Why is it illegal to question what happened?
Why is it illegal to question what happened?
>Why is it illegal to question what happened?
in regards to what user?
holocaust im guessing
because boomers are retarded and dont understand that censoring discussion just creates insane conspiracy theories
>in regards to what user ?
user, I...
the truth hates scrutiny, something like that
Well user ofcourse it must have happened you see there was so much documentatio- oh wait. I mean the mass grave- oh yeah nevermind it happened. Just believe don't question.
More russian and chinese civilians died during the war than jews
Not because the holocaust wasn't real, but because during the Nuremburg trials one of the key defenses was they they had committed no greater crimes than the Allies had. This was shot down, but in recent years it has been found not only did we use Axis scientists but committed greater atrocities with the goal of criminally controlling the US public through any means necessary.
This precedent would require a post-mortem exoneration of Nazi war criminals which would blow apart the entire narrative that they've been steadily constructing and indoctrinating youth into since the 30s.
because you don't question it. you rewrite history without providing proof and the people who were killed and those who survived don't deserve that.
You are a cuck. You kind of suck, remove flag auscuck
Israel's existence and jewish political power as a whole is a result of the post WW2 sympathy and white guilt gravy train they rode in those days
If you reveal that the event they used as leverage for having land stolen from Palestine granted to them and for them to install themselves in every single political or societal body imaginable was essentially a massive lie that has been propped up for decades, it starts to bring up the question 'What else have they lied about or done wrong?'
And that's how centuries of political maneuvering, sabotage, warmongering, and other nefarious deeds get utterly wasted and likely spells the end for any relevancy, past, present or future, the Jewish race will have in human civilization.
The very fact that they go to such great lengths as threatening prison sentences for questioning the Holohoax should be more than enough for anyone sane to question why it's worth imprisoning people for having a different opinion.
Those are Poles not jews
Because it HAPPENED! Get over it bigot. Please, I’m begging you, HAVE. SEX.
Because the only people who “question” it are people who want to incite a second go.
You can of course ask any question about it, and do honest research on the subject. It is lying about it that gets you in trouble...
>because retarded kikes created insane an conspiracy theory and understand that censoring discussion prevents people from realizing not only that it didn't happen, but it should have happened.
But there is masses of documentation and huge mass graves. Why are you pretending otherwise? Is it because you live far away and have never seen the archives or the graves? Because you don’t live somewhere where it happened? Because you have been listening to liars?
thanks for proving my point i guess
too much evidence. you can see an entire warehouse of jewish clothes and hair. its on display
It isn’t.
You're right but I think the biggest reason is because we built an entire political and legal system on the narrative of the holocaust. You see, all those international human rights treaties and supranational organizations were birthed in order to prevent it all from happening again. Those treaties and organizations (ICCPR, ECHR, EU, UNHCR to name a few) make it near impossible to deport migrants once they set foot on European soil.
That’s not evidence of anything, can you not think of why they’d have their stuff taken and hair cut? Why if you were going to gas them would you cut their hair?
Bed bugs and fleas were endemic during WW2 and Germany had not discovered anti biotics. The diesease in a blockaded Germany was rife and the camps were utter biological time bombs.
Zyklon B is a pesticide. That’s what the gas in the showers thing comes from they were deloused.
100% of the things that your government legally requires you to believe are false. The truth does not require the protection of government.
You rewrite history by making up this insane story that millions of people were killed in the most ridiculous way possible while no one at the time wrote a single word about it.
The media only ever existed to manipulate you. Everything else they do is a means to that end.
WTF would the central infinite money dictatorship want you educated and informed, told the truth when it happens as it happens? They wouldn’t and don’t. The first ever political interview broadcast was a fix, it was some politician that went on to be PM. The interviewer started by claiming the guest hadn’t been given the questions beforehand. He had, they had had two full dress rehearsals FFS. That is what your fucking TV’s are and until everyone wakes up to the power of image you will all be on your errand to destroy civilisation guided by satanic central bankers.
Because the Nazis covered up all the hard evidence. I'm not joking the holocaust is simultaneous the best documented genocide yet the Nazis covered it all up.
The official story goes like this.
>The Nazis used coded language to hide the gaschambers
>Didn't speak about them in their encrypted communication
>Burned their documents
>Demolished the Buildings
>Misslabeled the gaschambers on the floorplans
>But left 7000 Eyewitnesses in auschwitz alive
The gaschambers weren't this purposely designed but improvised on the fly. That however makes it implausible that they operated at scale.
