Men like this have the right to vote...


That's when you realize that jewish subversion is nothing more than the icing on the cake of an already dying civilisation. There was no need for any machiavellian plan to destroy Europe. No need for feminism or the presence of third world parasites... These things were nothing more than consequences but not a cause. We only have ourselves to blame. For being silent, indifferent instead of taking power. We blamed irresponsible lunatics (of the likes of Merkel, but what would you expect from a childless woman who has no stake in her country's future and who happens to be an ex-commie ? ) ...

Men are to blame. For giving women the right to vote, for listening to hostile tribes (jews, free masons) while naively believing that said tribes would do things in our best interest. tolerating LGBT, Muslim lobbies... refusing identity politics and racism, while promoting abstract ideals, worshiping "individualism" while the rest of the world was collectively planning our demise.

Couldn't have said it better..

Attached: cope harder.png (1237x766, 736K)

Other urls found in this thread:


what an odd thread.
it blames jews for white people being faggots.
what an odd thread.

I agree what an odd thread indeed. Oy gevalt. Odd odd thread. Odd.

No worse then giving women the right to vote or listening to the retarded script readings of a 14 year old girl on jewtube

I unironically had a tear in my eye watching my queen die though. She did nothing wrong.

Attached: daenerys3.jpg (1400x1048, 760K)

>what an odd thread.
>it blames jews for white people being faggots.
>what an odd thread.

Nop....english is not my native tongue so maybe i wasn't clear.
I said jews were nothing more than the icing on the cake. In other words, more than half of the job was already done... In reality, there's no need for feminists, jews, niggers, or any of the problems most of Jow Forums users are bitching about.

Just silent observers...or traitors, or indifferent men. And of course, pussified men. (gay or low test heteros).

Remember this ? (see image attached) the reverse scenario would be unthinkable... It would've caused a civil war, riots...you name it. But white men, indigenous european men, stayed silent, indifferent... more concerned about the latest Iphone or hdtv than defending their own people..And all of it happened in the land of their own ancestors, right in front of them.

What is happening to europe is because of men. Not women or jews...Of irresponsible men.

Attached: horrific-betrayal-2.jpg (600x763, 93K)

It was a European cultural tradition, stemming from Christianity, to take people at their word and to project upon others the same values and principles that we see in ourselves. This made Western Civilization great but it exposed us to outside corruption - people that we extend the assumption of humanity to but who really share none of our values, e.g. the goddamned jews.
E.g. this guy In the past, Western Civilization resisted, but the case was made that jew, negroes, etc are human too and we should treat them as equals. It was a foolish assumption as the present condition of the West shows. They are not like us. Blacks don't function well in our society as a people, and jews tend to fuck the culture over and happily enjoy the suffering of their host peoples.

>I agree what an odd thread indeed. Oy gevalt. Odd odd thread. Odd.

Jews feminists, nigs, have as much power as we allowed them to have. We watched the consequences of giving them a say in how we should handle our own affairs, then bitched about it when everything was going to shit...

Even though deep down, any sane man knows you don't give the keys to power to immature or irresponsible people or subverters.. That's precisely what we did...Then we bitched, observed, and blamed our problems on said irresponsible, emotionally unstable (i.e. women, fags) on subverters (jews, free masons) on genetically immature and violent people (non-europeans)...

>Then we bitched, observed, and blamed our problems on said irresponsible, emotionally unstable (i.e. women, fags) on subverters (jews, free masons) on genetically immature and violent people (non-europeans)...
If you check out who was pushing for women voting and the import of hoards of lower IQ folks who can't function well in our society and thus hate our society, it's always the jews.
In 1914, the jews bought our President Wilson, imposed their bank on the US once again and then used their fake money to buy our news media. We were the told via their media the most absurd lies so we'd go fight for the jews because Lord Rothschild made a deal with Lord Balfour that if Rothschild could get the us to enter WW 1 on the side of the brits, the brits would give Rothschild "Palestine" as war booty.
The US has been getting fucked by these people ever since.

