Anti-Soviet propaganda

anti-Soviet propaganda

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i dont remember anything about this film apart from the villain. i liked the villain and the bat. I found the design to be fun.

Well that's just kike propaganda there.

I literally never picked up on the fact that they were Jew mice until I was in college. Made me feel like a fucking idiot.

>tfw best anti soviet propaganda is soviet history

Did you also realize everything is khazar jew propaganda?

>immigrated to the USA after surviving the great cheese shoah.

The film itself is pretty boring. Rasputin was the only saving grace of the film, but also the biggest problem with it since it was an attempt by the animators to shoehorn in a Disney-esque villain.

literal talmudic crap everywhere along with the usual sex programming

Makes me nostalgic for the cold war.

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Dancing bears, painted wings. Things I almost remember...

Yeah, well... I just listed after the redhead princess tbqhwy.


I stuck around St Petersburg, when I saw it was a time for a change...
Killed the Czar and his ministers, Anastasia, screamed in vain...
I rode a tank, held a general's rank, when the blitzkrieg raged, and the bodies stank...
Pleased to meet you, hope you guess my name...
Cause what's puzzling you, is the nature of my game...

Watched that film a ton as a kid, even though it made Rasputin bad it's understandable for sake of story. He can be looked upon as the eternal Jew and Anastasia Europa walking off the plank by the deceiving dark magic of Rasputin.

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To be fair I first saw it when I was like 5, now that I'm an adult I can pick up on stuff like the Cossacks raiding their village during a Hannukah celebration. Based Russian cats by the way.


Just call it what it actually is. It's anti-Jewish.

the best kind

me too

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