/IWG/ - Iran War General

Post any and all Potential Iran War shit here.


They think these
Have a chance against us lol

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Israel is fucked and Netanyahu will die like a bitch.

Please be so

I really think this one will happen this time

fuck off you bunch of fucking kikes
Iran has never invaded another country in centuries and literally has done nothing wrong. even if they bombed your shitty embassy, it would have be justified anyway.

Sick thumbnail retard.

This. Only Israel needs to be nuked. Iran unironically dindu nuffin.

Fixed for you user

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>Iran has never invaded another country in centuries
Because they’re absolute pussies to do it themselves and resort to proxies like Hezbollah to do their dirty work, so the Ayatoilets can maintain a level of deniability. Iranians are cowards.

Oh, you mean like Hezbollah "invading" Syria and helping Assad? Give back our LAVs you fucking goat fuckers.

Check em

Attached: StrikeWitchesWorldMap.jpg (250x253, 20K)

Not likely user

>sandniggers justified in attacking their betters

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Why are you hiding your flag?

>hurr hurr meem flogg

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To add, because it doesn't matter whether i use an american flag or a herpaderptderptydoo meemflogg, you're just gonna call me a jew. Just cuttin' out the middleman leaf.

>israel intact
fuck off, shill
>all fields
>hide thread

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$10 you don't have an American flag anyway.

Sorry schlomo its not happening..

Quick rundown?

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hey guys, fixed it for you.

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>t. JIDF
You're sweating, Schlomo.

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>nukes Western Europe
>keeps India

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Whoa? Ten whole dollars? Wait, you mean canuckibucks, not real money, right? I ain't falling for your cheap leaf trickery.

Says the automaton

Based and redpilled
STFU moor

bye bye puerto rico of europe.

hello friend

USD, CAD, doesn't matter. Worth more than your shit currency.

Missed Africa and all of Asia.

>goy pacifier

Heh. They probably think a bullet can stop an American solider.

I love this type of smug posting from dumbfuck MIGA Military worshipers. Yeah, we have a fictional deterrent that will destroy an entire barrage of missiles from hitting a carrier.

Yeah its called PHALANX and AEGIS retard...

“Katusha rocket made in Iran” will be the talking points tomorrow on the news. Like they new which kind of rocket it was minutes after impact.

AEGIS is designed to shoot down missiles in their midcourse phase, not final phase.


Once again, good fucking goy! The super advance system ($$$$) will take now every one of thousand of dumb missiles flying at it without breaking a sweat! You're invincible!

The fact that you even mentioned AEGIS in this scenario proves exactly what a know-nothing good goy you are.

They only good thing about (((them))) provoking Iran to sending our carrier to the bottom of the sea will be knowing a bunch of good goy smug military men such as yourself will be dying on it.

Wait you didn't just nuke israel you also nuked Greater Kurdistan

you gotta be a real retard to seriously believe any missile defense system works 100% of the time. Isn't the latest one like 55% or something like that?

The iron dome, which is probably one of the best air defences in the world claims to shoot 90% of the missiles down.

Now on closer inspection, you realize the follwing:

1. Only 40% of the incoming missiles are targeted. They don't bother shooting every missile since it would be costly and might overwhelm their defences if they were to go after each rocket. So they only target the ones that are most likely to hit something. This is important to remember, and i will explain later why
2. The iron dome 90% intercept rate is based on firing 2 to 4 missiles at each incoming rocket. Most of the time, 1 missile is not enough
3. The rockets for which the iron dome has a 90% intercept rate are low tech hamas rockets, which are both unguided and non-ballistic.

Now, lets see how well it actually does:
It intercepts 90% of the 40% rockets that they target. This means around 36% of the rockets fired at them are actually intercepted. The rest are not, for what ever reason, whether that is, they are not detected, not deemed a threat or simply passed through. Furthermore, the missiles are low tech and slow, which makes intercepting them easier.

Ballistic missiles are significantly harder to intecept. The iranian missiles are not only faster and more advanced than the ones hamas fires at israel, they are also significantly more accurate, by order of magnitudes. This means you don't get the luxury of targeting only 40% of them. The intercept rate would also be lower, and you can clearly see where this goes.

