Why do you hate education?

Why do you hate education?

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common core and no child left behind fucked up generation z

because trannies are indoctrinating kids

The Education Department shouldn't even exist

Because none of my teachers molested me.

Not even the male ones.

someone plz think of the overpaid teachers & the unions!

>USA ranks below most 1st world countries in educaton
>worthless department gets canned
Why is this a bad thing?


Inner city schools receive more than x3 the amount of money than other local suburban schools and yet perform x10 as worse.
Throwing money at nuggets doesn’t work, I agree with his budget cuts.

Anyone who uses public education and doesn't homeschool hates their kids.

there is no such thing as federal education budget.
education is funded by state budgets.

What's the point of inflating educational budget if your scores drop every year. Time to look for alternative solutions.


God damn auto correct.

Department of Education should be abolished entirely.

Avg. teacher salary in U.S. is like $50k, for 180 days a year.
I make that much FULL TIME YEAR ROUND

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$50K to turn kids into retards

>Why do you hate education?
Education decisions should be made at the absolute, lowest level possible. That's the family unit. The federal government should have no input in education at all.

They also get pensions, which no job offers ever.

Teachers are not underpaid like they would like to make you think.
A sibling turned down a 250K/year job working for an engineering firm in favor of working for a local college.
You don't turn down that kind of money unless you are making that kind of money.

Do you also have to deal with feral apes 40 hours a week?

They've been promising since the 1970's, "If you pay us more, we'll do better"
They haven't kept their end of the bargain, so FUCK 'EM

Good riddance. Education is a fucking waste of money.

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>hate education
It's not education, it's the administration that has blown out of proportion, you absolute faggot.


Pfft, public education in places like Chicago, Oakland, Baltimore, etc. are as big a waste of tax payer $ as any welfare program.

This right here. Waste of money at the Federal level.

That's exactly the point I was making.
Based on income vs. time spent working, they're effectively making $100k/ yr.

Homeschool is for literal retards. Unless you didn't know, public school is an experiment in darwinism. You don't learn shit at school, it solely exists for socialization. Basically, if your kid can't deal with public school and all it entails while scoring almost perfect scores on exams, you spawned a retard.

It makes me laugh when I see rich privileged white people send their children to costly private schools because they think hard work and genuine interest in an academic topic can be substituted by money.

I know two doctors and one vet, all of them issued from public highschool. They highest achiever from private school I know (he's the son of a rich NHL player) became... wait for it... a brick layer for construction jobs...

The absolute state of the extended Ramstein Airforce Base.

>homeschool is for retards
Nigger, I was homeschooled and graduated at 15. Had my bachelor's by 18, masters by 21, and PhD in Physics by 23.


What does American public education do but create stupid, docile, predictable automatons?

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We have decades of data to show that more money spent on students, and higher teacher's salaries...equates to dumber children

>And everyone clapped

Public schools are filled with niggers

Sure as shit wouldn’t help throwing more money at it.

because indoctrination is not education, you fucking faggot go back to the cartoon world

All compulsory primary education needs to be eliminated, which also entirely removes any need for this MKULTRA department in the 1st place.
Even the mandatory curriculums that are required by States for homeschooling are all nothing but degenerate, liberal brainwashing.
Children will always learn more from working & performing real labor than they ever could from some stupid forced libshit, socialist education.

It funnels $billions to retarded commie teachers and politicians thru mandatory union dues

You would hate it too if you worked there.
>t. Former teacher

Got that PhD from an online-only university? Yeah, I know a guy from private school that said all his youth he'd become a dentist like his dad... He's now studying something probably worthless, at a definitely worthless online university.

In what way will more money allow for better teaching. The materials for learning are pretty much available for free on the internet.

>American public school
>constant guilt tripping about slavery, starting in the second grade
>Have learn about Dreidels and Hanukkah around Christmas
>An entire year in English dedicated to studying the holohoax
>shitty leftist teachers


because education is run by jews.

>Homeschool is for literal retards.
Homeschooled children perform better than even the most expensive private schools.
>Unless you didn't know, public school is an experiment in darwinism. You don't learn shit at school, it solely exists for socialization.
At least we agree that you don't learn shit at schools, which is part of the problem. The other part is that schools train you to be an NPC worker drone who is filled from a young age with government propaganda and trained to work 9 to 5 on mindless busywork.
>Basically, if your kid can't deal with public school and all it entails while scoring almost perfect scores on exams, you spawned a retard.
From the perspective of the ones acing tests, all the knuckledragging faceless hordes of NPC children are the retards. Children can be enrolled in non-school activities such as sports if you want them to socialize. You do realizr that I hope.
>Shit about private schools
You obviously have no idea what you're talking about if you think that homeschooling is the same as private school.

I say eliminate the whole Dept of Ed. It is nothing but a gibme for the teachers unions, and to control future generations. Just look at the retards it is producing now. They think everything should be free, and the planet will be dead in 12 years. And then there is the whole white people, especially white men's are evil, and being a girl when you were born a boy is good.

