Lisa Simpson 2020

**Lisa "IDKYBILY" Simpson
**Legally Changed name to fulfill March 2000 Simpson's prophecy that Lisa Simpson would become President after a Donald Trump term in office
**Peace & Love Humanitarian, NOT politician
**Running a global art movement as a political campaign
**Asking creatives to answer the question:
"What Does Your Dream America Look Like?"
**Using PLURRE to solve all problems, attain all healing:
Peace, Love, Unity, Respect, Responsibility and Encouragement

Attached: Lisa1.png (539x960, 907K)

she's gonna get sued, Matt Groening is a fucking cunt

Why would he? It's basically free advertising.

Christ, nothing makes me cringe more than hearing a woman try to talk about politics.


will the real Lisa Simpson please run for president

because he's a kike and no one is going to profit off his ideas

it will only remind people how shitty the Simpsons has become and probably rush it to its deathbed even faster if she keeps this up

you still need to browse pol longer to understand jews you fucking newfag

You are seriously stupid if you think like this. Probably every person who has been sued/threatened to be sued for copyright infringement says the same thing "but its free advertising"

Would bone. Would vote if shows tits.

Streisand effect.

As if fucking Simpson needs advertising. There're probably videos of ISIS performing beheadings on some chump with a Bart Simpson shirt.

Hello My Fellow Americans! This is Lisa! Feel free to ask me any questions or let me know what you want in a global revolution.

Ive spent 20 years creating a strategy to avoid all political and MSM traps, so this movement has a solid shot if sustaining itself. Im looking for consultants of all types.

Im looking to have real dialogue so we can also move the convo to another platform to speak more 1 on 1 :)

What's lisa's policy on high-capacity assault sneeds?

Whether it is a troll or not, this is some peak Babylon shit and you should be concerning yourself with leaving the cities before they burn rather than this nonsense.

Tits or gtfo

Hello! Ty for your question: can you explain what a sneed is? I cant look it up right now. Ty! :)

If we're being honest all that matters is men control the senate, congress, and supreme court. It just might work...

>Natural Disaster Fortifications

How in the fuck do fortify against an F5 tornado?!

>Make every house in the plains states to NRC spec's

Attached: Nancy Tide Pods.jpg (600x468, 24K)

i have to admit this is fucking funny
american level of retardation, but funny

i doubt you are actually her but what are any of your real platforms.

Are there any... real questions?

>Doesn't dress up and play a saxophone

and then one day for no reason at all they voted Hitler into power...

what’s your stance on maximizing my pee pee poo poo experience Lisa?