And then white men wonder why white women are repulsed by their tiny nuts

Most women watch this swordshit with them... Ive had at least 4 different gf try to make me watch that crap with them and my current gf watches regularly. Stay in you lane nigger.

>If you check out who was pushing for women voting and the import of hoards of lower IQ folks who can't function well in our society and thus hate our society, it's always the jews.

The point remains though.
Who took them seriously ? who listened to them in the first place ? who gave them a say in our own affairs ? ...

I know what jews have done. But at the same time, can you blame them ? Weren't they doing what was best for their own interest ? The real issue or question is why would an outside group give them any power in the first place ? Again, they had as much as and importance as we allowed them to have. Why ?...That's the question. Some blame christianity, others claim that we're the most compassionate or empathetic race on the planet, this, paradoxically led us to conquer the world, not just because of greed or power, but also because we thought we were morally noble or morally "just" (whatever the fuck that means).... Why did i post this thread ? I was looking at this pussified man, watching him sob at the death of a fictional character (the dragon queen) who was also convinced that she would "liberate" the world, that she knew what was "good" etc...

That's what we did when we conquered indians, blacks, and other races... We brought them christianity, taught them to read, to function our ways (even though it never quite worked out in the end , because there's a biological, racial and cultural element we pretend does not exist).

Muslim slave traders castrated millions, upon millions of negro slaves... We didn't. We are today blamed for all the problems in the world, demonized, dehumanized 24/7 in the media.

Who voted for Merkel ? Macron ?... Why would a sane person elect a childless ex commie who's emotionally unstable ? And then wonder why said person opens the doors to 2 digit IQed third worlders ?

Democracy has always been a failed system, our greatest thinkers hated democracy (Aristotle, Socrates, Plato..)

If you cry like a little bitch, I doubt a woman would want to witness that shit and want your seed afterward.

>Who took them seriously ? who listened to them in the first place ? who gave them a say in our own affairs ? ...
You are right, we did.
Western culture is trusting, but is totally dependent upon having a people who, by and large, are trust worthy.
Add jews to that and Western Culture falls.
I think we're in agreement here on what happened. Our only issue is where to place the blame - the jew who destroyed us, or ourselves for not gassing the jew. BTW, the jew argument that it's our fault our society is shit because we didn't gas them is a common one.

the star wars guy actually has a wife and family, and money to go on vacation.
he is doing better than 99.999999% of Jow Forums.

Attached: 568679.png (473x532, 405K)

Its absolutely sad that pop culture is this important to people, crying over people who dont even exist.

I think you mean hes doing better than you.

I didnt watch the vids but youd be suprised by the amount of cucks who got decent looking gf. Idk how often they fuck but they do show PDA when together. You probably got a point tho. Crying over a tv show is some next level beta shit. You're alright, for a nigger.


That's a faggot homes

It's not even the fact he's crying. It's the way he cries, like a bitch.


The answer has always been Islam

also i imagine he is on vacation in florida for the theme parks.
i dont consume movie trash or drink onions, but i love a good theme park.. i could probably, unironically get along with the star wars guy.

i dont blame him for overreacting about a movie trailer too.
i cried watching conan o brians youtube channel because i was too high and i began to think about how genuinely funny and likable conan is, without resorting to being an edgy scumbag, i thought he was a beacon for all humanity for a good 2 hours, before i realized he hates trump and is a cuck.

The snot bubbles, shaking, anger fits....that goes way below bitch crying...that is hysterical cunt tier.

True, I slam bitches all the time

the answer to what?.. who is most inbred and violent group of people on earth?

Yeah, I guess you get my point.

No. Islam is a desert religion suited to the average IQ 85 level IQ. People from hot areas evolved smaller brains and more primitive and retarded religions to avoid heat stroke.
Western Civilization would fall and billions die if the West became islamic, because who would provide the gibs to you?

Attached: Islam World is flat.png (444x291, 226K)

>Don't blame the cuck
> I cried to Conan O'Brien
> LOL super high, bro
You are the shame of Australia, delete this post now and let a roo punch you in the gut

You don't like what Islam offers?

