Why do Jow Forums always look to the 1950's as the point where americans weren't degenerate and everything was...

Why do Jow Forums always look to the 1950's as the point where americans weren't degenerate and everything was traditional? This is a lie that conservashits like to spread.

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It was still degenerate it was just a white majority being degenerate which is better.


This is peak civilization. Not degenerate at all. Now compare that to tinder today

>Whites are subhuman
1950's and everything was a gift form us Jews for helping us during WW2, now we don't like you anymore so your country has to fall.

Sorry muttoid, you should've really ended 4Channel when you had the chance. All Nazi's here is a reminder to you, your extinction is AWESOME keep dying for Israel goyim, we appreciate it!

>form us Jews
Spelling errors = nigger try again

Only boomers like the 1950s. Sure you can like somethings about it. Maybe you think a dress was really pretty. They spoke nicer back then, their tones and their language. But the 1900s were degenerate. Jews had their influence heavily pushed on us. Hitler tried to stop it. But before Hitler (Weimar) was degenerate, and after Hitler was the downfall of civilization.

The difference was this was as degenerate as it got. I mean this isn't even a real woman, it's a cartoon.

You didn't have 18 year old Sue from across the street getting triple pounded by 3 black guys for it to be broadcasted online to your 11 year old son.

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>2019 version
>"Hey Ann, wanna go for a cup of coffee?"

This isn't quite as degenerate as nowadays though. Nowadays they would have a 20 year old real life model take off her clothes to advertise this. At least back then they had the smidge of respect not to degrade a real woman.

Enough said.

>Faggots firmly locked in the closet.
>Nuclear families are "the norm".

Do you realize the effect that just these 2 things have had since we lost them?

when did this happen?

The way girls react nowadays to anyone who asks them out and isn't overly attractive.

Thank you for your daily reminder that each of us has a duty to shoot sniveling kikes such as yourself.

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>binge watching documentaries about 80s and malls
>teenagers from 1980 talking about hanging out in the mall
>playing arcade games, shopping, dating
>remembering when I was in high school
>everyone was doing drugs and fucking themselves up
>other people were obsessed with getting into a good college
>other people like me were shut-ins who played vidya all day
>back to 80s documentaries
>people have a naive innocence about them (kids and adults)
>everyone seems happy
>everyone is skinny and healthy
>dating culture seems more about dating and not sex
>people are dressed modestly but aren't overly conservative
>no iphones
>organic communication and people aren't flooded with propoganda 24/7
>idealize the future
>people look happy
I know it's slightly unrelated but it's still part of the idealized past.

I feel like everyone is more depressed now. Something was lost, something natural. It wasn't the time period even, it was just everything before the widespread use of the Internet and 2000+ culture. Something terrible happened

>inb4 you're just old
I'm only 22

>being nostalgic for something you never experienced
>think real life is just like how popular media portrays it
Americans are fucking retards, that's why. I beg God every day to cleanse this faggot golem nation with nuclear hellfire.


what ever you say, spic.

After 9/11 everything changed


the role advertising played in causing degeneracy cannot be understated.

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New Deal destroyed America as Clement Attlee destroyed U.K.

Well said.

feels bad man

This is playful sensuality that celebrates beauty, there’s nothing degenerate about it. Sexuality, even in something like advertising, doesn’t have to be degenerate. Degeneracy is about bringing you down and demoralizing you, not giving you a lighthearted chuckle.

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Literally this.

>feud between the sexes

That was all Marxism, my dude. And modern propaganda-driven advertising is another Jewish invention.

>nuclear family the norm
for literally like a decade and then you had the most major outbreak of degeneracy ever.

the ideal society make up is a community of extended families.

the nuclear family is boomer fantasy bullshit.

it represents the last stage in the destruction of the local community, a destruction caused by capitalism, which started by pushing these communities off their land en masse.

Lel. The creative types shot opium like mad and had lush orgies. Single young men 'who liked watching wemen dance' where living with single older bachelor men. etc.
They didnt promote it, mostly because of defency laws, but everybody who wanted to know, knew. Half of Hitckcocks movies are filled wih hints of debauchery, how did he know this?

who knows where the ad was ran, could of been in an adult magazine.