In a real situation with actual ballistic missiles, the iron dome won't fare well, since it couldnt ignore 60% of the rockets shot at it, and wouldn't have anywhere near a 90% intercept rate. They would run out of interceptors before the enemy runs out of missiles, since it takes 2 to 4 missiles per low tech rockets.

The AEGIS is good for a small batch of missiles, like 4 or 5, but against 100 of them, you might as well take your gun and shoot at them.

... and your stupid country funds proxies like Al Qaeda and the Taliban.

Those are just one type of multiple dozens if not hundreds of mass produced missiles that will be used. Even tiny Hezbollah has estimated over 100,000 missiles (and we aren't just talking shitty katyusha copies, they are upgrading everything to become guided).

All told I'd estimate Iran has 10x of millions of rockets and missiles that could absolutely overwhelm the US Navy, minus the weapons systems that China and Russia would lend to Iran to test out their tech against US military might. Never forget when Hezbollah hit that Israeli navy boat during the 2006 war with a Chinese anti naval missile.

Also if you take one thing away from this, a carrier only needs to have its deck runway smacked with a single missile to make the carrier useless since nothing can take off or land, including the all important AWACS that let's us see the shit Iran is stirring up.

Based and truth pilled.

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Fuck off cuck. America wants nothing more than to lose an outdated aircraft carrier so that they can respond with tactical nukes.

The war will be conventional, wont include a ground invasion and will be over within 3-6 months. It will be almost full capitulation.

Is I was trump I would hand them control off the region, no hesitation.

Full capitulation without a ground invasion. Ok, good luck with that.


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Iran invaded four countries in the past twenty years and tried to topple many more. Fucking zoomer.

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sloppy hasbara

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Ten year long war, billions spent, thousands of US/UK/etc. lives lost, regime change, some pussy gets elected, terrorists take over half of Iran. We lose no matter what.


you just have to destroy ISRAEL,
and all these wars END.

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Stop defending Shitskins. Ideally we let them kill off Israel and then we kill them. Boom, shitskins dead.

ideally the United States is destroyed in the process

Tell me Leaf, what do you retards do that makes you better than us? Every single Canadian I have met that dislikes the US are the biggest pussies unironcially.

so it means that Israel and the US were outmaneuvered and now they have no choice but to attack either Syria or Iran.

Tell me mutt, how paranoid do you have to be to believe people who see the US as a rat nest also think they're better than you?

Our CIA does that. To be fair, most retarded US citizens don't even know a fraction of the shit our great benevolent government and CIA does with our tax money...

Is it the early 90's again? Is this supposed to impress us?


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Is everyone in here just too young to remember Saddam's Iraq had ballistic missile capability? It's not by itself the holy grail of warfare. Iran's war record even when they did have the latest and greatest technology was not great.

An aircraft carrier is not just a barge with a runway it's a mobile naval air base completely surrounded with submarines, destroyers, frigates, cruisers, radars and sonars. When we're on alert we usually have a number of aircraft loitering near the carrier itself. Even if Iran were to blow its entire missile load on one carrier and damage or even sink it, it's still going to have to deal with the other 10 and a freshly emboldened US.

If taking out a single aircraft carrier was all it took to claim victory Japan would be the world's sole superpower. It doesn't though, it just really really pisses us off.

>Trump moves the embassy to Jerusalem
>Trump affirms Golan as Israel
>Trump about to roll out a peace plan.
>Saud has been more friendly towards Israel
>Trump moves carrier to Med in case of iranian salt

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we'd still have blacks and asians though

>a bunch of outdated soviet missiles are able to penetrate a US carrier groups AA defenses that are specially designed to shoot down more modern missiles


>Iranian missiles

Guess what they blew up? An ISIS training camp. What a (((coincidence)))

Hey drumpf. If you declare war you will lose my vote. And many more. I happen to live in a battleground state (TX) so don't expect to win again.

Can we have a second one to the right?
Getting rid of india will contribute greatly to the worlds enviroment.

Duuubz for bombing on Wednesday

Your vote is irrelevant.