Attached: What islam offers.jpg (480x480, 40K)

Did you even check the flag of the user you responded to?

Attached: 1554980241465.png (904x711, 360K)

>I think we're in agreement here on what happened. Our only issue is where to place the blame - the jew who destroyed us, or ourselves for not gassing the jew. BTW, the jew argument that it's our fault our society is shit because we didn't gas them is a common one.

Like is said above, i'm very well aware of how much of a nuisance this tribe has been, even before ww2...for centuries. It's nothing new. My view is that we're responsible for it all. We are ashamed of being called racist while the entire world uses our tolerance against our own interests, we worship "individualism" (Jordan Peterson makes his bread and butter selling off the "freedom of individualist thinking"... But again, only the white race gives these abstract concepts any importance while the rest of the world sees it as a major weakness.

Jews, muslims, east asians... When you look at how these people function (in the land of our own ancestors)..heck even LGBT lobbies..all these people function the same way (jews more so than others but the principle is the same) , they have a strong in-group identity, they form lobbies or communities)...While white men pride themselves showing the world how they reject identity politics, how they're free thinkers"... While gangs of pakis rape their daughters..

Why wouldn't jews take advantage of such naive people?

Dubai is better than any Western city, you watch too much CNN

Are you even sure it is not an emu, or worse, a cassowary posting rather than an aussie shitposter?

When it comes to Aussies, one must remember that they are shitposting Larping brits with a speech impediment mightier than the ugliest British accent

I got a job there when I had just graduated.
That city literally is a veneer...80% of the city doesn't even have waste management. Trucks come to pump the shitpits from large buildings and then just dumps it raw in the ocean or wherever the fuck people are not watching.

men are pussified because our women have infiltrated the inner sanctum of civilisation.
You are fucking retarded if you even argue with me.
I have a friend, one f my close friends. His father died when he was very little, and the was raised by the women of the family. This guy was so pussified, he's a hulking 6'3 chad yet couldn't look thots in the eye when he talked to them. The epitome of a "nice guy" you could say. And by nice guy, I do not mean the reddit definition. This guy was a genuinely nice person, You could spit in his face and he'd fucking smile. He had a girlfriend as well, of course any woman would want a nice guy like him. He'd pick her her, buy her gifts, do all the "right" things. He'd spend the day studying for college while his gf went partying "with the girls". Needless to say, they broke up, with he girl blaming her cheating on him through some mental gymnastics. I took this man under my wing. Started lifting, went out drinking with this nigga every few weeks , this guy who never drank fucking soda before in his life.
Of course in a year or so, he realized that the teachings of women in his life had betrayed him. He got a hotter gf, a fwb and a thot to send him nudes in the span of two months after that. Now he lifts competitively. And when I last met him(I moved to another state), he actually fucking thanked me and remarked how much of a cuck he was. The feeling of brotherhood I got at that moment trumped every moment I ever spent with a woman. You won't understand how the women ruin our generations Jow Forums

Fuck you abdul. Islam will be exterminated.

>My view is that we're responsible for it all.
Humm... a little bit of blame the victim there - which you got listening to the jew... but
What's important is that if we're responsible then it means that we can fix it. If we're responsible, then as our penance for this sin we are obligated to fix it. Because that is what the men of Western Civilization do.
>We are ashamed of being called racist while the entire world uses our tolerance against our own interests
Then we must not be shamed by the lies of the jew and look after our own interest.
>Jordon Peterson ...
Stop listening to shabbos goys who shill for the jews. One people, one government to serve the good of the people... French people in your case. Personally, I think you should have hung de Gaul but that stopped being my monkeys and my circus 300 years ago when my ancestors left france.
Get your French identity back. Come on, you can do it, the french invented Chauvinism! It is not a bad thing, it's for the good of the people.
>Why wouldn't jews take advantage of such naive people?
Fun and money.

