
Why do they repulse so much at the thought of a simple rural life ? Pic related

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city folk are mentally ill

Yeah, I agree and I'm a cityfolk. everyone I know is on some type of pharmaceuticals for mental disorders.

Stupid peasants, disagreeing with me and my friends.

I grew up in a town of like 13,000 people, I never felt like I was isolated or in a flyover state. These people are just soulless materialistic kikes

i was born in a small town with a population of 200. i grew up and went to college and got a meme degree because i thought the city was the place to be. i spent a decade in the city and felt like a wheel in a cog. little did i know how much i missed seeing the blue sky instead of skyscrapers. little did i know how much i missed the freedom of shooting a gun off my back porch into the woods because i'm free and no one is out there to bother me. little did i know how much i missed fishing from the dock on a saturday morning in complete silence. now i live in a small town again, and i will never live in an urban hellhole again.


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Nothing of value was lost.

>trapped in the idiocy of rural life

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