When I was in the US a while back, I lived in a fairly upper middle class area.
Two local ballet measures came up.
First was to increase property taxes to increase the amount per student from like $700 to $1,300. The second was to allow "under privileged" people from other districts to attend the local school.

Both passed by like 80%.

Fast forward to present. The PTA is enraged in mass at the violence at the school, and local petty crime has skyrocketed. Also, the average score for the school went from like top 5% of the state to bottom 50%.

Their new solution, ask for more money.

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Do it. Education would benefit from decentralization.

Schools should only answer with local municipalities and be funded locally. Federal government has no business educating anyone. Either that or homeschool.

The school systems in America have plenty of money. They just hire too many administrators and waste money on things that do no good for the students. This will simply force schools to handle their money better.

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Public education would fare better with skeleton assets to be honest. Why does a highschool need 200 computers to have kids do basic actions in Microsoft programs. Is ridiculous and a complete waste of time. A four year old could literally be competent at Microsoft PowerPoint on first use.

Because education unironically has made the masses dumber
I’m not even sure how that was made possible, but it’s results are staggering

The US education department and US universities can get their fed budget money back when they stop with the anti American, anti Christian, anti conservative, liberal bs ideology and propaganda.

Any university which doesn't allow right wing speakers, should have their entire fed fundibg suspended.

If the department of education wants to cut costs, they will have to fire liberal anti American workers.

After getting rid of the deep state in politics, the media, tech and education should be next.

It is time to put things into order.

A serious deep cleaning of these systems is required.

Decent people send their kids to private school. Anything else is trash.

Homeschooling is for faggots that are scared their genetically inferior spawn won't survive public school or won't absorb all the valuable lessons you find there. It's a disservice to your children, it's protecting them from something so easy and banal that literally millions of people go through every single day of their life. Yet your runt spawn can't make two steps in a row without mommy holding his hand.

Son, you gotta understand one thing in life. The only people that are going to give you a break in life are your parents, nobody else is going to gift you something because you are you. Face it, and choose to face the world head-on. Stop hiding in your mommy's skirt.

>it solely exists for socialization.
If that's the sole reason then it needs to go because socialization occurred without schools in a far more natural manner.

Close enough. I thought it was funny.

the education system is just an arm of the democratic jew party.


>online school
Of course a fucking leaf would say that. Tell your wife's son it was GA Tech

Because we're dumber than ever and we spend more money than ever and apparently we're just doing it wrong.
And money isn't going to help.

Any anti Christian, anti traditional, anti white propaganda in text books should be removed.

The entire text book publishing industry will have to be cleaned thoroughly.

Money is better spent on ____.

ITT: uneducated Americans talking about education

Teachers are just feminazis who indoctrinate kids. So fuck'em.

Homeschool or die.

According to Joe Biden schools are bad because theres too many blacks, but the decline started immediately after the federal dept of education began telling local Principals how to run their school.

>experiment in darwinism
And then you go on to defend it.
Oh, a fucking leaf. Figures.

Goes to show how bad the system is, eh?


based that's 8 billion more we can send to Israel MAGA

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No no no
We’re all educated
Goes to show how worthless that education truly is, doesn’t it?

Yeah, totally agree, socialization used to be done at church... Have you seen church attendance lately? (in a moderately educated area).

>According to Joe Biden schools are bad because theres too many blacks
Regardless of blacks high schools do a lot of dumb decisions and waste way too much money. Schools need to be more strict with students perhaps even enable physical discipline to lazy students. More money will do nothing but cause corruption in people offloading trash accessories at the schools in-bulk for cheap profits.

Problem is the NEA. The union is heavily Democratic and ran by literal commies

>oh no drumpf hates maths how will kids learn to be degenerate faggots?
Friendly reminder American public and higher education is infested with kikes.

This is always done on purpose. The unions always have a quiet buddy on the board, typically a woman and/or kike. The goal is the destruction of the school district. Lefty scum love a retarded populace, and they love retarded voters even more.

Burgers don’t hate education. Israeli schools are very grateful for this money.

Government funded education is a joke. Private schools with competitive programs, opposed to a complacent bottom line where smart students are punished, is what we need. Nice false framing though.

Honestly, I am kinda happy that pol rejects education. Less competition and more high paying jobs for me. Let them continue to be retards out of pride and "muh indoctrination" because they are only hurting themselves in the end.

Retards gonna retard.

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>"muh liberal education"

>spend tens of billions more than decades ago
>increasingly worse scores by the year
you can’t throw money at the problem


Imagine being this stupid and having zero evidence or argument

like lmao what do they even do?

it's all handled at state/local level

based betsy should just give everyone school choice and make the dumbass teachers unions seethe

>face the world head on
>with a shit education instead of being home schooled and actually learning about something useful
I can tell you are using both of those IQ points
>nobody gonna gift you something
Well....except a junk education like you had. Seems to have worked out well for (You)
Have a pic related and wake your tiny brain up

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The uneducated are easy to control. Trump has said he loves the uneducated before. Why are you surprised? It's like you people don't know you're own president.

google.com/search?q=Trump loves the uneducated&oq=Trump loves the uneducated&aqs=chrome..69i57.4547j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8