Attached: Jewish harvard white genocide.jpg (960x960, 230K)

I know...and he's allowed to vote.
makes no difference with the hetero, low testosterone star wars fan does it ?..who do you think these people will vote for ? why give these people the right to vote in the first place..

like i said above, democracy is a failed system. always has been. The only way to make it work would be to ban, emotionally unstable people (fags, women,) outsiders (people of different races, religion, culture)...childless individuals from having a say in how to run a country.

Yet we allow people who have no stake in their country's future to lead us. Look at the Eu alone.. It's not just the childless Merkel... Look at EU's president , Juncker youtube.com/watch?v=ZJsrJUuonkM , childless, drunkard , globalist... Macron, same thing only he's not addicted to alcohol.. look who he's married to.

and then we wonder why europe is invaded by third worlders. But who voted for these people in the first place.

Take my country alone as an example..
We voted for Macron, (EU puppet)...Before that, we had Hollande (Hated his own people, was an EU slave).. before him.. Sarkozy (Atlantis, zionist jew, EU pupet..) before him, Chirac..(only good thing he ever did was to refuse to attack Iraq over false claims of WMD but was a race traitor and never stopped the flow of third world immigration)...Before him, Mitterand, another fucking socialist who divided the right to make sure nationalists are never allied with other patriots to weaken us in order to keep socialism in power....

People are fucking dumb. Call them "racists" and they'll go in defense mode, they'd rather you call them murderers or pedophiles than racists.

>and money to go on vacation.
This is unusual how?

Dubai was built by the west and paid for with the oil money we gave you.
You are very lucky the brits just didn't scrape you off the earth and take the oil.
Nothing you have is of your own making. You only have it because western civilization needed what is beneath your feet and you didn't even know about.


Based Frenchman.

All that matters is the individual.

Attached: 59080C36-3447-4723-A5DA-40A9D41A4E97.jpg (597x534, 46K)

Kewl. You're a violent people. And you have guns that were made... where? In the west.
Very little you have is of your own making. 30% of Saudi Arabia's economy is from manufacturing, the vast majority of their wealth is from oil.
Without the Christian West, a billion Muslims will starve.

>All that matters is the individual.
jews always say that to the goy, and then push jewish nationalism world wide.
It's such a dumb trick, but goys believe it for some reason.

>chrisitan west
the west is secular and athiest , the church has been a separate thing from the government for a long time

The values and the culture are Christian. If you don't think so, put down the bacon and show me your three wives.

you're retarded if you think she's anyone but the allies


Shut it kike, the only mistake whites ever made was not gassing you all

Fragile muscles much? S.mh

the star waks cuck who goe global press for his crying video has prompted other losers to make over the top reaction videos in the hope they can trigger the youtube ad level and make $3 per 1000 views. for some this will be worth having no self respect, but little do they know you need 10,000 hours of views to trigger it.

He's sitting right next to you at the JIDF, isn't he?
I don't think so... his perspective is different but he's correct on the basic facts. Jews tell lies in the form of a question based on a false premise. Also, the jew's message is always division of a people, and he's talking unity among the French. Wrong message bro.

Attached: JIDF and pol.jpg (1272x1023, 354K)

Gonna disagree with most of your premise. It does contain at least one grain of truth - only property owners should have the vote. They both contribute the most and have the most to lose.

As far as Chirac, of course he refused. He sold Iraq their nuke plant.

>The values and the culture are Christian.
What rock have you been sleeping under the last few decades?

Attached: current year 5.jpg (480x600, 76K)

In comparison to most of Jow Forums, as he said.

Attached: Dead Children in Gaza.jpg (420x280, 23K)

>Gonna disagree with most of your premise. It does contain at least one grain of truth - only property owners should have the vote.

Completely agree. Even though it may be unfair for everybody else..But that's the only possible way democracy could "potentially" work while keeping a stable country. People who have a lot to lose should have a say in how their country should be run...Others should be banned from voting. But we don't have that. And so we worry about our demography, we look helplessly at other races, at lobbies, voting in laws that go against our own interests... and of course, parasites will always vote for the leader who promisses more "gibs".

"A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been 200 years.

