The chink problem

Should I hate chinks or not? Here in Brazil's south, there are a lot of japs, and the motherfuckers work hard, like to study, are peaceful and very conservative.
But at the same time I see americans complaining about the asians in USA, the way they are bad imigrants.
Can someone clarify it to me? Looks obvious that Im mistaking japs with chineses, but they are really THAT different?

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yes. Japs are at least humans, while chinks are insects.

Chinese people are subhumans

Japs are based. My mother is Jap and shitalks Chinese people all the time. Literally any chance she gets she shitalks Korea or China

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>my mother is jap
>shittalks other Asians
Let me guess, father is White?

Agreed, my sister is married to a jap and he hates chinks with a passion I've never seen in anyone else

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japs are not humans. they are a deeply disturbed people , so much that they basically allow the yakuza to operate in open streetlight because thats the most criminal element they can fathom
when it is too peaceful people become mentally completely unstable and sick, perverted
because normal humans need conflicts and aggression to live normal lives
i can assure you that they are raping kids/fetuses what not behind closed curtains , tentacle porn is just what shows up on the surface of their racial soul

Chinese are soulless.

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Why the hell are there 11s in Brazil? How did that happen? Were they part of Hitler's secret Honorary Guard?

Brazil's south is a good place to live. Very white.

>China Nr. 1 in technology

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here in Canada we have lots of chad asian gangsters that get white roasties pregnant and then get murdered. Vid related is pretty typical.

Nips aren't chinks. And most of our asian immigrants aren't nips, unfortunately. We get the chinks and southeast asians.

Japs are the best asians and their culture is being torn apart by gringos and anime

they are exactly the same lmfao , japs just have retained more buddhist/indian/hindu influences which makes them seem more human on the surface

That doesn't explain how the 11s got there. It's not like Brazil was out fighting the nips in WWII or something.

Why would you hate on the Japanese?

They're one of the only immigrant groups that contribute. And, the girls are cute. So they're okay in my book.

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I dont hate japs. But aparently, the chinks are bad. And they look so much like japs. Its hard to tell the difference.

Burn the rice. Pay the price.

Japanese ladies look more like this

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That’s a kid you pedo.

> because normal humans need conflicts and aggression to live normal lives
i can assure you that they are raping kids/fetuses what not behind closed curtains
Stop projecting, filthy jew

it's not really about hating. I think people just don't want their culture replaced/changed drastically. Even too many "good immigrants" is bad

Got a nice cawk tho. None of that rinky dinky chinky dick.

Chinese are good.
They will not hesitate to end the sub Saharans and kikes,
I wish them success.

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Dude they're fucking breeding with the groids. It's the same as when the ching chongs were imported for slave labor. They fucked niggers in the Caribbean. Ever seen a blaisian? It makes Hue monkeys look normal.

Nah. The nips' culture and genes diverged a good amount when they were doing their own thing on the islands. They are influenced by chinese stuff like confucianism, but they aren't as bad and are more creative instead of 100% focus on stealing. No one watches chinese cartoons.

Taiwanese are based tho.

Curitiba is riddled with them.

>normal humans need conflict
If by “normal” you mean dumbfuck soulless NPC “people”
Contrary to what normies believe life doesn’t have to be fucking reality TV

Japs love to live among white people. But we dont like them, why can't they see it?

Asshole hick. Fuck off & get yr oxys.

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Don't make the mistake of confusing chinks for nips, or vice versa They may look the same, but chinks are soulless automatons in fleshsuits.

Yep. Gorgeous, polite, intelligent.

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Have no problem with Japs. Quite likeable people and very humble.

Chinks are a problem, tho. There's a Chinese mini-market on my block (downtown Curitiba) and I shop there from time to time. Everything is dirty, sometimes the produce is literally rotten and up for sale. Very dirty. Chinks have no manners, either. Very rude.

japs culture is a bit degenerate.
this is coming from a judeo/christian perspective

japs /= chinks. Chinks ruin things wherever they go. Not to the extent like niggers or spics, but make it so that whites cannot live where they have majority. It may still look like a nice place but you'll either be priced out of property ownership or get sick of dealing with chink assholes who cannot park/drive, litter/spit/piss/shit everywhere or just have to hear their ugly language everywhere.

Mainland Chinese are idiots. Taiwanese are the real Chinese. Then agsin, there also are cute mainland hotties.

