most won't sacrifice the source of all the political bickering because it comes with likes and instant attack vectors on strangers : social media apps.

the whole world spinning out of control because a harvard goon wanted to rate girls in college (facebook), then some silicon valleys had the unoriginal idea of an online telegram service (twitter), then a man who ended up on a Walmart retainer copied photobucket and turned it into an app (Instagram) - and that's only 3 unoriginal and supremely childish ideas that have directly caused global conflict and the erosion of respect..

but here we ware listening to so many social app addicts assert that these nothing networks are "free speech" presumably because they're too inept to get their own website and fucking pay for it : no, they want likes and $FREE$ speech, on publishing networks, all of which are American, and none of which operate within the law = dictatorships.

>source of problem
>but my likes and "free speech"

no, maybe ur just idiots who can't be honest with yourselves like America gov can't be honest about their terrorist internet.

give it up; no one needed facebook to begin with, and they still don't. 100% bullshit on twitter as well, constant conflict crapping on the world 24-7 is not free speech:

it's free conflict, and there's nothing that can be done to change the fact that we're not talking here, we are typing, and all these networks are publishing arms who, have unsuccessfully managed to shirk responsibility on to the user when it is the networks who publish the content and make money from the ads.

they make bank, you get nothing, except your illusion of "free speech". keep dreaming.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Bump good post Op


Facebook was made by the CIA.


Check out when Facebook was founded and Lifelog ended.


Founded February 4, 2004

02.04.0412:00 PM

Without even getting into the banality of them as a whole, am I the only one who doesn't even understand why people like Twitter? Is it where normies migrated to when Facebook was dominated by your mom and grandma? I just don't see the role that Twitter even serves in the normiesphere.

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mm I've heard about that but I think it's more the case that zuck was psyopped in his dorm room because of the way the internal systems are set up.

it's not surprising facebook is a bad DARPA project they actually wasted tax payer money on when it has nothing to do with defence nor security.

pretty incredible how arrogant that agency is hey.

me either. when it started it was just this weird restricted way of talking to other people, like a chatroom in a straightjacket. I don't see how anything's changed in that regard.


and we're still left getting shat on by 2 billion people right now who think they're famous just because they have an opinion on politics on facebook, or worse, they think they're special because they have a blue tick on twitter.

it's literally the worst thing ever and when you consider the negative impact these networks have had it's shocking that they keep telling themselves there's nothing wrong that an algorithm cant fix.

they are so completely deluded I don't know how they're allowed to even be a thing, at all.

Think about it why would you spend millions of dollars trying to gain intelligence on the entire world when you can get them to do it for free. Plus providing pictures, locations, and activities. All 3 are just intelligence gathering ops.

i'm trying to politely say I don't care where it came from, when the conflict online has become addictive to people who refuse to leave those cattle sheds.

why wont they fucking leave? they're making everything worse. all the 'movements' that sprung up, poorly executed because they only have half an idea, and mainly because the governments dropped the ball and never addressed those problems so there's mothers groups and do-gooder infants forcing us to change our policies on things like what we do with our own damn children - forcing the state to intervene if a 5 year old boy wears a dress because he's too young to know the difference...

the whole breast-feeding in public thing ages ago, god it was frustrating: not one of those self-righteous mothers ever asked their baby where it wants to be fed : i'm guessing in peace and fucking quiet not in a shopping mall or on a god damn train.

and lets not forget #metoo as if the rest of the world isn't traumatised enough (including men) for a whole bunch of reasons but we have to pay attention to all the times she got pinched on the ass in a nightclub she went whoring at.

it all needs to stop.

Darpa started facebook.
If you think FB was started by Zuck because he was horny, your are a bit of an idiot.

Government funded app do well.

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>If you think FB was started by Zuck because he was horny, your are a bit of an idiot.

maybe but I don't believe things without proof. there was also those two guys zuck stole it from so when it gets complicated I need more than just hearsay that DARPA made it.

like I said I think zuck was psyopped.

why is it every time this subject comes up people want to assert where it came from but not address the main point of this thread?

its all completely fucked and there's 2 billion people out there who act like it isn't, including our governments.

you honestly have to be retarded, literally brain damaged, to not realise how fucked these social apps are, and the damage they are doing.

>because a harvard goon wanted to rate girls in college (facebook)

Your dumbass started the post like a fucking idiot. I stopped reading here. It was a CIA OP meant to track people and control what they think.

that's hearsay mate, unless you have proof. and still the main point of the thread is unaddressed.

do you know how people get psyopped to "come up with an idea"? if you rather talk about that...

Anyone remember Candid en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Candid_(app)

I wonder (not) why they shut it down?

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"where ideas can be debated on their own merits instead of being used to attack me as a person"

and this is what social media actually does : it's an attack vector and it hasn't stopped because it cant be stopped...

anyone still think this is a good idea?

okay then. all of it - a very bad idea.

Bump, Ban all social media, make normies shut the fuck up again

Fuck this shit I’m going back to irc

>Ban all social media

I wish my country would.

Jacinda Ardern from NZ won't ban it either. It's pathetic.

The internet was a mistake

this guys got the rigght idea

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I agree with you OP facebook/twitter/SM in general is cancer. They are only tools though. The problem is people.

People have always bickered, been self-righteous, engaged in politics they have no idea about, and generally done dumb shit. Social media allows them to publicise and react to this kind of behavior, so you might say it enabled it, but it does not cause it.

This line of thought has bigger questions to answer. Can people be fixed without coercion, fear or other intrusive means? Is it right to even try? In the days before internet and mass-communication, were people really less deviant? In my country for example there was an entire subsect if you will of victorian 'degenerates' that engaged in practices and debauchery considered outlandish to their peers. They went against both countrymen and state in the persuit of degeneracy.

tl;dr people are shit, social media just enables them to be shit more publicly, and with ease of access. Not defending it, just being realistic.

i think zuck is a legit heroin addict the CIA or mossad found under a bridge and gave him cyborg implants to control his brain. he's a fuckin idiot, no way he made facebook.

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