I can’t quit porn, the Jews won

I’ve been trying to quit porn for over 2 years now, no luck.
Did no fap and lasted like 1 month and then relapsed hard. My longest time since then has been 2 days.

I’m 6’0 med 7/10 chadlite too, cant get hard enough to have sex with girls anymore.

It’s over

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not politics.

How old are you?
Join army


Weakling. Tarrant sacrificed himself just so you can keep wasting your lifeforce to pictures taken by jews of the girls OF YOUR PEOPLE they have enslaved? Nofap until Constantinople is free of minarets.

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Also I am currently struggling in quitting as well. Although I am young so I have the time to quit.You can do it, if the military makes you have fear then go outside more, make plans with friends. I find I only do it when I have nothing to do and I'm home. I'll go work out, or bike, or go for a walk. Do not let the kikes keep you in their grip

It took me 7 years to quit porn. Just keep going. Your frequency will get less and less over time. The important thing is that you try your best each time.

Even after a month str8 of no fap you couldnt get hard??

>Did no fap and lasted like 1 month and then relapsed hard.
it's OK fren, keep trying!

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lol why even post this you fucking loser get a hobby