This is looking bad

What is causing it and how do we reverse this trend?

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Other urls found in this thread:;year=2018;volume=5;issue=1;spage=1;epage=5;aulast=El-Hamd

Gosh, what if there is something in the environment? Trannie propaganda is meant to normalize the worst afflicted, since it's only going to get worse. lmao

xeno estrogens in water and plastic bpas, sedentary lifestyle, single mothers

buy a metal water bottle, a reverse osmosis water filter, and avoid roasties

Testosterone boosters in cokes and burgers.

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Men are being condition to believe that masculinity is toxic. Blame feminists

metabolic syndrome; diabetes

it's way beyond social conditioning. propaganda doesn't lower your sperm count.

On a related note over 90% of Americans have plastic particles in their blood stream and we willingly eat and drink actual garbage because it saves money while making us obese and retarded. Shambling pants-shitters infesting the frozen food section of your local Walmart are the logical end point of our current approach to food. Just do some research into schools that adopt fresh food programs, the cafeteria staff love feeling like actual workers, student behavioral problems drop off quickly and test scores climb dramatically despite nothing else changing in the schools. American industrialized approach to life is not just soul cancer, but also rapes your body.

In order.
Skinny jeans
S-o-y consumption
mass abortion
All of these are preventable, but not in a society like ours, sadly.

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Expel the Jews

Obesity, poor diet, and poor lifestyle.

Watching anime

The 2020s are going to be a major major cutlural shift. We are about to see a major change in the world. WW3 will be brutal

Electricty is a weapon + Your body

This. Woman’s addiction to birth control has fucked the water. Onions based foods also fucks up men. Work out, Eat and drink clean, lads.

I've seen 318 anime. I've read 260 manga. I never jack off, I have a very healthy sex life. I don't talk about my hobby. I'm healthy. I'm an active Jow Forumsposter. Stop blaming entertainment like it's a curse. It's the people who consume the entertainment and let it take over their life are the weak ones, not the entertainment itself. Anime does not make you jack off. It does not make you gain weight. It does not make you lose testosterone. It's YOU.

The current MMR vaccine was introduced in 1973.

men working longer hours for lower wages

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Eat like a fucking man. Steak, fish, meat, and pussy.

Mental states affect the chemical not the other way around. It's why depressed people become depressed. Probably same with cucks and testosterone.

The average American eats like shit. Processed GMO frankenfood washed down with HFCS carbonated piss.

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Obesity obesity obesity
No grand conspiracy people are just too fucking fat

plastics, xenoestrogens, hormones in all our meat/food and the inclusion of onions as a filler in literally everything and anything.

Control for aging, and control for obesity then you will know the true extent of the problem.

I think poor exercise is a big component as well

why are onions bad? or just not enough nutritional value

Based and redpilled. I have my bunker ready


Why is everyone so down on onions? I don't eat raw onion by itself, but they're a good compliment to many dishes and they're completely natural.

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they have estrogen mimicking compounds. it's not really bad if you have occassional exposure your body can deal with it but ask yourself why goybeans are in everything these days, even shit like tuna cans

Didn't Alex Jones warn us about the chemicals in the water???

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S-o-y wordfilters to onions, you fucking newfag
onions are great for you, s-o-y is not

That's a lie but I hope it encourages people to work out more and eat healthier.

garlic is even better, it's like inverse s-0-y

You just got baited

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Chemtrails are real, but they're launched from submarines and invisible. It's just CIA counterintelligence makes all those schizo videos with shitty fonts and editing saying "gorge bush monkey... he hologramed the chemctrails... on 9/11". All the "chemtrails in the sky" nonsense which is fuel dumping and contrails were literally promoted when word of this shit got out:

BTW "US Navy" is a load of bullshit. Retarded sailors wouldn't be trusted with such an operation. The CIA can use any job cover/liason within the IC/military they want and they have their own ships like the Hughes Glomar Explorer. The whole thing about places like "Fort Detrick" being "US Army" is a cover story that CIA black ops put in a safe called a "Finding" in the event that their operation is caught by a law-abiding department and they get investigated. It's always the CIA and the other IC agencies are subordinate to them.

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Get off of my website you fucking chad

Work out, working out your legs increases testosterone

Eat meat, work out, and learn how to repair shit I’d say. There’s something about being able to fix mu own car and home that makes me feel more like a man for some reason

Give me solid evidence of chemtrails


call me....

