Why are Self Checkout machines replacing human Cashiers worldwide?

Why are Self Checkout machines replacing human Cashiers worldwide?

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because there is no reason to pay an adult female to run a till any longer.

Only in white areas. Because then the savings from not paying a unionized checker wages and benefits is more than what you lose from shop lifting due to these machines.

because they don't breath on you and act as vectors to carry disease across the community. Many plastic-loving bacterial films are quite harmless to humans, and compete for space against the nasty diseases.

A human being, that's so much gross.

>unmanned kiosk
>expression of love

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>robot detected

>they take your money and your productivity

My time is too valuable to bag my own groceries.


>Have an employee work for you to check out customers and lose money on wage
>or make the customer work for you and not pay them a wage

How long until machines are doing the shopping too?

I love them, but they suck in grocery stores.
I buy $200-$300 of groceries at a time. I just spent 30-40 minutes pushing a cart and picking all that shit up, and then I'm going to have to pick it up again and put it in the car, and again to take it inside, and then again individually as everything is put away. I'm paying for this shit, don't make me fucking work to buy it you cheap nigger cunts.

Because they're cheaper than minimum wage, and people are becoming more autistic, socially averse, etc.

"How dare you. robot detection technology is years away kiddo," added the father of one of his children. "[The product] is designed to be an extremely effective way to treat child abuse problems."

Flexi-Tek isn't the only robot company that is already trying to take on the abuse scene. Last month, Facebook's AI tool Tay was featured in a documentary by former director Michael Moore, who also worked on "Dog Day Afternoon" with a robot named Barbie. The toy, as advertised, can play a variety of musical instruments, even play an organ.

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Because they are cheap, and can handle more people faster. Even taking the occasional loss, its still cheaper than labor.

Because they're better than humans

I don't like talking to strangers and I don't get a lot of shit every time I shop

The store realized they can make you do their job for them. Unless they figure out a way to do what amazon does, where you can just walk out and it auto charges you, I'd prefer it if someone else scans and bags my stuff. At the very minimum the goods in the store should be cheaper, or I should get a discount, if they want me to do additional work.

I like it, I don't want to interact with humans anymore than is necessary

grocery stores intentionally schedule too few cashiers during busy shifts to entice customers to use the self-checkout. it rarely works though and they just end up with huge lines of depressed looking people. i guess replacing real cashiers with illegal hispanic women wasn't saving them enough money.

>Why are Self Checkout machines replacing human Cashiers worldwide?
because people like me are tired of dealing with retarded niggers and low iq retards

To save money on wages to humans. Whatever the answer it's great for us as they so easy to scam free shit out of, I know many people who regularly save £20-£40 off of Thier grocery shopping using these machines

>local shart mart had 30 checkout lanes and only ever staffed four of them, even at fucking Christmas time
>shopping there guaranteed waiting in line for 20+ minutes no matter what you were buying
>just remodeled so they now have 20 self checkout lanes that are open 24/7
>some are bigger with conveyor belts for large cart loads
>haven't had to wait in line since

Can't wait for our dystopian cyberpunk Amazon future where cameras track any object you pick up and charge your credit card once you leave the store.

I like the choice offered. When I have just a handful of items, I can go through the self- checkout lines, and get out much quicker, when I have an overflowing cart, I can go through a human cashier's line.

When you go shopping at a store like Meijer, Costco Walmart etc... they do a good job luring customers in with sales, selections and daily low prices, but they needed some work on being quicker on getting the hordes of people, checked.

>retarded niggers and low IQ retards
You're among them

They are faster and more convenient than low iq mouth breathers.

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how is that dystopian? just seems like a more convenient way to go shopping.

the only reason you were waiting in line is because they were forcing you to and you weren't saying anything about it. people turn into zombies when they go into a grocery store, i don't get it, no one ever complains about the waiting times and when they do, instead of telling a manager they whine to the cashier as if they can do shit about it.

Because you don't have to pay them wages.

why is everyone on Jow Forums asking sub 90 IQ questions? I know why actually, because this is probably some guy who is actually smart trying to make people more cognizant of certain thing to morph their worldview as praxis.
I only like non-praxis threads.