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japan had to write a guide for chinese tourists to act civilized, there's your answer

I think fast forward 50-100 years and the mainland chinese will be fine after they shed their barbarian ways

there are good chinese, but the average mainlander has big problems

Yeah, the taiwanese are civilized and nice, unlike the mainlanders are ugly mutts, spawns of satan

My local chink recently put fucking toilet paper through the laundry or something. It's like a blizzard on the floor. I've been planning to clean it up rather than track it back in to my apartment, but in the meanwhile three or four other chinks have been tracking it all up and down the stairs and across the rug.
>confucious say if everybody does it then nobody is in the wrong

The truth about chinks.

Attached: FF79F23B-E79C-4713-B82B-4A115A0469CE.jpg (800x1800, 278K)

The truth about chink history.

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The truth about chink food.

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The truth about chink culture.

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The truth about chink inventions.

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Japs are cool.
Chinks and gooks are shit.

Mainland Chinese became mongrels from being raped and conquered by Mongolian invaders in the 1200's.

Slants and slopes are in between.

They are always bickering and arguing with each other, non-stop. Weird culture.

It's called haggling. And yes, it's the opposite of smiling and saying abrigado 100 times a day (while having an electric fence on top of your house so the sopa doesn't break in)

Was just at Disney World doing the country pavilions at Epcot. Every single Chinese girl was attractive, while most of the Jap girls looked like the 'before' picture you see in Korean plastic surgery photos.

Either the PRC is sending their best to represent the country to tourists, or Chinks are just better looking than the average Jap.

PRC id definitely sending genetically engineered chinks. I believe it's like the Russian bride thing so they can compromise you by riding your cock in order to steal state secrets.

There's no reason to hate anyone without evaluating their individual character

The majority of the population of Taiwan are refugees from the mainland and majority of that are descendants of the bottom of society footsoldiers out of the remaining survivors of the civil war, Pajeet.
You cant have it both ways just because it serves your curry nigger d&c.

>It's called haggling.
I shouldn't think relatives haggle with each other.

> it's the opposite of smiling and saying abrigado 100 times a day
Being polite and social is important.

>while having an electric fence on top of your house so the sopa doesn't break in
Sopa is Portuguese for "soup". I've never seen any type of soup climbing anything, least of all a fence.

I'm talking about uma delica.

Personally I like them it’s just that we’re being demographically replaced by minorities and I want to live with white people.

>Jap girls looked like the 'before' picture
Thats just how the average Jap girl looks like. People are deluded and want to delude themself that nips looks like their k-pop surgey cherrypicks.

Even the forced hype about their post OP above average nippon banzai kawaii princess fell mute after 5 seconds when people realized shes just some inbreed mongoloid goblin uppon closer inspection.

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Would you please stick to English?

I saw two chinks speaking chinkanese here in a beach in the southernmost state. I've seen 8 more chinks around the city, actually immigrated chinks. I dislike them. They're disrespectful.

he means monkeys kek

I stick to memes, exclusively.

I'm a jap and I live in Curitiba too. I can confirm all that you said, user.

I didn't mind Chinese people until I went to University.

Some of the ones from Hong Kong are integrated, but they still more-oft display the worst tendencies of my culture. Mainlanders are really just the niggers of the Orient.

they all look the same to me


The one chinese I know claims to need to take drugs to feel emotions to a meaningful degree.

She's really skilled with money though.

>When a Mongoloid people rapes another mongloid people the resulting people is a shit skin mongrel?
And when a nog rapes a nord, her son is a pure born like Jesus

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Chinks are fine they just needs to be 95% less of them

The Yakuza are almost entirely Korean by ethnicity. They change their last names similar to how the Jews do in the West.

This is stupid.

After WW2 we gave a bunch of land we couldn't take care of for immigrants, mostly nips
They came in by the hundreds in huge ass boats and settled down here
Now we have the largest japanese population outside of Japan (around 1-2% of our whole population is japanese)
Protip, it's why you also see a bunch of Asian hues working in japan

You're not really in a position to be judging people by race, considering there's a 60%+ chance your skin tone is darker than burnt caramel.

japs have no culture anymore

Chinks are Asians that look like their faces was hit by a frying pan
Their faces are usually circular and flat
Japanese look more like human beings

Huh. I learned something today.

Chinese will be the new overlords. Richer, smarter and more stable

What's with the pessimism?