From the floorplans of Auschwitz I can tell you that they simply did not have the facilities for a mass extermination operation.
That's a part of the reason too. It's all a very big complicated scheme. Like most things, the simplistic explanation for reasoning is usually a decoy to fool people who search too much but think too little. Plus, our brains naturally try to simplify the environment and knowledge we have.
Because it didn't
We should stop questioning it and ignore it instead. It is irrelevant in the larger picture and only serve to make them relevant instead of us.
You don’t know that the six million was invented in the 1970’s?
That the same six million was used in a very similar way before WW2 as well? It’s a cabalistic number favoured by the Rothechilds for propaganda.
But it should have
its tough to rewrite history, seems like its happening all the time now. orwell was correct. its all about the words you choose to speak
Even if it happened it’s mesningless in European history. WW2 only has big numbers of casualties because of population growth. Often in war a European country (continental not us) would lose a quarter of its population.
So ask yourself why you don’t know this and only ever hear about these fucking Jews?
Couldn’t be because they are the ones who are marketing the fictions about it in media could it?
But you don’t care about us.
You don’t care that a real genocide is being attempted on us right now and with the full direction and guidance if the same Jews whining about nothing, and the synagogue of Satan bankers themselves the Rotheschilds directing it.
You go with your what your TV says but don’t wonder why it happens if we get out of this we come for you.
I's funny how there were more jews in 1946 then it was in 1939
Fleas can hide in clothing and spread disease. Their clothes were taken from them, then they showered and changed into new clothes. Same thing was done at Ellis island at the time for incoming immigrants, can't find the video right now
This pretty much sums it up.
They've become so dependent on the lie, and done so much evil with the lie as their only protection, that to see the the lie shatter would mean very severe consequences for their people.
Because you're a stupid fucking goy and shouldn't question things that for sure 100% happened and have been proven over 6 million times with 6 million different pieces of evidence. Fuck, it's not that difficult a concept goy.
Heeey it's frog-rabbi
Hello frog-rabbi!
That namefag doesn't work when you show up to EVERY holohoax thread like fucking clockwork lmfao
Can't tell if you are defending the holohoax, or pointing out the insanity that the Germans hiveminded it all. Never committing any of it to actual paper, or communications of any form.
Prison uniforms are standards practise to degrade inmates and dehumanize them.
we can't gas this poor woman, she's starving!
reminder america will stand in your way if you go after the jews
Because 6 gorillion, you anti-semite
>Why is it illegal to question what happened?
That girl is a pure 10/10
The facilities were not designed for an mass etermination program that is shown by the floorplans. From the camps aerial shots we know that the floorplans are complete and no facilities were not on them.
Remember that 3000 children were born in auschwitz and they let the mothers carry to term instead of executing them as useless mouths.
Also because it's easy to mass produce in times of war
why should i feel sorry for people with better chin and jaw genetics than me
what would be the reason to cremate them anyway? You use that usually to prevent plagues or out of piety.
I see not a single reason to cremate jews in such a facility.
can you masturbate me to death please?
Jesus Christ is this what perfection looks like?
>It is lying about it that gets you in trouble...
Thats so not true at all
>what would be the reason to cremate them anyway?
So they could call it the Holocaust®™©
The people arguing with us represent a human weakness, they are unwilling to think for themselves. They are unwilling to take responsibility for themselves.
Wake Up! These are absolute predators in your political parties, above the law paedophilic minds and if it’s like the U.K. they are ONLY there for the legal above the law corruption of it all. They have no philosophy that contains any loyalty or respect for you. Their philosophy is exactly the opposite. They win you like cattle by lying and then make good for themselves out of it. That’s what they call capitalism. Semantics is a cover for so much crime and evil but you still refuse to consider things and think for yourselves.
Are you like a saint. Why do you think these utter shits in your establishments are then?
You know I’m telling the truth, on some level you know all this but you take your daily diet of repetitive image brainwashing (not a simile it’s exactly and precisely brainwashing) and the images help direct you without any need for you to think and you are farmed and used. The fictional images of TV are memorised just the same way as real life experience the human brain has no built in capacity to deal separately with TV.
I have to go I’m working here, but please this is too serious a situation for me to have to babysit you while you refuse to switch your brains on. It may be comfier now to obey but can’t you see the bloody net closing on you. It’s not Whitey who’s going to suffer ALL HUMANITY IS GOING UNDER this is our last gasp, our last chance to stand up and fight back.
