

16 is age of consent in most states so she’s legally old enough to consent to the one activity that’s scientifically proven to result in pregnancy.

50 states. 50 governments

That's the way we like it. It prevents murderous communist from taking over the country from Capital Hill.

The only illogical part is government not placing similar standards on parents that they do on adopters. But even then you're just ignoring the obvious potential for abuse that would come from handing out kids to anyone that said they wanted one, which is the real reason that adoption is so demanding.

Strictly speaking, the government's interest in these two cases is exactly the same, dealing with the problems that others have created while protecting the lives of citizens. In banning abortion the government is only stepping in to say that now that a life has been created, it cannot be destroyed, and it makes the same move to protect the orphans under its care from harm by demanding certain criteria from adopters.

Desu if she’s 16 and pregnant you could just throw her out of a helicopter and kill 2 birds with one stone; nothing of value lost

logic is for homosexuals.

>if she gets pregnant
hmmm let me have sex, which is for making babies and completely take no responsibility once i actually do get pregnant. don't make me plan and actually take accountability!! nazis

Because one side isn't prepared to compromise on feminism, and the other side isn't prepared to compromise on what it believes to be killing children. Both positions are considered completely non-negotiable.

I already solved this the last time it was posted.
She is actually advocating for a restriction against sex before education and marriage are achieved.
One of you should twat that back at her.


You're right, these are both ridiculous. Any amount of time is acceptable, as long as it's before conception.

How many times do Conservatives have to say that abortion is murder of a baby and therefore unjustifiable or excusable to do before they actually start addressing it. I've seen so many of these people try to gotcha with the "my body my choice" or pointing to niche scenarios but they keep missing the fundamental roadblock that it's not their body and it's not their choice to play god with a baby. It's very irritating seeing this ignorance

so why is she doing it if she's not ready to be mother?
just so she can force some doctor to kill unborns?
well fuck her

They're doing it deliberately because claiming a fetus is a baby is a perfectly valid philosophical position, and reframing the debate into mean old white men controlling women makes it much easier to argue against.

>How is that logical
Because she's not emotionally equipped to terminate the life of her unborn child. Seems pretty fucking obvious if you don't have a confirmation bias.

True. The thing I wish I could do more than anything is put myself into the minds of others. Surely a woman would understand intuitively that a baby growing inside them is valid and not some clump of cells, yet it seems most of the vocals on this issue are women. Hilarious how it seems they've been brainwashed. Imagine the guilt they must feel, and if not, the emotional suppression they must force to deal with thinking this is okay. Degenerates that know they're moraly corrupted but advancing their agenda regardless. Disgusting that this is normal.

Ok, let's translate this for retards...

"If a 16 year old girl wants to adopt a child, then she won't be allowed to do it for NUMEROUS legally valid reasons that have nothing to do with the abortion debate. BUT... if she makes a terrible choice, and gets knocked up, she won't be allowed to rip that child into pieces with barbecue tongs."

Exactly. If she insists on being mature enough to decide to whore around but too irresponsible to be mother yet then she could easily stick to just giving handles or blowjobs.


Attached: Aborted-Late-Term-Baby.jpg (801x623, 108K)

A lot of women end up regretting abortions, so many of the militant pro choicers who have had abortions are going to be over-compensating for sure.


An abortion results in a death. No more argument needed there. Whether a teen adopts a child or not there is no death. However, there could be a horrible situation for a child (a 16 year old is also a child) or potentially a situation where a younger child actually adopts an older child. By the way, conservatives do not want children having sex which leads to these issues in the first place. Personally, I don't believe a life has ended until a pregnancy has passed a certain point in a child's development when the abortion occurs, but I do think that that point is extremely early in the pregnancy.

Even fucking Jane Roe from Roe v Wade ended up admitting she lied about being raped, regretted her abortion, and spent the rest of her life as a staunch pro-life advocate trying numerous times to have Roe v Wade overturned.

Nogs get abortions. I’m all for it. Future crime solvent. All humans aren’t equal.

All Jew couples should have their children aborted, seeing as you're cool with killing babies this surely isn't an issue.