Is it over for Asian guys? They seem to be the most cucked race.
Is it over for Asian guys? They seem to be the most cucked race
not politics.
Found the chink.
Their women are the least racially loyal of all
Yet you chinks post how can white bois compete threads. Over and over
i'm white.
just doing my job and carrying the white man's burden to clean this board.
it'll only take a few days.
hop on the train, brother.
I can't really feel bad, especially when Asian guys go to Africa in search of wives.
I dont know but I dont support stealing their women. Also I will beat or worse attack any Asian who tries it with mine. Basic game plan
Please r/asianmasculinity look away now!
fuck off back to chinkland then
Chinese brothers need to know these posts are psy-ops designed to make you hate your white brothers.
You know (((who))) is responsible for trying to incite resentment between our peoples. Direct any ill will towards them.
We will always be brothers.
i actually see a lot of decent white women with asians more and more
asian men are the most masculine race I say this as a white girl infact my asian bf creampies me everyday with his Giant Golden Cock something swc can never achieve
Asian women don't want Asian men and White women don't want White men. That's just how it is. Asian women want White men and White women want Black men. There is nothing you can do to stop nature.
I'm pretty sure any size is capable of creampies, my little yellow friend.
Can't beat me when I'm in my Asian enclave.
You honestly believe this? You need to get out more.
> T. Over-Jew kike mc racemixer
>this is a psyop to get left voting chinks to hate whites even more that they already do
That's just done on purpose.
Jakenbake is such a douche. We get it you're a 7/10 white guy. You will always be a pathetic yellow fever sexpat only you are streaming it.
All of their countries will still be 99% asian in 2050. So no.
I see it all around, I actually leave the computer chain and I actually go outside in the public. I'm not an anti-social white incel.
Well at least it was't Asian girls saying no.
> T. Over-Jew kike mc racemixer
Totally not trying something evil
Nice larp Ching Chang small dong
>Things that never happened.
especially flips and japs
poor kid