Devs May 10 >Government Axis Forces have captured Qalaat Al-Mudiq and Karkat, after Syrian Opposition withdrawal from those locations due to a deal by the locals with the government >Turkish Army offensive in northern Aleppo fails after initial success >Large Turkish convoy existed the Syrian territory via Bab Al Hawa crossing point. >US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Britain's intention to use Huaweis technology for new 5G networks would impede intelligence sharing between Washington and London. >Reports that Foreign jihadist elements fighting under HTS umbrella have blamed local Syrian jihadists of treason on the battlefield in North Hama when the latter retreated without informing the former >EU rejects Iran nuclear deal 'ultimatum' >SAA have captured Bab Al-Taqa and Shariah villages from Syrian Opposition >US announces 25% tariffs on another $200 billion of Chinese imports >US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has threatened Iran with a “swift and decisive” response to any attack on “US interests or citizens,” including those by “proxies” >Hama northern CS towns rang their churches bells this afternoon, rejoicing the progress of the Syrian Army and keeping the specter of missiles and death away from them. >Jihadist and Turkish-backed rebels merge to form new coalition to fight the Syrian Army
Red, commanded by retired Marine Corps Lieutenant General Paul K. Van Riper, adopted an asymmetric strategy, in particular, using old methods to evade Blue's sophisticated electronic surveillance network. Van Riper used motorcycle messengers to transmit orders to front-line troops and World-War-II-style light signals to launch airplanes without radio communications.
Red received an ultimatum from Blue, essentially a surrender document, demanding a response within 24 hours. Thus warned of Blue's approach, Red used a fleet of small boats to determine the position of Blue's fleet by the second day of the exercise. In a preemptive strike, Red launched a massive salvo of cruise missiles that overwhelmed the Blue forces' electronic sensors and destroyed sixteen warships. This included one aircraft carrier, ten cruisers and five of six amphibious ships. An equivalent success in a real conflict would have resulted in the deaths of over 20,000 service personnel. Soon after the cruise missile offensive, another significant portion of Blue's navy was "sunk" by an armada of small Red boats, which carried out both conventional and suicide attacks that capitalized on Blue's inability to detect them as well as expected.
Death to : America Angola Armenia Australia Azerbaijan Bahrain Bangladesh Belgium Brunei Canada China Cyprus Djibouti Egypt Eritrea Ethiopia France Germany Greece India Iran Israel Italy Japan Jordan Kazakhstan Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Lebanon Malta Mongolia Morocco Myanmar Netherlands New Zealand Norway Oman Pakistan Philippines Poland Portugal Qatar Russia Saudi Arabia Serbia Somalia South Africa Spain Sri Lanka Sudan Sweden Syria Tajikistan Tunisia Turkey United Arab Emirates United Kingdom Uzbekistan Vatican City Venezuela
B-b-but his motorcycle couriers moved too quickly it wasn't fair.
Jaxon Watson
> Iran > Venezuela
Hello Isaac.
Cameron Reyes
>Iran will destroy america and the world economy because they are so based sg told me so why do iranaboos or russaboos exist >slightly less degenerate equally corrupt less powerful states = good retarded death to all states
Caleb Gray
>no switzerland or iceland based jihadi who respect neutral country
James Walker
finally, some good fucking posts.
because slav(e) orthodogs, china cocksuckers, amermimutt boomers, iran lovers all share one thing in common.
delusion and autism. all states are garbage. nobody is based.
Henry Parker
>paki talks about visiting a taliban mosque and divulges the general location of their training camp How can you possibly write this post and post it without even thinking "maybe I shouldn't post this online" >all share one thing in common. being wh*te. you're right
>the journalist who asked children from 6 to 12 years old to paint what they expect the world in 50 years to be like generated mostly apocalyptic images (Banos Ruiz, 2017)
Lmao, when I was "6 to 12" I thought the world would be based as fuck and all high tech in 50 years. I swear just in the past 5 years the idea of the collapse of civilization went from science fiction or a looney idea to a quiet but universally accepted possibility.
James Lewis
i was playing command and conquer and roblox from ages 6-12 as well as all the call of duty campaigns.
just want to go back desu,
Wyatt Gomez
>How can you possibly write this post and post it without even thinking "maybe I shouldn't post this online" What are you talking about? Afghan taliban have lots of madrassas and mosques here. Mullah Omar graduated from the famous Haqqania Madrassa. US calls them "Haqqani Network" but in reality, it's literally just the Afghan taliban...
One of their colony is 20 minutes away from where I live lol.
Henry Torres
How do you feel about the fact that your country will look like venezuela within a few years?
