What the hell is the Bahai faith? Why do they have this giant garden in Israel and why do jews allow it?
This feels very cucked to me
What the hell is the Bahai faith? Why do they have this giant garden in Israel and why do jews allow it?
Thats a mcgarden. Copy paste with no art or soul to it at all.
I dunno, they're like some islamic-like sect or something
and same reason we allow muslims I guess
What a beautiful country
It's some kind of financial scam religion. Oh wait, that's all of them.
but muslims have been there since the seventh century, this is a cult made in Iran in the 1800s
freedom of religion is freedom of sects
only abrahamic religions should be allowed
apparentely they're an offshoot of shia islam whose 19th century prophet claimed to have fulfilled their mahadi prophecies
Bahai is the NWOs religion they will foist on the world after WW3 destroys all the other religions. Israel will be a smoking crater for the most part and the center of the NWO government and religion will be located in Astana Kazakhstan.
They're the same kind of scum as all other Abrahamists.
this is in Chicago