Her name was Ebba!
Never forget Jow Forums
Oh look. Mossad is spamming tarrant threads after a failed false flag in Iraq. Guess another mass shooting distraction is coming.
Netanyahu will die soon and so will all you mossad agents.
Rest in peace.
Reminder that Ebba would have voted leftist and have "refugees welcome" on her social media.
so then let's remove the ability to vote
>don't remember murdered white children because they would have become indoctrinated by anti-white traitors
Thanks for your valuable input, Moishe.
glad to see the message is spreading
brenton would be so proud at how many ebba threads get posted now
No one cares... lol stfu Ebba was white
police won't do something but a shitposting aussie will
this is truly a clown world
ebba lives on
the black sun will rise over your islands one day
even roasties hate allah
RIP little girl
she was avenged
How sick isn't it that the anti-white establishment considers these deaths an acceptable cost of creating their "diverse utopia"?
And what did white men do to protect them, to prevent their deaths? Nothing. They were passive. Most of them remain passive.
Her name was Ebba Åkerlund. Murdered by an invader in Stockholm.
His name was Martin Richard. Murdered by an invader in Boston.
Her name was Saffie Roussos. Murdered by an invader in Manchester.
Her name was Samantha
Very nice, Ahmed! here, look to this goat pic
ebba akerlund at the moment
there are still many out there
>stop remembering dead white children, goyim.
Kek true also does anyone know how he was caught? or the full vid? I was googling about him and couldn't find it/was too lazy
holy longnose batman!
also this
google argie user
I read this some days ago.
poor little Ebba
subscribe to SOPH faggots
>The handcuffed former fitness trainer smirked at his first court appearance yesterday, and also appeared to give a “white power” salute. A New Zealand police source said cops were left stunned by his sickening attitude after his arrest in Christchurch on Friday.
>They said: “Tarrant kept saying he was ‘a soldier’. He was telling officers he was innocent and saying he was just a soldier in a war. He also said the attacks were a tactical necessity.”
And here I was, thinking that man can't get more based.
She would've grew up to be a typical leftist whore that invites Muslims in, nothing of value was lost
if you are a sandnigger consider this
Alhamdulillah I'm a white convert.
Thanks for the link, I hadn't seen that one.
right made me smile as i read that...
Such a meme
Yeah its all that it saids, I was looking for how exactly he was stoped out of curiosity,did they gun him down? Tazer? Grabed and restrainded? Was there a persecution or just a ambush? How long did it take to catch him and etc. Also if it was livestreamed the moment he is being arrested. Thanks anyways
Meh also I read he expecifically targated and planed this, why this mosque? why any mosque? are they conected in some way to terrorist grups aside from "relegion"?
She doesn't even have a wikipedia page. Should I make one for her?
Both are degenerate.
mata los perros, mata todas las enimigas de jesus
please user
They rammed his car when he was on his way from the second mosque.
dont worry you will be next
The Western sodomite degenerates and the (((bourgeoisie))) will be next.
our black sun will rise over e v r o p a
Didn't her parents cucked out already about not hating Islam?
I have the impression I saw that.
sand nigger and ((bourgeoisie)))
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is a real prophet. Westerners will follow sodomite degeneracy and go to hell, not us.
That's a near perfect image of the West. You just have to remove Robert Bowers (PBUH) and it will be perfect.
your sand nigger thief was not a prophet, even the history of Mekka is fake
have you ever looked at the image you just posted? that's a moarpheus image dipshit
Sloopy Jooby Mossoody
Fuck pagans.
who let the sand nigger into the yard?
Does OP actually think people believe the NZ shooting wasn't a false-flag?
Fucking mental dude. also was that google translate? if not you have to practice your spanish amigo, well im not to say my enlgish is much better either so fair enough. So he just wanted to add more to the fire and some excuses to kill some kikes. I don't know there are more efficients ways to do stuff, I think this dude was just retarded or mentlly ill.
Oh ok thanks.
Take your meds boomer schizo
I meant isn't*
your religion is built on it. you worship a black box that was a pagan shrine (this thing was not mentioned in the Torah and bible)
Haha, all anyone has to do is scrub to the part where Brenton SloppyJobMossad Tarrant pops the squib underneath the actor laying next to the sidewalk.
The squib is clearly visible and outlined on the back of the actor's black burka before any shots are fired at the actor.
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to notice the Hollywood effects, regardless of which agency would be behind such a horrific staged event.
chupa mi verga yo onions un campensino no puedo escribir
If they did, it wouldn't be surprising - her parent's generation failed their own society, failed future generations, failed her. They leave us a doomed world...
Apparently that schizo nigger moarpheus thinks even Bowers was a "Mossad agent". lol
It is mentioned in the bible. Pagans are filth and desecrated it and the Quran does acknowledge this.
Muslims are cool, seems like they really don't like Jews though.
Yeah you're suspect yourself
>Muslims are cool
You better pack your bags Amir, you'll be leaving soon.
Muslims are cool and in general they conduct conversation with Christians. They just don't like Jews, though.
As if any prophet ever was right, while galileo was writin off as a heretic and threatened to be tortured if he didn't shut up.
Fuck off.
Heheh kikes sweating