Actually they came BEFORE ww2 to work as cheap labour in our plantations

I don't care, I just want all asians outta here

Simple rule of thumb, hueanon. Koreans usually have a slant that goes up slightly, Japanese usually have a slant that goes down slightly, and Chinese usually have a more straight line.
>because normal humans need conflicts and aggression to live normal lives
>mountain jew who lives in an area pretty much isolated from the rest of the world saying this
So by your path of reasoning you're as crazy as a shithouse rat. Ok, if you say so.

gross I would not be proud of that so many disgusting wmaf couples in toronto

black people dont like other groups and dont even like black people. they complain about every one then try to move into every ones neighborhood

white people seem threatened by any one who isnt poor and stupid which is why they suck up to beaners and sand niggers

it kind of depends on your countrys composition. mostly it comes down to how many black people you have. know that the japs in brazil are not welcome in japan any more. they are gaijin now. odds are they were exiled never to see my fuji again. chinese are not like those japs . some of the people from hong kong are but they have been scattered to the wind and whats left hate the west. the united states lied about a number of alleged cries for help by hong kong. stock photos and fake headlines. nobody even wants to stay in hong kong they move back to the mainland now

I don't think I've encountered a Chinese guy who wasn't 1. an Alpha 2. Rich 3. Womanizer
At least here in Canada, don't have first hand accounts from elsewhere.

They're getting more uppity here, but they're still for the most part pretty docile and anti-confrontational. I was kind of surprised to find a condom in the garbage the other year.

Well, I should clarify. It wasn't in the garbage or even in a garbage back so much as hanging over the side of the garbage can. And then they didn't take it out on garbage day so I took it upon myself to deal with it because I thought I should be embarrassed if the neighbors saw it.

pardo imundo

Brazilians are 10 times worse than chinks. Chinks are at least productive and make our phones for cheap.

As a Canadian I feel like I've got a valid take on this, considering they're the largest group immigrating here.

Chinese people are almost always immigrating because they're rich or in search of riches, i.e. they immigrate to build businesses and shit overseas or to go to prestigious schools and THEN build businesses and shit.
At face value this isn't a problem, because it's ultimately good for the economy to have skilled workers and entrepreneurs. It becomes a problem when they start to get out of control.

Look at Toronto as an example.
Rent and housing prices have now skyrocketed and plenty of higher up jobs in Toronto have been stolen by the Chinese, and the fact that the Chinese have a long a rich, documented history/culture means that they're very loyal to the homeland. This makes your country further vulnerable to Chinese economic manhandling.

The Japanese for the most part are fine, they're hard workers and can be socially retarded but all in all they're not going to overflow your country or give influence/money back to the homeland, at least not much. I see Japs as having a much more manageable impact.
Though I'm from the East where the Chinese are more of a problem, somebody from BC might tell you otherwise about the Japs.

Ultimately the problem is that Chinese are power hungry and spread like wildfire while holding true to their own nation's ideals and beliefs, which is problematic for obvious reasons.
Japanese are fine because they're a fellow democratic country who is smaller and more cooperative, and they immigrate in much smaller numbers.

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They're going to beat us in flip-flops per capita.

I had made friends with a lot of S. Koreans, Chinese and Japanese youngsters. And the conclusion I concluded is that although S. Koreans and Japanese usually hate each other's country, there are a lot of people who like and care about each other's culture, and there are frequent exchanges, but none of the S. Koreans and Japanese are favored by Chinese culture or Chinese people. And the Chinese seem disgusted with the S. Koreans and the Japanese, but Chinese seem to envy S. Korea and Japan's economic and cultural success. I am a Southeast Asian student studying in Busan.

Worst Koreans circumcise and then pretend to be Christian.

I do not know what you are talking about. I guess you are a Chinese-American, user. Almost all ethnic students from all over the world are studying at my uni. Well It may sound unfortunate to you, but I have never seen foreign students who like China or Chinese people or want to be friends with Chinese students. Yes, I am a Thai so Shitskin. It does not matter if you despise me. But at least I am neutral and honest.

Chinese != Japanese

Vancouver fag here

I'm a 4th generation white. I merely noticed how you avoided circumcision.

Thais do not do circumcision. And I am a transsexual.(Please, Do not kill me!) I was a male until I was 18 years old.

Wait, so you figured out you were gay at the age of 18 and ran off to fuck circumcised guys?

Jesus Christ. I would at least like to play with real cocks if things got that bad.