Attached: military-officer-haircut-lazer-cut-hair-style-for-la-s.jpg (950x633, 51K)
What does being in the military do to your mind?
Jeremiah Cooper
Asher Ortiz
I'm a soldier, I obey
Robert Ramirez
How about their ears? How can they hear anything after firing so many rounds without hearing protection?
Robert Adams
dont enlist. its not worth it
Christian Bennett
the highlights from my deployments playback in my mind like a movie every few days. my 240 going cyclic, watching the javelins hit the mosque, our buffalos hitting ieds, HIMARS destroying compounds, that one time they used white phosphorus 155mm shells to burn out an HVI, fist fights with the georgians, night inserts, fuck i miss it. normal life sucks.
Ayden Butler
thanks for your service to Israel.
Jackson Gomez
It's simple, they wear hearing protection
Andrew Wilson
wasnt redpilled till i got out. cant do anything about that.
Nicholas Collins
Eli Rodriguez
Can't be any worse than Jow Forums and isolation
Charles Ramirez
Made me into a fucking machine, basically. Or more of a fucking machine at least.
Brody Wilson
Pretty much both of these comments reflect the reality. In D&D terms, my alignment definitely lurched towards lawful.
I have less independent initiative, deferential to my higher-ups and expect instant obedience from those below me. It has also moved me towards the right politically.
Lucas Harris
>Can't be any worse than Jow Forums
"Waaah I'm so weak willed and soft that a bunch of spergs posting on 4chinz destroys my reality" WOOAAAHHHHH!
Benjamin Williams
That's true, isolation is dangerous tho.
Jace Gray
It makes you proud to be a cuck.
Owen James
They're already a bunch of anti-social retards when they join.
Alexander Hall
a goyim will obey
Sebastian Perez
They teach you to be confident. Confidence intimidates feminine men. Read through the other posts in this thread for examples of the intimidated.
Liam Wright
cringe larp
Robert Morris
Depends on the job. Most are basically overpiaid civvies wearing a stupid money suit that think they're pwroteting our freedums of America(tm) while ordering their Burger King while in green zone Iraq. Trigger pullers largely don't see shit but talk a big game about muh PTSD/TBI for a free doggie and dat gibsmedat VA disability game. Trigger pullers that see some real heavy shit tend to off themselves because years later they understand the evil they were, but those types are very rare Pepes. Try out unit peoples get out and have successful occupations not in trigger pulling and try to avoid people that are prior service.
Oliver Morales
Idk they didn't take me because I smoked weed and had a speeding ticket.
Jack Morgan
You assume they had a mind when they enlisted
Jackson White
GI Bill and no student loan debt, nigga!
Xavier Gonzalez
Never would I join the military. I went to a military college and quickly understood, its not for me. I like to think freely and not be told what to do. It's like being in prison with SOME freedom and you get paid and "some nice" benefits when you get out. When I was in, I had an Army contract and all. I could feel my mind, clear thought process, and the feeling of being a free being slowly disappearing as I underwent the training. It was strange.
The military culture associated with it, is cancer. Absolute cancer. Once I decided to leave, it took me about 6-12 months to regain what I lost. It was very strange. I would never go back to that ever. Talking to people within the rotc department who are retired Army, you could tell they were brainwashed out the ass. Some people like the feeling of being controlled and cannot live a life without that controlled feeling. It's a shame. Whatever though, I am not upset to the fact that I gave up the contract or that I wouldn't be able to say "I'm a vet." I really don't care. You can ask me any questions if you choose and I will answer them to the best of my knowledge.
>muh 2nd lieutenant
>commissioned officer
Benjamin Powell
Trains the mind and body. One learns to move toward what they fear instead of dealing safety. Fear is the little death
Gabriel Walker
It makes you rayciss
Jonathan Bell
I did five years enlisted and encountered a LOT of people who dealt exactly what you went through, though the Flavor-Aid doesn't last forever
Logan Brooks
enlist and find out for yourself
Aiden King
>I like to think freely and not be told what to do.
Fucking individual
Chase Wood
Depends. Marine
Some mellow out, some get high strung.
The whole point is being able to function in the most stressful situations the govt can put you in.
How you function ? Wish n a prayer man.