Matthew Jones
Iran supported the kebab Bosnians that killed your countrymen en masse
you're talking about going to a terrorist organizations mosque and training camp lmao. I know that the ISI are deepstate talibani glow niggers but you can still get v& >roblox Heres just another blackpill: this site is now zoomerified and instead of comfy blocky worlds its mostly instagram in video game form where the characters are made to look like normies and the """Games""" are weird shit like a night club simulator with real zoomer music
Leo Nguyen
So did us
Luke Carter
>Heres just another blackpill: this site is now zoomerified and instead of comfy blocky worlds its mostly instagram in video game form where the characters are made to look like normies and the """Games""" are weird shit like a night club simulator with real zoomer music yes this is really depressing. it started when that guy made the town of robloxia roleplay map which everyone went on.
factions were fun as fuck though. and so were the zombie survivals like apocalypse now and deadzone
>cute girl mascot You want turks to pound your greek boipucci again?
Alexander Butler
>you're talking about going to a terrorist organizations mosque and training camp I think you're talking about TTP (Pakistani Taliban), which was formed in 2007 and backed by Afghan government. They don't hold any territory anymore and most of them have joined ISKP in Afghanistan.
Zachary Barnes
my mother talked to a lady who lost her sister in idlib to shrapnel. pretty sad. life sucks and then you die.
Connor Walker
pakistan gives no shit if you support any ISI proxy but will shoot you for supporting wilayat kashmir I used to play this, you're an engineer major Im sure youd appreciate the autism (building machines and shit in the game) but just like minecraft it was ruined by zoomer cringe I cant stand shit anymore. Only thing I see is degeneracy, even saw my 7 year old cousin downloading tik tok and my 12 year old cousin watching some videos by a literal fag. I hate the world
is Pakistans support for the Afghan Taliban that serious bro? lmao. It is just crazy to me that you can talk so openly about an international terrorist group NATO et al is at war with without fear. Based ISI I have pretty much come to think war is unironically worse for women and children and hillary is right. There is nothing heroic or romantic about cowering in some shithole and getting torn to pieces, you'll definitely never meet someone who'll volunteer for it
Matthew Fisher
based. >I have pretty much come to think war is unironically worse for women and children its kali yuga, war used to be based when it was just men fighting on battlefields away from home, nobody had to suffer as much. it got worse with every passing decade.
>t. There is nothing heroic or romantic about cowering in some shithole and getting torn to pieces, you'll definitely never meet someone who'll volunteer for it respectfully disagree, there are some who will.
>Are you rafidi? No, I simply don't follow any sect and hate wahhabism. I support the Taliban, Iran, Hezbollah, and Bashar Al Assad, or anyone who resists the new world order.
Logan Nelson
I haven't interacted with people or normie culture very much since mid 2017 how have people changed? one thing is I feel that zoomers have become a culture seperate from millenials.
literally same of all except faction bases, unless you mean the one where "groups" fought eachother. I also used to play halo with friends irl, sad that everything is gone now.
Jayden Torres
>, war used to be based when it was just men fighting on battlefields away from home, nobody had to suffer as much not even really true lmao. Im sure civilians suffered much less often and for much less extended periods of time but rape and murder was very common. even read a paper today about women, one pregnant, along with other unarmed people being slaughtered in a battle 10,000 years ago. >respectfully disagree, there are some who will. I'm not talking about warriors, I'm talking about people like the woman in idlib whos experience in war was probably just waiting, suffering, then dying for nothing. Nobody wants to do that, no one will ever romanticize it like mens role in war.
Dominic Bailey
it says jabhat fath sham kaffir
Wyatt Young
>unless you mean the one where "groups" fought eachother those ones
>I'm not talking about warriors, I'm talking about people like the woman in idlib whos experience in war was probably just waiting, suffering, then dying for nothing. Nobody wants to do that, no one will ever romanticize it like mens role in war. oh of course. goes without saying
Austin Miller
>tfw some random dunecoon distracts everyone from the bait you were thinking about all week
>is Pakistans support for the Afghan Taliban that serious bro? Yeah, most people here support the Afghan Taliban. The afghan government also sometimes accuses Iran of supporting the taliban even though the taliban strictly practice deoband sect of Islam.
They have made peace with the Hazaras so Iran is cool with them.
The Taliban are also fighting against ISKP in afghanistan which NATO is desperately trying to protect, and this is another reason why people would have them in power rather than freaking ISIS.
>Information is provided 'as is' and solely for informational purposes Who would want information just to know things? Surely it must be used
Joshua Richardson
the dead guy is allegedly Brig. Gen. Asif Kheir Bek - died in the Allepo offensive - allegedly
Jordan Wilson
sparky? Epic. link? Can trump please fuck up soon
>those ones Nice it used to be fun, never got into them much since I didnt talk to people on there.
Wish I could enjoy things as simple as video games nowadays
Charles Murphy
>Wish I could enjoy things as simple as video games nowadays get mordhau nigger or get a gf.
