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When will America get rid of the Federal Reserve?
Michael Young
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Josiah Sanchez
umm excuse me what.
fucking never.
Christopher Green
Who exactly would remove it? The only complaint Trump has is that he thinks they're not printing enough money to lend to the Goyim with interest
Adrian Scott
Trump has the constitutionally granted power to create a new currency and have the national treasury print it, exactly like Lincoln did with the greenback which ultimately had him assassinated since it was such a huge threat to the banking mafia (eg. roastingchilds).
He made several promises to make America and Americans sovereign again and doing what I just mention above would do just that.
Ayden Richardson
After a civil war.
Too many kikes have vested interest in it.
The Fed is to a kike what the 2nd Amendment is to a citizen.
Robert Ortiz
So never?
Bentley Allen
Also JFK with his silver backed US Notes
Anthony Ward
Why would America get rid of the linchpin that keeps the world enslaved?
Carson Allen
from my understanding JFK's 11110 EO was a stop-gap measure to switch from the birth certificate debt backed fiat to a precious metal backed fiat, but it wasn't as ground breaking as Lincoln's greenback
Charles Collins
Don't forget that they also killed JFK for basically the same reason, except his idea was a silver backed currency, like gold was originally used for our currency before the Federal Reserve Act of 1913
>The 1913 Federal Reserve Act created the Federal Reserve System. It was implemented to establish economic stability in the U.S. by introducing a Central Bank to oversee monetary policy.
Right before the great depression.
Noah Powell
>Trump has the theoretic power to do X
No shit. Yet all he has done is beg the fed to print more money and has expressed zero interest in shutting them down or even auditing them. It's almost as if he's not anti-(((fed))), once again going against the baseless assumptions of retards on Jow Forums. Really makes you think.
Levi Lewis
Aiden Davis
for all the lurkers please take a few minutes (just over 8) to watch this video:
it explains how the current system "works"
Ryan Wright
indeed correct. In the 1930's it got worse for citizens when birth certificates were branded with a securities exchange number which made them into a treasury bond and practically enslaved every American and why gold was confiscated from citizens by the FBI since everyone was now property of the government (by concept alone I should add)
Kayden Collins
attacking others for telling what is true, did there anything else you have to do?
Andrew Thomas
>attacking others for telling what is true, did there anything else you have to do?
Your response was irrelevant and borderline dishonest. I didn't ask "How could it be done?". I asked "WHO would do it?" since Trump clearly will not. The fact that Trump has the power to do things is irrelevant. Actions speak much louder than theoretical power. And thus far, Trump has only been interested in using his power to do favors for Israel. Your implication that one day Trump will see the light and suddenly end the fed is completely baseless.
>dismissed by a leaf
How will I ever recover?
Brandon Hill
When I say dismissed it means I've filtered you, don't reply to me again you worthless cutdick brain damaged slave
Andrew Brown
hahahaa nice one
Blake Nelson
>When I say dismissed it means I've filtered you
cool response
Anthony Baker
America will not stop electing Zionist much less deal with the Federal Reserve
Ryan Bennett
After and if America gets rid of Jews
Logan Ramirez
Never. It was the American kike-lover that allowed the Federal Reserve
Josiah Nguyen
Only after USA collapses and kikes flee to Asia and other countries to start a new cycle of kikery.