Incest is bad

>incest is bad
>uhhhhh because it just is
Why is it bad that two consenting adults love each other?
>shut up you disgusting freak!!! It's bad!!!
Did you think the same about gay couples?
>shut up! shut up! shut up!!!!! It's not the same!!!

It's always fun exposing bigotry and hypocrisy in normies. I and my sister love each other, and our love is no less legitimate than non sibling couples. If you have a caveman brain, you will find a problem with us, and we will just laugh at you. Incest will be legal, and you will be left in the past with the rest of the bigots.

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As long as they don't have genetic misfit offsprings. I don't care.

Lol shill trying to frame southerners.
take off ur meme flag

Is this a request for greentext?

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Based and redpilled

Based OP. There is nothing wrong with an incest.
>maked out with my cousin when was 15 yo and she 12

>sis, mom said you have to do the chores this weekend while she's gone cuz I did them last time
>but brother I'm watching my series right now I'll do it later
>sis you always say you're gonna do it later and you never do
>well I'm not moving hehe!
>you begin to try push her off the couch
>she starts pushing you back but you slip and fall with your face landing onto her asscheek
>she moans in a soft pitch
what do Jow Forums?

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