Asher Ortiz
Yeah I remember reading how the Afghan gov or the USA was funding the taliban dissidents. Divide and conquer as always, turn a place into a shithole where no one wins and you get rid of your enemy one way or another. Cant wait for the [good guys] to win
>mordhau I cant enjoy games period Being high helps me relive memories and even feel the emotions I had at the time, one thing I learned was remembering the feeling of actual happiness from playing games. Now it is just empty. > get a gf. I dont think that's on steam
Im a NEET so I just read, go outdoors and post here.
>YWK do war games irl why live >stop Im not a pothead I dont do it often, one of the only reasons I do it is to remember things. Emotions are much harder to remember than just experience >find something to do before you LDAR. migrate, do something. Im doing the opposite of LDAR, and why are you using an incel slang word, lmao I'm living like a hermit, but yeah when I get a job I will save money to leave this shithole. Might spend some time in the woods too.
Brayden Murphy
iraqis are higher IQ than pashtuns so ISKP will win and run it better than niggerban AIDs why would they do that if they used the mother of all bombs on ISKP not taliban? theres literal evidence of pakistan ISI arming talibs even
Holy shit guise did you see the PMU firing a WW2 rocket at some abandoned warehouse in the Baghdad Green Zone that didn't kill fucking anybody? Holy fucking shit I can't wait for Israel to launch moar balloons and hit another parking lo-
Ty, hope you find a good life in this shit world >Unironic ISIS fag the israeli caliphate serves the "kuffar' s agenda much more than the taliban or anyone else, whether directly or indirectly. The MOAB was just for propaganda, if the US wanted to destroy IKP they would have, but they dont even try.
Also, IKP are pakis, not even pashtun or arab.
Christopher Johnson
>taliban >wahhabi hello there newfriend
Gabriel Rivera
>wake up >lunch time >new thread Noice
This is more theoretical than practical thing. Judging by Iranian MIC, only one option to carry out this operation - if t US Navy will enter Gulf of Oman/Hormuz. If U.S CSG will be 500+km away from the coast - they will be almost invulnerable
the EU isnt even implementing the JCPOA, they refuse to buy Iran oil and are slaves to the USA sanctions
on top of that they aren't even intending on implementing it in the future, so why are they constantly dictating Iran to implement the JCPOA? they won't succeed in regime change and they won't be able to afford a military conflict
the EU needs to either implement the JCPOA or scrap the deal
Adrian Young
>that comment section My sides
Parker Morris
>serves the kuffar's agenda by attacking every kaffir country
taliban literally follow ibn abdul wahaab >doesn't know about surat al-kafiroon
Samuel Torres
I always find this things funny, its a disguise to something like this: "Yeah, we are totally in favor of gay rights, trans rights, black people rights, now go to the other side of the world bite a bullet in name of imperialism"
Aiden Butler
>American elite uses mechanism of controlled degradation as a stabilization element
Evan Morris
Trump threatens Iran with total annihilation
Colton Carter
>He doesn't know that half the oil wells in the world are within Iranian short range missiles, and are so vulnerable that even Houthis have knocked some out.
*attacking every enemy of Israel and the US while leaving them alone 99% of the time I'm not an american you fucking faggot, and Iran isnt insane enough to do that. Quit being a bootlicker retard, Iran is just another shit state out of hundreds.
Kayden Sanders
I can almost image you in a slum commieblock slav apartment. Your pathetic emaciated frame glowing in the dark, lit by your cathode monitor which is the only source of light in your room, giggling like a like girl as you once again type your little /sg/ thread up and fill in the captcha. Or maybe you don't even fill in the captcha. Maybe you're a funded kremlinbot that actually has a Jow Forums pass, so you just choose the picture. Oh, and we all know the picture. The "epic" anime loli, isn't it? I imagine you little shit laughing so hard as you click it that you drop your krokodil on the floor, but it's ok, your mother will clean it up in the morning. Oh, that's right. Did I fail to mention? You live with your mother. You are an anemic fucking fuckup, she's probably so sick of you already. So sick of having to do everything for you all goddamn day, every day, for a grown man who spends all his time on Jow Forums posting about niggers wewuz fantasies. Just imagine this. She had you, and then she thought you were gonna be a scientist or a soldier or something grand, and then you became a shill. A pathetic shitposting putinbot. She probably cries herself to sleep everyday since your dad's suicide, thinking about how bad it is and how she wishes she could just disappear. She can't even try to talk with you because all you say is "ASSAD GOT GAINZ TODAY MOM" You've become a parody of your own self. And that's all you are. A sad little man laughing in the dark by himself as he prepares to indulge in the same old thread that he's done a million times now. And that's all you'll ever be.