Purity spiraling/One drop rule is retarded

Purity spiraling/One drop rule is retarded.

If you're going to say someone is not European if they have as an example 3% kike blood in them then you aren't human because you have 2% Neanderthal blood in you.

Change my mind.

Attached: wypipo.jpg (1000x620, 479K)

fuck off enoch you will never be white

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Neanderthal blood is semite/ashkenazi/neanderthal-rapebaby blood.

Northern Europe, scandinavia has about 0% of it
Middle Europe, germany, has about 1-2%
Southern Europe, italy, has 2-4%
Some parts of the middle east such as the ethnic saudi arabians have 20-60%

There is not a single study that shows that every European has 2% neanderkike dna.
There are some studies that show they have - all together on average - 0-2%.
There is a very big difference between these two things.

Just because there are say 2% indians in America who are 100% indian does not mean that everyone have 2% indian in them.
But it does mean that on average, there are 2% indians.

Same with nanderkike, average in a person is not the same as average across the population.

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It depends on the drop. One drop of chink, I suppose we can live with but one drop of nigger....well, sorry bruh, yer a nigger.

jews vs whites goes back to cro magnons versus neanderthals, nigger. neanderthal blood is pride, the original vampire slayers.

>wanting to be white
>admitting to being wiped out slowly by jews and chinks

>Research race realism for 7 years
>Almost no one is 100% pure europoid
>No clear definition what an europid is
>Almost everyone has at least 1% of jewish and african blood

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here is the rule retard

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It's only talking about Jews or are you saying that Octoroons are white?

whiter then you are you memeflag faggot

U hyte wyte boi? I live in your head rent free!

>Id: he dindu
>I'm whiteeeeee!
Holly shit, toplel. Cope some more island nigger.

Attached: purepottery2.jpg (600x600, 77K)

If you act like a nigger, you are a nigger.
If you act like a kike, you are a kike.
If you are an upstanding citizen with a job, a high school diploma AT MINIMUM, manageable debt and/or saving up for training/tech college, you are white.

This is the only set of rules you need.

>Purity spiraling/One drop rule is retarded.

No it isn't

1 drop rule = one non-white great grandparent aka 12.5% non-white DNA. That has been the rule since Spain conquered the Americas in the 1500s (and invented the term white).

lol kys

>>Almost everyone has at least 1% of jewish and african blood
>african blood

What the fuck are you talking about?

Probably not 1% but every European is at least partly non-European. All Europeans are related to Charlemagne, same can be said of a random nog in Europe at the time.

Explain how every European is at least partly non-European.

well, niggers have 0% (ofc the ones that didn't get fucked by other races), so fuck being human I guess.

>All Europeans are related to Charlemagne, same can be said of a random nog in Europe at the time.

>neanderthals arent humans

But Charlemagne is European, is he not?

Yes but if there was 1 African that had a child back then you are most likely related to him/Her

Neanderthals were based , i rather live like a Neanderthal than live civilized human

Why do you say that? What was so based about them?