Carson Phillips
is it tho?
Dominic Davis
I had fun man, dont overthink it
Noah White
Basically. We called it "drinking the kool aid." Which almost everyone did. Most people will forever drink the aid, very few will realize unless something negative happened to them or they research some shit.
I don't really care if people drink the juice forever, or if they are a vet or not. It's just really strange to see.
Henry Martinez
Jeremiah Gonzalez
Where is your M4 for when that belt runs out senpai?
Ryder Brooks
>Can't even handle commissioned life.
God damn some people really are giant pussies.
Cameron Miller
fucks it hard
Jack Moore
Marine Corps deployment pic, ID is Towelspotter
Wyatt Flores
>didn't want to be a faggot who depends on daddy Sam and uses muh military service as a fulfillment and excuse for shitty existence.
Sebastian Rodriguez
thanks for carrying my ammo, devil
Cameron Bailey
Get in the box
Henry Gonzalez
Or just do basic service and go to night school for 3 hours a day for 5 years and not have to work a single day while niggers like you pay for it.
Thanks for my comfy life.
Jackson Smith
I got you with my PRC119 homie
Brandon Perry
Who cares about the stupid idiots who join the military?
They're barely better than the homeless.
Connor Campbell
Trains you in your weapon, war, tests your limits, makes you realize you are more resilient than you thought, teaches you to function under extreme stress and little sleep.
Every country's military is bound to be different though.
In all the joint NATO exercises and events I've been, the germans were the most punctual and reserved, but they actually sucked balls in the competitions themselves. The americans are always extremely well behaved in front of their CO but when the coast is clear they shoot the shit. The greeks are not at all disciplined but they know their weapon and everything even tangentially relevant that they ace the competitions. Swedes are cold, efeminate fags that barely talk with other branches and keep to their own.
Benjamin Cook
Jake Gyllenhaal?
Dylan Young
>get a scholarship to pay for college
Jose Morris
We talking about mercs like usa or defense of the Fatherland like Finland?
Carter Cox
people who join the military are already losers before they go in
Liam Harris
>ITT: jealous faggots who were either born too late to go blow shit up or were disqualified for being overweight or on phsyc meds.
Gabriel Sullivan
It turned me from being a quiet beta who couldn't express himself into a quiet Chad who can achieve his goals.
Alexander Hernandez
theyll never know that feel
Joseph Turner
Kayden Morgan
They can always look forward to the next Call of Duty.
This pic isn't mine, my previous posts were.
Jack Bailey
Made me into a part of a stable if imperfect machine.
It took me a few years after my.papers to civilianize a bit and I'll never be the person I was before enlisting, but now I'm something harder.
Colton Watson
A bunch of spergs posting on Jow Forums has fucking annihilated people's realities on every board of this site
Combine that with autism and the isolation of social anxiety and awkwardness many people on this site feel, and you have a massive amount of the blind leading the blind through any amount of reality
Owen Scott
Kayden Lee
I feel like the "serve for israel" is a cop out for bitches too scared to go to war.
Unless you've privately funded a shitload of training on your own. I got a paid internship to learn how to survive and kill the enemy.
worth every fucking penny.
Julian Price
Depends, really, if you're in infantry you'd see less combat, spec ops? the usual, PTSD etc.
Xavier Edwards
i remember
Nathaniel Murphy
Justin Jackson
Here in California, my construction company has to give speeches on transgender rights. I think its any company with over 5 employees.
Juan Sanchez
What the heck.
Easton Howard
My time in redpilled me about shitskins and how you can never get them to do any real work, yet they'll still manage to promote because their tribe helps them out.
I was even told by a chief in not so veiled terms that if I wanted to promote I would have to marry a flip woman and take HER last name.
So I got out rather than subject myself to that.
Cameron Rivera
Makes you a cuck for Israel.
Thomas Gray
Makes you a cuck for Israel..
Christopher Miller
People who say "chad" are betas.
Charles Fisher
Invoke boredom and create attitude of negligence towards everything. Vitutusta ja hajotusta.
Hudson Diaz
Joining the military is the biggest redpill of all. Why do you think veterans have mental health issues. Most of them can’t handle knowing its all a charade.