Cost efficiency

because of old people blocking everyone for hours with their fucking cheques

How does this work?

They're not. The average person is too retarded to figure self checkout out, so most grocery stores have to hire a new employee or two to manage them. In my area at least, no standard checkout Lanes were removed to add self checkout.

Because it's a much more pleasant experience that dealing with the average thot or nigger behind the counter.

cheques??? hoy there grampa thats a word i haven't heard in a long time

Those machines cost less and do a better job than people. That's why.

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>can make a run to the supermarket without talking to a single other human being

God bless self checkouts.

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Are you 15 or just retarded

Allow me to spoon feed it to you:

>big corporations like money
>implementing self check out makes them more money

im just waiting for sausage cutting robots

grocery stores themselves are an industrial invention that utilize free human labor via indoctrination to the system
prior to the industrial revolution, and the easy availability of trucked goods, the storekeeper and his assistants would have filled your order in the dry goods store while you waited or did other business in town and most of your fresh produce would have come from your own garden or the local market of farmers hawking their wares in the town square

Because it's cost efficient. Also, I don't have to deal with cashier creaturas who ring up my produce incorrectly rather than asking me what it is. To say nothing of the 'Courtesy Clerks' who think bagging raw chicken and vegetables is acceptable.

These people are drones who find you detestable because you interrupted their social media time. You're better off avoiding them at all costs.

I prefer them over having to interact with the typical retail employee.

> faster line
> don't have someone else handling your food
> don't have to interact with a cashier

Love these things.

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because they're cheaper for the store and faster for non-retard customers.

Tseself service checkouts in shops cost less than employing humans as cashiers, and they don't need holidays, lunch breaks etc.

These self service checkout machine factories make hundreds of billions of dollars by making these. Automation is a big business and it will be the most important industry in the future.

The economies which have the quickest automation rate, will experience the highest GDP growth. They can produce a lot more goods and services than other economies which are constrained by human production force.


Fuck those things. I’m not getting paid to scan groceries.

Safeway lets you order everything online and then they load it in your car when you show up.

Because it's quicker for me to scan everything myself and bag it correctly instead of some 60IQ 19 nignog who can't count change or needs to call the manager over when they forget how to do their job.

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>it's the 4 old geezers that don't know what a computer is hog the self checkout lane with carts full of groceries episode

What can be done about this? Should age limits be imposed on self checkout?

>replacing cashiers
>at Walmart

What nigger, every Walmart store I've been into befirevself checkouts had like 2 fucking cashiers and lines were backed up as fuck. Walmart hardly had any cashiers to begin with. Self check out was a blessing.

Import niggers like we have in my city, they break the self checkouts so nobody has to stand in line to use them. The noble negro saving jobs kek.

>makes $7.50 an hour
>we want $15 an hour!
>it costs less than that to have machines do it
>they now make $0 an hour

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Damn it!
Now I can’t flirt with those slutty workers at the check out anymore.

Because most people at this tier of labor have zero accountability, are unable to keep their emotions and opinions to themselves, and are unwilling to serve their fellow community members. They also do their best to bitch about the lack of hours and pay they receive, but do only a fraction of a percentage of work.

You try to add another task ontop of pressing fucking buttons on a screen, and these rats are prone to walk out.

The automatons cant come any quicker.

Yep I can get in and out of walmart in minutes instead of waiting in a 20 person line with some old baboon cashier taking 5 minutes to scan one item.

No thanks.

Cameras everywhere

Yes but the main goal is to get rid of cash as well so that they can track every cent of yours

>Self checkout vs dealing with the nigger operating the cash register
Self checkout is an ideal solution

this too...walk in, scan your hand/face, walk around and pick up whatever, walk out and everything is automatically scanned and deducted from your account....no shoplifting is even possible....

Even if humans worked for zero an hour ,machines would eventually replace them as they are more efficient. Its a stupid argument. Jobs prone to be replaced by automation WILL be replaced no matter what, better just try to milk as much money as possible from the jews before they finally do it

>Lonely boomer paying in cash, taking ages to count his money while trying to hold a conversation with the cashier

Who the fuck would want to have to deal with a teenager or a nigger just to buy something?