No. People certainly carried themselves higher than they do today. People are trash and classless.

>an ad with an in shape blonde girl is degenerate

advertising, couldn't possibly be linked to capitalism now could it..

then how come families and communities thrived in the soviet union?

ad implying you look at women in a pornographic manner is certainly degenerate

its all gone to hell and were still living

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I’ll let you know you’re not alone. Being a kid through the 00s, before smartphones, but with the early age of the internet, there was still that vibe. Technology had not completely dumbed everyone down yet. There was this sense of wonder still and the way people utilized resources around them like the internet or messengers was still conducive to an actually social, hopeful world. Things did change after 9/11, but the true effects were not felt until at least after MySpace, and the dawn of the smartphone era say, circa 2007-2008 (when they became affordable and more mainstream). People became selfish and the market dictated it with constant upkeep of your online presence being paramount with your social life, capital, and survival. It’s just evolution. Had the 80s had it, people would have become self obsessed too, they just didn’t have a reason to be (yet).

tfw the communist makes more sense than the capitalist

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S e e t h i n g

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Teens in the 80s were doing far, far more illicit drugs than their counterparts today are. Why do you think all those arcade games from the ear flashed warnings like this? It was a huge epidemic that makes today's drug problems seem very quaint.

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It was a different time, a better era

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Buu buu muh Dark Skins built America?

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this desu

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Maybe you're projecting a bad experience you had?

no workers built america

>thrived in the soviet union?

Because standing in line for hours for bread and toilet paper is thriving.


im a zoomer younger than both of you and i can also confirm
lately ive been so blackpilled i dont even know about the future anymore
the world went to hell when tech went mainstream
i do, however, find comfort in not being alone
maybe someday people will reject cancerous modernity en masse

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>there is nothing degenerate about selling sexuality as a commodity
yes goy there is nothing degenerate about the whoring out of women for profit, get a car goy, shine it up goy and you will see naked women. Nope, nothing at play here, just a good old american chuckle..

degeneracy started in the 20 after the 1st WW
Nazi Steampunk supremacy now!

Europeans built America.

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It was Irish, Germans, Dutch, Irish, Polish, and to a lesser extent Italians that built all the still standing infrastructure in this country. Go on a tour of the Hoover Dam sometime and you can see it firsthand.


Notice how you said 'the creative types'. Liberals and progressives have always embraced degeneracy. That is the point behind the name "conservative" is to conserve moral and economic values.

It was not a perfect world by any means, there was degeneracy in all areas of life. The difference is that it wasn't promoted and hailed as virtuous, progressive and inspiring in every avenue of media and entertainment. The everyday man did not endorse or indulge in these things.

Nice diversion, you mong. Before the Jews came flooding in here at the end of the 19th Century, we didn't have very much of that degeneracy, overall. Every society has it to some extent, but we weren't that bad. Jews debauched us like they do to every host society, and for the same reasons: exploitation and control.

But the tide has begun to turn.

There's nothing degenerate about that picture, incel.

>believing anything that comes out of the mouth of ronald reagan


Do you think there has never been bread lines in america or something? you are sorely mistaken


>us and ussr citizens consume about the same amount of food

only US consumed too much.

the population grew massively in the USSR due to strong family life

I know this, but the Leftie meme, is that Non-Whites built America.

It's a sick inversion of reality. Something they're masters of.

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oh i didn't realise europeans couldn't be workers you fucking buffoon

I love Lucy destroys the 50s were better narrative, as well as Nat King Cole and Ella Fitzgerald. The United States has always been diverse, don't use ethnicity as a scapegoat to explain away your own lack of exceptional talent.


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Then why isn't the mighty, mighty commie empire around any longer?


>It was Irish, Germans, Dutch, Irish, Polish, and to a lesser extent Italians that built all the still standing infrastructure in this country

Whilst the British all sat on gibsmedats, based.

Fuck off Commie.

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Why you hating on a nigger jst trying to sell some sex wax?

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edgy lighter


gee could it have anything to do with gud boi (((USA))) raping the world in order to stop it from succeeding?

also great, the USA won, now look at the fucking state of the world you cretin, you think this is all good?

Lucy Ball was the OG female comic.

wow good answer bro you sure DESTROYED me with FACTS and LOGIC

Do you even have a job?

