ITT confess something boomer about you

I like monster zero ultra.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I have never wavered in my Trump support

I accidentally sit on my ballsack sometimes

I unironically enjoy some older songs by Led Zeppelin and Van Halen.

I enjoy working on my own cars and taking care of my yard

I'm not white and I call americans mutts to trigger them. Works 56% of the time every time.

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Monster zero ultra paradise (green can) is best flavor. Change my mind

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I unironically like Dave Ramsey.

>Works 56% of the time


Don't tag me again mutt.

I have a Roth IRA

AC/DC is a great band

Mood. I also think work ethic is genuinely lacking in the current year.

i like Hall & Oates

I love 60s, 70s, and 80s rock and metal.

Unironically mow my lawn for fun.

I still believe hard work and vision can bring me a better life even though it's still incredibly hard

I work in a unionized automotive warehouse for a major American car producer where some of my co-workers make over $100k/year for shipping car parts.

I only enjoy old games, but that's just normal.

Drinking pilsner after yardwork

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Patrician tier. Delicious slurm.


>I enjoy mowing and edging my lawn.
>I own a 1911.

I own a John Deere 2520

I wear cargo shorts to be tacticool

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Which is the better work ethic: working slowly to create overtime for yourself, or working efficiently to avoid overtime? Assume quality of work done is the same in both scenarios.

Based and swisspilled

> divorced
> got an apartment
> she got the house
> tfwu miss mowing the lawn

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I thoroughly enjoy sips, though I partake rarely.
I like golf.
I'm married.

I'm appreciating the talent of Elton John more as I grow older.

>I like monster zero ultra.
Why do people drink this caffeinated cat piss?
Are you that much of a pussy to drink coffee?

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Depends what how it's affecting the company. If your boss is the type to get pissy at people who finish early and have nothing to do, then he deserves to pay extra for slow workers.

i own a house i plan on selling

I hate monster energy drinks. I like red bull. I am a huge Trump supporter still and will vote for him in 2020.

>I'm not white
*Looks at flag
No shit.

I mostly listen to classic rock (Lynyrd Skynyrd and Led Zeppelin), and I love hunting and fishing

>why do you drink this bad tasting drink?
>are you too pussy to endure a bad tasting drink?
user, please, do the right thing and belt yourself.

When I lived in the states, every weekend without fail, I’d get up at 6am, crack open a monster and work on guns, fish tanks and my lawnmower and do yard work until 6pm. Then invite a friend over for some beer and drink until midnight while listening to classic rock at my firepit.

Coffee is fucking disgusting. Caffeine pills and water is the way to go

I like gardening/fishing/solitaire/chess/barbecuing
I can't technology for shit

I really think the police are doing their best.

I got my current job with a firm handshake to the manager.

Coffee is disgusting and makes you smell bad.

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im against nazis

I still play quake 3

I have a house that I own outright.

I like Roxy Music.

Typically, if people finish all the work of the day here, they sit around and do nothing. Floor management doesn't care because they'd prefer the job be done on time, but upper management doesn't want to pay us to stand around (not that there's much they can do about it though because of the relatively strong union in place).

I only ask because a majority of the young employees in my workplace would prefer to work quickly to get the job done and go home on time, while a large number of older employees (which make up the majority of the workforce) deliberately work slowly in an attempt to squeeze out extra overtime during the week.

The company makes roughly $1 million CAD a day in net profit at my location, despite how poorly it runs at times.

>monster zero ultra
Is that like Diet Double Dew? Have we really moved so far into parody?

Where the paid off mortgage has taken the place of the bmw as the status symbol of choice.

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I like to see people suffer and not help them

I used to laugh at people who drank that and finally tried one. It’s actually pretty good.

Same, actually. I was originally hired into the company by an incompetent nigress, but scored a significant internal promotion with a quick interview with a Gen X VP, a firm handshake, and some bullshitting conversation about our shared interest in motorcycles and boats.
Luckily HR wasn't involved in that interview, or I'd have been screwed.

This was true of every generation, the boomers had a much easier time. Only self made and people who desired to be rich and fell short truly believe this.

It’s good mindset, but you have to add the caveats of smart and whilst living continuously below your means.

i think OPs pic is oddly soothing and comfy

I barely take care of mine. I believe that the practice is terrible waste of time, money, and bad for your health and environment (((roundup)))

The handshake advice only works for promotions at this point.

