How do the little zoomies cope with the fact that all women (white and non white) as well as non white guys absolutely despises them and it won’t ever be getting better? How do you cope with the fact that most zoomer girls believe this stuff and will always be resentful towards you because of it? That they will never truly love you but instead hate you for what they think you’ve done to them.
How do zoomer white guys cope with the fact that everyone in their generation hates them?
How wytebois even compete?
Stocking up on ammo.
No woman will ever love you, autistic browncel.
Kek op you're assuming I'm going to marry someone born in this social shithole.
I have relatives and good connections back in Kiev where my parents lived before they moved here.
By the time I've finished Uni I'll be ready to start looking and I'll have dumped my gf by then for sure.
Based browncel
Same, then I turned to Guns for support. Guns don't hate me.
>zoomer white guys
time to switch tactics, shlomo
People hate on white people on the internet but all the women go nuts for white dick in real life.
Any one got the screenshots of bitches on twitter supporting this?
Despite being only 12.5%