I remember that past for a brief period of time too. It was on it's way out by the time I was in middle school (2008ish).

There was a small period of time where lots of people used the Internet but it hadn't become the social media narcissistic dystopia yet due to mobile and super easy access. It was less comfy than the past, but there were still nice things. It all went away at the end of MS/start of HS. There's nothing of that left today, everything has been ruined for me. I feel out of place, totally disconnected. I think lots of people do. Even normies seem depressed, even if they're "happy" they're taking mental illness pills or drink too much or see counselors/therapists or just feel bad when you talk to them more.

Feels bad man. Have you considered leaving America? That's what I'm thinking of. I've been outside America. Japan isn't perfect but it feels like something similar to the 80s in places like Tokyo. The West is totally fucked up though. I want to see how Poland is soon, maybe it would be nice to live in.

imagine celebrating the victory of (((international financial capitalists))) over nationalist and patriotic movements in half the world

wow what a great non ad hominem response you said a guy on Jow Forums who you have no idea who they are because its a fucking anonymous website doesn't have a job oh wow so smart.

The edgiest.

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And why are you delusional enough to believe Communism will fix anything? You are retarded enough to believe Communism is stateless when in reality you need a complete authoritarian government last your Communist society will turn into an Anarchist society

Vhat are you talking about Pinko?

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Oh look, it's this tired form of gaslighting.

"EVERYTHING is A OK, it's FINE, you fucking LOSER! You should be FINE!"

I was just asking you a question. The fact that you got butthurt means you dont have a job and are a burden to the actual working class

>gud boi (((USA)))

LOL - You're going to try to blame the Jews for destroying the USSR, a monstrosity they created. And you wanna talk about Reagan's credibility and then source Jewpedia for anything aside from the atomic weight of boron. kys

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so you have nothing actually factual to add. Figures

Communism turns into anarchism once imperialism has been defeated, that is what most communists believe. You need a state to get rid of (((them))) Anarchists think you can go straight to anarchism.

communism did fix many things for millions of people

>I was just asking you a question

Deliberately inflammatory with the "even" part.
>hehe it was just a question xd umad breh?
Edgy teen detected

no i do have a job have since i was 15 its just a retarded ad hominem

is pol one individual person?

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ive entered a mental state where i feel like im losing control of reality
i might move to the netherlands or germany since im genetically split between the two
i really dont know anymore, all hope seems lost in america
i went outside today and only spotted a handful of whites

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Does this hurt you inside?

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Death is a cure now? I see why the commies killed off anyone with a triple digit I.Q..

Like what? You sure listed some specific answers. Plus you deflected from that no job part

Are you retarded?

you think i cant find other sources for each and everyone of those regime changes enacted by the US govenrment? Go on, name one off that list which didn't happen.

>the jews created the USSR
why don't you go ahead and prove that one as well.

Because it was a shameful thing to be vs socially accepted degenerates. Therefore degeneracy was done largely behind closed doors where is should be vs shitting up the social systems. White people understand this and build strong lasting nations by keeping degeneracy in the closet where it belongs.

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>living in a sepia toned fantasy

are you an NPC bot or something or can you actually make responses to questions?

>I do have a job
Why do I not believe you

Facts & logic are for debating with humans. Commies just get killed, no reason to talk with one, they're toxic

the only good thing communism ever did is killing more commies than anyone or anything

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You need a state to redistribute goods to the population. Anarchy is a lawless stateless society where only the strong will survive and faggots like you will get killed in their sleep.

>thinking that's an actual jew and not a larper
why do americans fall for larpers and trolls so easily on this board?

>are you retarded
>do you even have a job

these are questions a respectable person would definately answer and not tell you to fuck off if you asked them in the street

lol gimme a source bro

adult literacy for one, food scarcity for another, mass industrialisation, inventing the cell phone, countless cinema techniques, drastically improving healthcare and education, general health. Massively improving the economy, the USSR was the most propserous time in Russias history.

the no job part was utterly retarded thats why. You have no idea who i am

the bull rings man, the fucking bull rings

>the population grew massively in the USSR due to strong family life
No it grew because poor oppressed people living a depressing shithole fuck more. Look at Africa for example.