Lay down drunk

>lay down drunk
>get creampied

why dont women have any reason or accountability? are they literally children in adult bodies?

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>are women children

maybe but men who creampie random women are children without sense of responsibility too. Both value their own fun more than responsibility.

>why dont women have any reason or accountability?
The previously existing structures for enforcing accountability were dismantled by greedy opportunists who saw personal gain in getting rid of them, e.g. politicians getting elected on a platform of progressivism


True. Then let's change the laws making men responsible for raising children they have with women out of wedlock. That's a more sensible solution that "its just a clump of cells bro, let me kill it lol"

Women develop mentally faster than men until they hit puberty, upon which their body will expect them to start bearing children, which is why a lot of 'adult' women have a teenager mental age. It is very important psychologically for women to remain child-like because that allows them to relate better to the children they are caring for. They will start mentally developing again when they approach the end of their fertility to prepare for the role of grandmother.

Obviously, it is very bad for society if they don't have any children, and are left free to roam and wreck havok.

You mean like child support?

tldr the entire bra burning generation and the greatest generation that gave them voting rights deserve to burn in hell for eternity

holly shit soon 9 billions humans on this fucking planet and ya'll want more ?

you want more of those crackhead whores on the street
more of that negleted kid who will turn into the neglecting father he was raised to be

most of you conservative cunts keep crying about assisted adults, foodstamp divas, child support collecters etc..

thats literally asking for more

To enslave a people, (((liberate))) their women.

The future belongs to those that appear. Have children, or the future will belong to others willing to procreate. Although I am willing to make an exception in your case. Mankind is clearly better if YOU do not procreate.

Out of those 9 billion, how many live in Western countries? How many are of European decent?

Take your bullshit rhetoric somewhere where it actually matters.


they don't deserve political rights, but because inexperienced men don't know that we give it to them

you have the reasoning of a river fish

The point stands.

We can get that number way below 9 billion if we start enforcing some morals, decency, and race realism upon the world.

the whole thing confuses me, how bad to men need ot deep nut every fucking time

I have pulled out exclusively with my wife for 12 years and the only time we tried for a baby where i creampied her off her period it took a single week to conceive. pulling out is so fucking easy you get your orgasm like 10 secs before the nut i mean come on

if you must creampie just have her clean her pussy near the end of her period and you can still guilt free nut a few times a month

and of all those aborted babies how many of them do you think will live that "western dreamlife"
how many of them wiill end up in the streets, looked down onto by innocent retards lie you

river fish cant take much explanation, so why bother

Why does it matter?
People will always suffer, it's called the human condition you retard.

You think there aren't people suffering in China? India? Africa?

When they get on our level then you can talk to us you impotent douche.

#1 rule of women is that they're incapable of taking responsibility. They can't be wrong. They handle negative judgement, blame or consequences.

She always wants to be praised, approved of and thus given extra resources and advantages in life. Being the perpetual irresponsible victim means she can have men take the blame and thus do something about her problems where never has to lift a finger or put any effort into it herself.

If you understand they're incapable of being responsible or "wrong" you understand all their retarded, contradictory behavior.

>why does it matter ?

another river fish thinking


Give me one reason why we should end all suffering in this world, go ahead, make your case.

I like this way of looking at things. It also chimes in with Jung's emphasis on important psychological developments that occur later on in life.

Any more information/sources on female mental development over their lifespans?

I don't give a shit about "ending world suffering" just saying that natality control is a good way to reduce potential shitty individuals so therefore a good thing for the rest of us