Evan Perez
You're just like the fags in my unit excited for a deployment to Venezuela or Iran. I hope you die in an IED blast you willfully blind sheep.
Aaron Powell
I wouldn't change a thing... it changed me allot. For my own good I think. I'm pretty fucked up in the head though ...I feel very honest with myself now, and enjoy being in a different mindset from the NPCs.
Bentley Price
>I was even told by a chief in not so veiled terms that if I wanted to promote I would have to marry a flip woman and take HER last name.
Before getting into military, people think they have seen actual stupidity in military they will see from close distance and can't escape it. It is literally right in front your eyes all the time you are awake and sleeps in same room in barracks or in same tent while innawoods. Similar idiots were around you in school, but you weren't around 'em almost 24/7 on extended period of time.
Andrew Martinez
>Swedes are cold, efeminate fags that barely talk with other branches and keep to their own.
A NATO exercise I did about eight years ago started my hatred of Swedes long before any of the current shit with them started. I met maybe two that were cool out of fortyish.
Camden Cox
>I feel like the "serve for israel" is a cop out for bitches too scared to go to war.
It's stupid. Most military folk will never go to war. There's entire job categories that will never see action. It's just that combat jobs that get the most publicity. If you don't want to see war, don't go combat, and there's a ton of jobs that will never get close to the danger.
Josiah Torres
Soldiers are not warriors
Jaxson Rodriguez
marines is basically you become a DI
Jackson Brown
Taught me that most degenerates do a half ass job but expect full ass paychecks
James Gonzalez
All I learned during my tour is that IEDs>entire military.
Julian Adams
Literally sit behind a desk all day
At night go out and get shitfaced
It's like any other job, just gets the free propaganda of being "cool"
Michael Mitchell
the army is so big this is basically true. but you need it all to fight. army warriors join rangers. but you can still do Jow Forums stuff and be a army pog dayjob.
Joseph Nelson
I’m lawful good my self. So sometimes I have struggle between the two.
You seem to be lawful neutral.
Chase Barnes
You're still supporting it. Any service in the US military is service to Israel.
Nathaniel Wilson
I guarantee I could beat up every single person in your unit with my bear hands.
Leo Garcia
>Still dies to pic related
Military=cannon fodder for actual warriors.
David Martin
going to war is for goyim
Matthew Powell
Well for me personally, I was racist before and now I'm more racist.
Lucas Morales
Eh.. Honestly it didn’t change my mentality much. Morning PT was a great thing, it created a bond with your bros in the unit to push yourselves beyond what you believed you were physically capable of (some units do pussy pt so this isn’t universally true) and it builds a level of confidence in yourself.
>the bad
You’ll find yourself in situations where you’re forced to give respect to those who deserve none. It’ll take a little bit out of you every time you have to listen respectfully to some retarded nigger babble on incoherently just because they have an extra chevron on their chest.
All in all I’d do it again
Camden Cook
Actually had pic related happen to me.
Got lucky, only one nail hit me in the shin.
That's the moment I realized it's better to be a insurgent.
Chase Mitchell
>actual warriors
Lucas Robinson
fbi now monitoring
Nathan Garcia
I learned that friendship and honor and allegiance to one's country were enough to destroy racism.
The French army does not make distinctions between the races, once a soldier, we are nothing else.
Adrian Nelson
So basically women
Hudson Jenkins
Red pilled the fuck out of me.
Chase Gomez
Former 11 bravo here (and yes former, I renounce.)
Yes, most of my battle buddies couldn't even fire properly in combat, constantly putting rounds into their own cover due to optic relief elevation.
I could have killed my entire squad just by waiting until they fell asleep and bombing them.
Gavin Barnes
What's the talk? Is it happening?
Ian Davis
And then your comrade niggers go and vote against your interests - just like our military!
Cameron Perez
Long story short you let the nigger soldiers cum in your wife
Lucas Morgan
Checks out.
Ian Torres
yeah until you get overrun with terrorists
Mason Hill
Just because we relied on each other in uniform doesn’t mean the niggers didn’t behave like typical niggers out of uniform. If you were able to shut your brain down long enough to ignore that reality then bravo sir.
Only the retarded whites bought into the “we’re all green” meme