I love Classic Rock
>whoa oooh China Grove!

>oh black water, keep on rollin', Mississippi moon won't ya keep on shinin' on meee....

>baa-bay, when I think about you... I think about

>no yo messin' with a -

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I just got home from a baseball game with my wife and picked up a Zero Ultra and a Powerade on the way home.

Based nuke mutant

my balls hang as low as a 70 year old boomer

Unions are a double edged sword, Protects workers but also makes them lazy. Fuck that shit.

The answer is pay based on productivity. I'm an auto technician working for flat rate. Being efficient works to my benefit as well as Mr Shekelbergs benefit. Unfortunately Mr Shekelberg doesn't have to pay overtime with this system so he slowly usurps my weekend and holidays
>you're not hourly or salary goy, no labor day off for you!
Ideally I'd like to see production based pay capped at 40 hours and then overtime pay kicks in based on a per unit.

I hope this make sense...

I don't listen to music made after 1989

Two scoops of pre,a white Monster,cup of ice in a blender, and I’m ready to FUCK SOME SHIT UP

I like baseball.

Based English teacher.

How do I adjust the water level in the toilet bowl? Asking for a friend...

drink monster ultra, listen to boomer music and like yardwork.
i still play counterstrike 1.6

Put a brick in the upper tank. Less volume of water when you flush though, so you'll have to live with more frequent flushing between wipes

who here has the original webm of pic related

I drive a John Deere Lawnmower. They are very good.

My first "console" was Pong. That's it, just Pong, on a black and white TV...

l love to golf and I joined a country club last year.

The float is adjustable height faggot.


Firm handshake may be a meme but it’s a real meme

im sorry user...any chance to move back to some house to mow the lawn again??

Sure, he could disassemble it and adjust it, but it's just easier to toss a brick in there and be done with it.

Me & wife go to Costco literally every weekend .
Buy cases of monster zero ultra @ Costco
Wear new balance shoes
BBQ , have smoker
Give money to nieces and nephews and give them shitty genetic life advice that they won't listen to.

Its an unironicaly good flavor for a beverage. I like to follow it up with a gram of street methcathinone.

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>Life the lid off
>turn thumb screw
Len2 handy man

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I'm in a Fraternity

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Depends on what hardware you've got installed, m8

I unironically think the 80s and 90s music beats today’s by a mile.

Not even a born in wrong generation kid either.

My grandpa taught me work ethic on his farm, the boomers taught me hard work has no reward. I miss you Gramps.

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My favorite genres of music are 90s New York hip-hop, New Wave/post-punk, and trance.

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>Listen to classic rock
>Big Trump fan (But I recognize he has plenty of flaws)
>Think our generation (24 here) actually is lazy and entitled (even though the boomer are to blame as well)
>Was in a frat in college and helped one of the younger guys get an internship at my old job, and he went on to accept a full-time position
>Drink Coors Light and getting ready for a lake vacation on Wednesday

I'd say I check some of boxes pretty well.

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And then you realized that the food you eat in some way shape or form is affected by Monsanto, the company that is responsible for RoundUp. I guess you should stop eating

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Mowing the lawn is relaxing.

Sorry marty, I'll mow your lawn

I am a boomer that really hates boomers

Go kys, you fucking weak-mat fucking moron of a Dink-shit house.

Costanza is a top-tier boomer desu

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>TFW you lived to see the rise and fall of costanzaposting

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28 here. I hate social media. I haven't had a facebook for 8 years. I don't use snapchat or twitter or any of that shit. I have a vague idea of how it works but I oppose it generally.

Just to be honest, at my age and being an above average looking guy I can still tell this to people if it comes up and there is a potency of counter culture to it and intrigue it carries. In another 5 or 10 years that will change from something interesting to me just being an out of touch boomer middle aged loser. Funny how that works.

Not that I defend boomers because they suck dick and ruined the country, but it makes me wonder how many of them rejected technology and (((social technological progress))) for similar reasons and ended up being chastised and pigeonholed for it years later by both modern leftists and rightwingers alike.

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definitely a boomer. boomers love their pisswater

>Tfw Costanzaopole lives on in all of us

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>A Sonnofa BEETCH