I’m so angry here. I have to go. Bye.
Niggers, Jews and sandniggers in a nutshell.
I swear all the White hatred is based on extreme jealousy and inferiority complex.
They are claiming network cruelty.
Another doozy is that it is claimed that the nazis didn't write people who got gassed in their documents only forced labor.
However you would want to track the progress of your extermination campaign and make sure no jew escapes.
You're assuming that history as it was written wasn't a work of fiction to begin with
Because its their justification for being number 1 in the victim league table. If people start doubting their story they will be viewed less sympathetically and start to think "Hang on, this really isn't fair, we've let them run so much of the world to make up for what they went through and its not even true."
The biggest issues aren't the lies in memoires or other inane bullshit. It's not really about revising the numbers, which are wild estimates by both "sides". The issue is the literal truckloads of falsified and otherwise inadmissible evidence that got admitted to the Nuremberg trials to skew history. It's insane that we base international law practice on the trials. I imagine there were soviet show trials with more truth and justice than that sham.
The swastika and the books are shopped.
Y'know, I bet you have relatives in eastern europe who grew up being told that your branch of the family was killed in the "holocaust". What happened was that a family would get separated during the war and the family members would all get sent to different camps and then, after the war, they all bought the propaganda and assumed that the others were all dead. I bet if you spent an hour doing research online, you'd be able to find a bunch of missing relatives in Poland or Russia or something.
I don't see any need for gaschambers or cremation facilities. Not a single rational reason you don't want to burn jews to ash that is just a waste of fuel you just reduce their fluid content in a pile and then dump them in a massgrave. Intact bones and all. Crushing bones that is insane.
But even massgraves would become logistical nightmares on the scale that is claimed so deathmarches or bullets and ditches is the standard method for it in history.
The floorplans tell me the story of back breaking slave labor with many dieing from disease or exhaustion.
It was designed to handle corpses yes but nothing on scale.
Cremation facilities are necessary at any place where so many people live in close proximity, not to mention in captivity. Almost any large enough prison has its own.
There have been releases up to 42 or 44 from Auschwitz, if I recall correctly. Doesn't mean nobody was murdered at the same time.
Is this real?
If so, what country. Cause theres none like her down here.
Not really only if you treat people as humans.
An epidemic endangers personnel and production as well. Auschwitz had enormous forced labor facilities. The output wasn't a nice bonus, but necessary and expected.
Actually not really
Those organisations were built on the war, not on the Holocaust
At the time it was not seen as of much importance - people didn’t even have a clue about the total numbers, and it was a thing that happened to Jews (who cares?)
The importance of the Holocaust only became promoted in the 60s onwards
It makes sense if you want to avoid a mess. How they can claim a spontaneous mass extermination campaign with those facilities is a riddle to me.
The more I ask the more it comes out that the Nazis covered it all up. Last time I learned that the Nazis covered up the people who went to the gaschambers by not writing them down like the other prisoners.
It all makes not fucking sense. Occams razor would go in favor of that it didn't happen so there was no giant coverup.
Gassing is highly efficient. Why do you say it is ridiculous?
Also some people did write about it, while it was happening and in the years for, but given the scale of the war and its immediate impact on people, it was. It a big story then
>Gassing is highly efficient. Why do you say it is ridiculous?
Only if you got the proper facilities and only in comparsion to dismemebering people by horses.
You revised the story of all the german camps what stops you from revising the story of the polish ones once more? How can you be so confident after learning that you were wrong about extermination camps already once?
so did the hooloohoox happen or not?
>swastika and books are shopped.
God fucking damnit.
I agree. But on the other hand, the numbers of the deported are too large IMO to chalk it all up to deaths from overworking, famine and typhus. I've read some source on some big, largely German migration (I think it was following the Austrian-Prussian war, the proper English name of which eludes me, it could've also been the thirty year war) where census data suggested that close to a million or so people disappeared from the face of the earth, so in times of large scale upheaval such things are imaginable. The thing is, I wouldn't put mass murder past the NSDAP regime, they started with the war crimes early in the war.
Get fucked y'all
They revised the stories already dozens of times always in favor of the denial side so I wonder how they can claim that now they got finally the 100% by law correct truth..
It kind of begs the question that why have confidence with so little hard evidence.
And if it was all a giant coverup occams razor would say nope it didn't happen.