>incest is bad Why? >uhhhhh because it just is Why is it bad that two consenting adults love each other? >shut up you disgusting freak!!! It's bad!!! Did you think the same about gay couples? >shut up! shut up! shut up!!!!! It's not the same!!!
It's always fun exposing bigotry and hypocrisy in normies. I and my sister love each other, and our love is no less legitimate than non sibling couples. If you have a caveman brain, you will find a problem with us, and we will just laugh at you. Incest will be legal, and you will be left in the past with the rest of the bigots.
Based OP. There is nothing wrong with an incest. >maked out with my cousin when was 15 yo and she 12
Jonathan Ross
>sis, mom said you have to do the chores this weekend while she's gone cuz I did them last time >but brother I'm watching my series right now I'll do it later >sis you always say you're gonna do it later and you never do >well I'm not moving hehe! >you begin to try push her off the couch >she starts pushing you back but you slip and fall with your face landing onto her asscheek >she moans in a soft pitch what do Jow Forums?