Game Of Thrones IMDB rating

I can see people giving only one star for the show season finale.

Do you think this is because of the politically correct or was it really bad?

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The finale was fine. Season 8 being bad is a meme

The finale wasn't that bad desu. rest of season 8 blew donkey cock

Season 8 was objectively bad. Awful writing. Characters changing motivation and personality to fit the story

not politics.

With all of the high AF expectations, making a perfect GOT finale to satisfy everyone was impossible. Same thing with the most recent Star Wars movies.

No one changed, you're delusional.

Most endings are not completely satisfying. There is simply not enough time to finish all of the subplots, wrap up all the stories, and place all of the side chatacters. You have one hour in you final episode, not five.

However, the writers of GoT intentionally chose to make the final season a short one, and given that they cut 4 hours of content it is inexcusable that they did not finish subplots or provide any endings for a large chunk of the character roster. A significant number of people simply do not show up in the final episodes and we don't know if they're alive and well, in open rebellion of the new rule, all together in a great big orgy, or bleeding somewhere in a ditch.

no it was bad. really bad. and i predicted it to all my normie friends 3 seasons ago. and now i get to rub it in their faces, so those talentless jews are OK in my book.

I'm glad your shitty nerdbait disappointed you. Go back to your containment boards.