Why are women so much more sexually degenerate than men?
they aren't. gay men have them beat
They have a heavier burden after sex, therefore they like it more. Not the buzzsaw drive males have, but more rewarding.
Well versus straight men they are
> Why
gay men literally have chemsex parties where they all smoke meth and do pills, then they all have a giant gay orgy and everyone gets hiv after.
they are now trying to behave like men
I'd say on average women are still 3x worse than men.
Paternity testing in France is under complete control of the mother. Men are not allowed if she says no, and they forfeit DNA to the state if she claims they had sex.
>walking around with moist holes decharging white goo
>stinking like fish from the decharging hole
>entire sexual act is about being inserted with stuff and fill up with foreign goo
>once a month puke out red goo from that hole
I mean considering their bio condition, you are almost born and made to be dirty and soiled so I guess once you're there, the rest might not seem that degenerate, think about it
A woman gave me a sex analogy once. When the inside of your ear itches what feels better after you scratch it your ear or your finger. Maybe thats a reason Idk.
It's easier for them. That's why nobody is impressed by a slut because a slut can get dick easily but people are impressed by a stud because it takes effort and work to attract women to the point of being a man slut. The ugliest fattest bitch can pull dick, it's why a lot of bitches can't tell they are ugly since they can still find a guy desperate enough to put their cock in them.
are they?
At least women don't want to fuck transmen.
>When the inside of your ear itches what feels better after you scratch it your ear or your finger.
My ear but that's any itch, when my asses itches and I scratch it my ass feels better. What does that have to do with sex?
If they are, then why do none of them want to have sex with me?
Do you actually make an effort to talk to them?
Maybe her vagina itches and she wanted it scratched??
did you scratch it for her?
Of course not.
Sir this is a 4chans everyone is a virgin here.
Based. Me neither.
Because they are illithids with tits
A true gent
If I ever did they could possible come to the conclusion that I was a predator attempting to sexually assault them.
Will they expect me to buy dinner?
Speak for yourself I love doing depraved shit. Not everyone on this board is a tradcuck
ask your mother why we call her "jawbone" down at the pool hall.
because the audience always wants more
Eve literally got boned by a Suave-Neanderthal and birthed Cain.
women don't have anything to offer besides their bodies and sexuality. men can do everything else better than they can without them.
women realize this, whether they want to admit or not, and have decided as a society that if their only value is sex, they want control over that sex (rather than being subservient) but the only two options they have in controlling their sexuality is either A) deny sex to all men, which ironically would strip them of their only form of currency or B) be as degenerate as possible so that their currency still has value, just a very diminished value, and they then feel that they're still holding the sexual power.
In other words, in a society that pushes for male/female equality, degeneracy perpetrated by females is a virtual certainty as it's the only way for them to have sexual currency without simultaneously being slaves to men.
>be not fat
>say yes
>get to assume achievement and gravitas whilst actually being a child
im almost jealous, but then you'd have to be a chick, and that would be gay
Would bone
This is because in spite of having about half or less the sex drive, they have much much easier access to sex than straight men. Women are always one quick click or call away from free sex with chad 24/7 even if ugly and fat. Only people who have them beat are faggots who have 100 times more sex than even them! But this is only because homosexuals are also very hyper sexual. Homos have 24/7 access to sex with one quick call or click free of charge and they want to have sex almost 24/7.
When your a straight man you have middle of the road sex drive not quite as high as faggots but much much higher than females. But at the same time.... sex is next to impossible for you to access as a straight man. You need to shower women with gifts, affection, attention meet super high standards have a high paying job. Try to make it a quick easy transaction because you need it now can’t waste any time with bullshit and cops will likely jump out of nowhere to bust you for propositioning a prostitute.
We straight cis men can’t even really afford to be degenerate. The most degenerate we can really get is whacking off to porn or 2D women most of the time.
i'd say it kind of mixes with the females desire of attention. They see other people called brave for being gay and coming out in the open. Guess what, this next generation is "bi".
Same with trannies/non binaries.. I'm not sure what you mean sexually.. Like findom or something stupid like that? That is just a whore being a whore
Exactly the point I was making plus more
Sex is survival.
They need a really convoluted narrative to get off.
b/c in ancestral times, any given man had a good chance of dying, so women that hedged their bets on multiple men replicated. women like to be degraded insofar as it communicates a power/superiority b/w them and mr man. women compete with each other based on looks and given feminism there's no restrictions on looking like a slut
>sex is next to impossible for you to access as a straight man. You need to shower women with gifts, affection, attention meet super high standards have a high paying job.
This is the world that ugly men live in.
>t. Chad
fuck off Paki incel spammer
80% of males are ugly by women’s standards these days.
Glad I'm a part of the top 20% then because I'm fighting them off with a sharpened stick everywhere I go, despite the fact I'm a loser.
They have no dignity
Men are why they act so slutty. It's man's fantasy
In short, simpler brains.
It's true, a lot of young men don't know about the insatiable female appetite for dicks.
Women love a good dicking, no exceptions. That's why men have to control them, so women can have a good life. Giving women sexual freedom is like giving a child candy freedom. You're going to have a fat balloon child in no time. With women you get used up whores, mentally unstable, angry, unsuitable.
Women are like children, in motivations and agency. They need to lose all political and most legal rights, and we will take good care of them. Nothing is worse for women and better for Jewish capitalists than requiring women to wageslave. Expecting women to work outside the home increases production and destroys wages, and it wastes female lives in slaving for a Jewish company. Not only does it destroy the family, but male productivity also suffers from not having a trustworthy assistant in the home.
When white men take back power, white women will have no rights at all and they'll just be thankful they are able to live in peace and enjoy the things white men built in a white mans land.
They'll be better off than any other time in history.
And women will always be unhappy, and testing, and full of complaints, no matter what the situation is. That's their nature.
So men have to make a system that works for men while ignoring the complaints of women.