Who do I vote for?

I'm in the North West of England, which has the best chance?

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Are Tommey

tommy > UKIP > brexit party

im not voting though

Tommy tommy tommy tommy Robinson

Tommy. Send a msg to the natiom.


Brexit has the best chance, but is also the most cucked.

>voting for any of them

If they can't dodge our milkshakes how can they run a country?

brexit party has the best chance

We're going to milkshake leave voters when they go to vote

Attached: milkshake-2.jpg (1536x2048, 467K)

okay tommy it is. my family are all voting labour.

Attached: tommy-robinson-4.jpg (1000x563, 72K)

English Democrats

Honestly now the ebst bet is to vote for Brexit.

They are a bit cucked, especially compared to Ukip, but Brexit has a serious chance of winning and the message will be clear.

Voting for Ukip might help move them from 2 to 3 per cent and the media will ignore it or continue going on about a rape joke.

Brexit and Farage winning though, my god that is going to upset the elite.

thanks for making my mind up.

> voting

Does anyone else genuinely hate "Tommy" ?

Tommy is loved by most working class . The media try to make it out he's a white supremacist when really he is telling the truth about the Muslim threat to the country and backs it up with evidence

the fact he's a Zionist?

Attached: maxresdefault (3).jpg (1280x720, 76K)

Brexit > Tommy > UKIP

Also hang all the remainer cunts.

go fuck your sister Muhammed

Brexit Party, of course? These elections are bullshit, and the only reason to participate at all is to rub the remain camp's nose in their fantasy that 98% of the country wants to stay in the EU. I don't understand the question, why would you vote any other way?

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I was mainly asking because the way the european elections works still confuses me. I know they work differently and its not just a first past the post system. There's eight seats in my region, two of them are currently held by muslims. I imagine if Tommy gets enough votes it's still possible he can get one of those seats.


you can only vote for tommy in the north west of england, so if you're voting outside that vote for UKIP

who has the most chance, Tommy, followed by a distant Sargon and then Dankula as the biggest outsider?

labour or conservative has the best chance retard, if you believe in liblabcon you might as well not vote at all

>North West of England

Attached: retard.png (205x246, 4K)

farage is playing 10th dimensional chess, the throwing of the milkshake will have the same affect that a butterfly did millions of years ago to your mothers ovaries - the creation of a faggot

They can't vote if they can't breath. Just saying.

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