During those 200 years, these nations always progressed through the following sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith; From spiritual faith to great courage; From courage to liberty; From liberty to abundance; From abundance to selfishness; From selfishness to complacency; From complacency to apathy; From apathy to dependence; From dependence back into bondage."

Alexander Fraser Tytler

>Says I live under a rock.
>posts my own meme to redpill me.
here... you can make more like that using this. I'm not Irish bro who posted this, obviously. But it was an epic comment modern degeneracy.

Attached: and then one day, for no reason at all, people voted Hitler into power.jpg (878x113, 29K)

Yes because there isn't a anarcho-tyranny panopticon surveillance state crushing down on the natives and which covered this problem up for nearly half a century. Nice post, Shlomo.

Most people on pol are well paid kike shills like you

>WHITE Men are to blame. For giving women the right to vote, for listening to hostile tribes (jews, free masons) while naively believing that said tribes would do things in our best interest. tolerating LGBT, Muslim lobbies... refusing identity politics and racism, while promoting abstract ideals, worshiping "individualism" while the rest of the world was collectively planning our demise.

Well said
Our material greed has driven us to a point where we don't even care about what happens to our neighbours,our relatives.
If we have to strike back the first step in right direction is abandonment of material greed and "WE NEED TO STRIKE BACK QUICK AS OUR DEMOGRAPHICS GETS WORSE DAY BY DAY AND TIME IS SLOWLY BUT SURELY RUNNING OUT "

>me call him jew
>me win

Wew lad

Attached: 1557351614442.gif (400x206, 1.54M)

>From dependence back into bondage.

I'm not ignoring the majority of your post. I agree with a good bit of it. I am very familiar with the parable you used. This last line is important. It's the reason traditionalist Americans reject all the institutions other countries lambast us about. The more aspects of yoyr life government has access to and control over, the more they can take away your rights "for the common good." By nature Americans abhor government, recognizing that it is a necessary evil best kept small enough to drown in our morning coffee.

>>WHITE Men are to blame

Ironically yes...
But obviously not for the same reasons feminists, jews, nigs are bitching about.

The way i view said blame is that we were and still are too weak to do what needs to be done.

It baffles me that anyone who fall into the slave morality trap.

Attached: Comparing the Two Moralities.png (639x479, 161K)

>who fall

>" By nature Americans abhor government

same, only i'm french, and french people can't imagine a world without nanny government, from craddle to grave, worst of all, with think it is our duty to share said nanny gov with the rest of the world, in the name of masonic and post christian ideological concepts... (tolerance, human rightism, equality..)... It's a catastrophe, a civilisation shooting itself in the foot.

> (You)
>Yes because there isn't a anarcho-tyranny panopticon surveillance state crushing down on the natives and which covered this problem up for nearly half a century. Nice post, Shlomo.

What you're saying isn't false either.. Look, i'm not saying that jews, globalists, feminists, etc..are completely blameless. JUst saying that they're basically doing what is in their best interest. (except for women, but they're not smart enough to realise it, women are too emotionally involved to be objective about today's situation). But that's also precisely what i'm talking about. Women never, under any circumstances, should've had the right to vote or to have any sort of influence in politics. Especially, childless women. (who are even more psychologically unstable than the average woman).

Although, there are some extremely rare exceptions. One that comes to mind, is this lesbian. who against all odds, is basically speaking like a white nationalist, conservative male. (almost) youtube.com/watch?v=3ZXfAURm050

So again, i realise that the current system is against white men. But my point still stands... We are here today, in this timeline, post ww2...Because we accepted slave morality, morality of the weak. Because of universalism,, "human rightism"... All these cancerous, bullshit, suicidal abstract ideas that only the white race cares for... Only the white race is receptive to these concepts.

Others (jews, east asians) are aware of them, and are taking advantage of them. Muslims too, all of them, do this to further their own cause. We should be ruthless when it comes to defend our own interests. But we don't do that. Instead, we have cops who do not report murders and rapes done by subhumans because they're more concerned about being called "racists".

>money to go on vacation

sounds like you're a poor person. Get gud with money.