>love you

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>be hoodrat
>walk in
>scans face, poor oppressed POC identified
>diversity.exe; reparations.bat
>walk out with anything you want

the future is bright

Pretty much the Amazon Store in a nutshell

lol next they will replace the stagecoach with one of these fancy metal chariots

Dealing with unhappy failures in life barely even trying to do their jobs vs. cost effective investments.
Jee I wonder

>That'll be $14.88
>Boomer flips open checkbook

Not long really. You would have to build a store chain from the ground up, with a change in logistics depending on how much human interaction you want. But having robots pre-load replaceable shelving sections that other robots can pull precise amounts from to fill orders, and load for pick-up in a designated area isn't impossible. Costly to start, and prone to issues for now. But I can imagine you can put in your order from your phone, drive to the "store" and have a pallet of groceries in recyclable containers ready to be loaded into a car. Or even sent directly to your house if you're patient.

it's the wave of the future....just like the bible predicted....

People don't like to wait. What I find funny is that during high traffic times, there are lines backed up to use these.

because they're more efficient.

its faster

>Japanese people aging
>They create robots to help the lack of working population
>It works fine
>Japanese export those machines worldwide
>Machines replace workers where there is still a strong active economic population
>Massive permanent unemployment

>what is amazon delivery
>what is curbside grocery pick up

automation was inevitable, min wage or not. any monotonous task is on the chopping block as its very cheap and easy to currently automate, complex but still monotonous tasks like driving will also be automated but will take longer.
not sure why you want walmart to give their workers 7.50 wages, the wage is so low the worker still qualifies for gibs and you the tax payer ends up paying for jaunitos living expenses instead mega conglomerate walmart spending a few more pennies.

Have you ever been to a store?

Exactly. But imagine taking it a step further, where there's a robot in place of what few people are involved.

>Why are Self Checkout machines replacing human Cashiers worldwide?
Why are europoors so stupid that they have to post such retarded questions?

There's a difference between CCTV recording to a VCR in the back office and AI connected camera net tracking everything you do.

>the wage is so low the worker still qualifies for gibs
this is why gibs should not be available, it ends up being corporate welfare

that's already happening...I give it 2-3 years until full automation...

because why would i want to interact with another person and have them touch their goods, especially when cashiers these days visibly touch their nose and mouth constantly

cashiers are pointless unless you have a cart full of groceries which i never buy, i buy food for 2-3 days max at a time

So I can get away without paying of course.

Jow Forums laughs about automation now and pokes fun at low wage earners who are now out of a job, but soon automation will start to affect higher up traditionally male jobs. Heavy vehicle drivers will be the next to go. Warhouse and construction jobs. Airline pilots after that. All male-dominated fields.

You know what won't be automated soon? Nurses. Midwives. Teachers. Counsellors. These things can't be replaced by AI, at least in the forseeable future. Women are more futureproofed in this economy.

So, keep that smile on your face, Jow Forums posters. It won't last long.

I don't know whether to be excited or terrified for this cyberpunk clown world we're heading for.

Ring up large organic avocados as potatoes.
Fuck the greedy automation jew.

Why we need Yang's basic income.

>walk through grocery store toward self checkout
>boomers aggressively step up from their empty lanes READY TO CHECK OUT SIR?
>walk right past them without saying a word

I love this, knowing I'm dooming last-place boomers out of their shit tier minimum wage jobs

literally how do u be a fucking boomer and work for minimum wage your generation had every possible advantage

>Teachers. Counsellors.
Obsolete already.

This is stupid. What if I'm to purchase something for the company? or I'm a parent and send me 16 year old who doesn't have money? It's holiday and my parents want to give me $300 to go get ingredients to cook for dinner?? A million scenerios where this doesn't work..


>not replaced by computer instruction

You're fucking retarded mate.

>I know many people who regularly save £20-£40 off of Thier grocery shopping using these machines

Let's re-phrase that, you know people who are thieves that regularly steal.

>Nice automation. You wouldn't mind if I just-

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Cash is always faster than cards, or your faggy apple pay