Rate my DNA test guys

Rate my DNA test guys

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You are the genetic antithesis of 95% of Jow Forums

You're a nigger.

You appear to be huwhite.
But why the fuck did you give your DNA to one of these kike companies?

Attached: DNA companies making up results.jpg (664x1200, 191K)

I also have this

Attached: neandr.png (643x439, 29K)

imagine condemning your genetic line to slavery just so you could post the cap to Jow Forums

Why is that so dangerous?

Looks great OP. Here’s my mutt DNA.

Attached: 40D22CEA-7875-4C1C-A770-43372C002AB6.png (1242x2208, 546K)

And my ancestry results.

Attached: A6B5C457-C7BB-4339-A261-5306EA9B7831.jpg (1242x2208, 262K)


Attached: IMG_20190111_151744.jpg (1080x709, 107K)

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>he paid for a meme DNA test
100% retarded

Herro ferrow mongorian how are you today? You rike to break down shitty warrs? Maybe eat some tampura and drink it down with some goats mirk? You rike riding horses and shooting bows?

Here's my genetic profile user. Its the opposite of yours.

Attached: IMG_57977.jpg (750x1334, 163K)

Not white/10

How tall are you?

Including you.

You realize most Europeans in Europe aren't 100% of any individual country anymore? Also the mutt meme mostly means you're from more than 1 continent.

do u realize that this DNA test is meaningless?

you just paid a jew money to give him your DNA

how stupid can you posibly be?

I guess the sarcasm didn’t come through.

Great now they can clone you and replace you with a robotoid if you ever act out against the system in any significant capacity.

>2.4% Eastern European

Witam, moj brat.

Attached: Bez tytułu.png (1283x625, 120K)

32% Finngol Asian
10% potato nigga
2.4% subhuman slav

Congratulations hapa

It’s refreshing to see original thoughts on here. Thank you user.

That 32% makes you the guy in Norway who gets the shit done today, while the rest finds excuses to rather do shit tomorrow.

Which animal is your animal guide?

So sad, you have the gay.

>What harm could possibly come from giving my genetic code to servants of Satan who hate my entire race and want to personally hunt me down and ruin my life?


No. I am the last white American


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>Willingly handing your DNA over to the FBI

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Only 2% slav??? I'm sad to inform you your not a real man user.

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Lol. It’s the .3


Glow niggers are excited retards are giving their dna to these companies

What is your IQ?

Well I understand, it's just a lot of people think they're mutts if they're both Irish and British when that's a normal thing.

Sick burn

>step on ze train

Short bro.
I haven't taken ayahuasca or DMT yet so I don't know.

Better than me senpai I'm 75% Irish 25% native american. I still fight for whites.

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Um, nigger. Sorry.

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>Neanderthal willingly sends hia DNA to the Jews

Do you even have to ask?

My online mensa test said 116

I'm not doing and ama my life sucks, I'm a self hating therapist.

I'm half Irish and half Italian, its tough being a spagetti eating potato nigger


I posted my DNA results in one thread and an Amerimutt took the picture and used it in another thread as his own.

>your DNA got stolen before the FBI could even get their hands on it

Tell us your address too Olaf

hello cousin

Attached: dnatest.jpg (1536x2048, 642K)

I know im an amerimutt

Attached: aviary-image-1536425708076.jpg (1080x1920, 278K)

Are you saying you have the same initials as me and identical results? Or are you just sharing?

I say hello to my finno-ugric brother


>why would we steal a maple niggers DNA?

No one is proud of being a Sino Eskimo mix

Attached: LaughingWhileStoned.jpg (762x656, 55K)

Fail. 'Broadly European: 0.1%'
Fuck the EU.

Am I white pol?

Attached: mydna.png (398x1038, 89K)

Mischlings were okay as long as they were skilled, and didn't have any kids.

Grandma burned coal i see

The Pan-European is the only real white person.

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-05-15 at 9.12.49 PM.png (467x450, 57K)

>116 on an online mensa test
>online mensa test
kek you dumb nigger they add like 20 points to those to get more people to buy/pay into the group.


I don't know which one is more accurate??

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-05-16 at 9.44.09 PM.png (399x594, 59K)

Is that you, Elizabeth Warren?

on an online mensa test
>>online mensa test
>kek you dumb nigger they add like 20 points to those to get more people to buy/pay into the group.

If that's true then I am still at 121, no fucks given

>were okay

The most subversive Jews nowadays are half breeds because the Judaism always supercedes their other half.

Some babies grow in a peculiar way
It changed, it grew, and everybody knew
Who's this kinky so-and-so?

>am I white
>more than one drop nigger


Just sharing. Our results are actually really similar though. I just can't take these threads seriously because many of these results are probably stolen from actual white posters by mutts from previous threads.

I literally had no idea I was Jewish until I took the test. My mom died when I was 3, and my dad knew very little about her family because she hated them, and he never met them. Turns out she was 100% Jew.

You could always take the MEGA society IQ test for entry. They are 140+ only, dues upon entry not reoccuring like faggotMENSA.


no u

That means you are also 100% Jew because its matrilineal


>t. Moishe

Not a bad score per say was that in Norwegian or Pictographic. if it was in English that's a probably a very good score.
Neanthals were not dumb they were just very trusting and humans took advantage of that. Also, they may have had no anti-incense instinct...

They had a larger brain volume than homo sapiens, FWIW

Better than me

Attached: PicsArt_11-09-12.40.11.jpg (720x754, 97K)

If you're under 25(?) you can go visit Israel for free

what do mexicans claim to be american indians.

Yeah, but fuck that. Who the fuck wants to go to Israel?

Better than mine. I'm only 99.9% European.

Mongolian nigger

Jews like you desu
Go network and get a job in computer shit


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What is a margin of error?

How do they narrow the region down that far. Mines Malopolska.

Attached: ancestryestimate.jpg (1914x1002, 340K)

Where did you get this done and how much?

ancestry or 23&me. You can get it done for about 50 dollars on sale.
Go to your local cvs/walgreens and buy a kit or order online.

Wtf. You truly are an earthling.

Literally a money scam. Different companies get different results.

You just missed the mark. You needed to be at least 75% euro.

The results are fairly the same between companies. But it really depends on the amount of genome you are analyzing. The commercial 23andMe and Ancestry kits only look into like 1% of your genome. To get your entire genome fully covered would be expensive AF.

It is debatable which SNPs are "truly" associated with which demographics but its close enough. It gives you a general idea. I think for most people that's good enough.

Fucking cuck

I rate it out of 10

Your ancestry results from a literal kike company should have no bearing whatsoever on your own sense of personal value. Im not saying it doesn't matter nor am I saying you're doing this here, but I hate it when people post their info here and cuck themselves with an inferiority complex about their less than pure genetic heritage. If you aren't a brainlet then you're not a brainlet, doesn't matter if you have .03% north African DNA, or 1% Balkan or whatever the fuck