Why is it illegal to question what happened?

Why is it illegal to question what happened?

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>Why is it illegal to question what happened?
in regards to what user?

holocaust im guessing
because boomers are retarded and dont understand that censoring discussion just creates insane conspiracy theories

>in regards to what user ?
user, I...

Attached: smugthinkingapu.jpg (225x225, 7K)

the truth hates scrutiny, something like that

Well user ofcourse it must have happened you see there was so much documentatio- oh wait. I mean the mass grave- oh yeah nevermind it happened. Just believe don't question.

More russian and chinese civilians died during the war than jews

Not because the holocaust wasn't real, but because during the Nuremburg trials one of the key defenses was they they had committed no greater crimes than the Allies had. This was shot down, but in recent years it has been found not only did we use Axis scientists but committed greater atrocities with the goal of criminally controlling the US public through any means necessary.
This precedent would require a post-mortem exoneration of Nazi war criminals which would blow apart the entire narrative that they've been steadily constructing and indoctrinating youth into since the 30s.

because you don't question it. you rewrite history without providing proof and the people who were killed and those who survived don't deserve that.

You are a cuck. You kind of suck, remove flag auscuck