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I am so guilty of this. So fucking guilty. I need to cut fast food and processed foods out as close to entirely as I can. Any suggestions? Thinking of trying keto...

Nuke Israel

it's because it makes you less reliant on jews if you can fix old things.

How can anyone so tall and with such a fat cock be so God-damned stupid?

I've got gaseous evidence.

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you sound like a weirdo and a faggot

Food quality is by far the most important thing to care take of, regardless of diet (paleo, vegan, low fat, high fat, etc.). Eat foods that your great-great grandparents would recognize as food.

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Probably stop shoveling processed food into your faces and poisoning yourselves with lead drinking water.

Big corporations who will do anything to make a profit even if it means poisoning the population. At the end they will shoot themselves in the foot and blame it on the regular people like always.

yea, i'm not fat and ugly. a norm to you, huh?

Anime will probably be allowed in the ethnostate, and so will you

Eat less cheese.


Probably some truth to this. Anime turned me kind of girly, always doing cute feminine poses. I enjoy it too much. I'd never become a tranny though. I was born male and there's nothing I can do about it, so I spend time in the gym lifting away the pain of not being a cute anime girl.

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>Pretty much stop buying anything that is sold in plastic.
>Check your fruit and veg aren't kept in long term storage for years.
>Eat seasonal.
>Organic and free range meats aren't meme.Never buy intensively farmed meat, at the worst buy extensively farmed.
>Stop spending more hours sitting down than moving and standing. All that heat is literally cooking your testicles.
>Do not drinking unfiltered tap water. Especially if you've bought into the owning your own well meme, its usually not enough to stop consumption of plastics etc.
>Cut screen time majorly. Don't sleep with your phone, put it on the other side of the room if need it for an alarm.
>The most bitter pill to swallow for most people here is to cut vidya out of your life. Its encourages sedentary behaviour and gives your brain false rewards for success in a virtual world that is meaningless in the real world and sates that desire.
>One last one is leave this place if you are truly addicted. Jow Forums and Jow Forums is the biggest meme of them all. Its designed to contain your rage and anger at the changes in the world and make you submissive. Most people here would rather spend hours in creating funny cartoon frogs rather than actually getting out and meeting people to change their minds on how things go.
>Also anonymity is a meme because again it has conditioned people into being afraid to speak up in real life, if you speak like a civilised person then you will not lose your job or whatever. If you chimp out in real life calling people niggers or kikes then you deserve to lose your job anyway for being a primitive unthinking moron.

You may not think all of the reasons above are linked with testosterone deficiency but they are. Your body isn't behaving like it needs the testosterone, so its no longer producing something it doesn't need in the quantities that would ordinarily be required. This is part of the evolution process.

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The fuck is this shit

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Most of this is superstitious b.s. onions and stuff wtf...most of this is because of obesity, higher body leads to more estrogen and lower testosterone in males. Exercise is a factor too.

>Can't say nigger or kike without losing job
Hah, this is why it's best not to have a job at all. Fuck slavery.

this +
- no physical exercise
- hormones and drugs in drinking water / food chain
- worthlessness, no purpose, no meaning in life
- massive emotional stress, fear, anxiety and all kinds of mental issues

Plastics entering the foodchain.
Söy (including anything raised on it, such as farmed salmon and the like).
Glyphosate and other endocrine disruptors, good old Roundup Ready shit fucks with your nads. Record levels of this shit was found in the bodies of young boys in a Danish study.

Also shit like sedentary lifestyles help it along.

>30% fewer 40 year old men

Sounds like a win to me

>What is causing it and how do we reverse this trend?
emf radiation, processed food, too many stressors, glyphosate, etc etc

huh. I'm going to try this


wtf why do they do that

It's all in YOUR hands. YES, YOU READING THIS.

Taking your life back from modern technological addiction:

Returning to masculine traditionalism for your mental health:

Understanding women and why MGTOW is bullshit:

Why neither feminism NOR EGALITARIANISM will ever work:

We take it back one convert at a time, just as the left has slowly been taking it from us.

Watch. Then share.

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fucking newfag cancer

My dads generation is the type that knows how to fix a car, repair the house, and grow a mustache. My generation is the type to play video games, jerk off to porn, and watch anime.

Wanking caused this

>knows how to grow a mustache

Your dad was a fag

>What is causing it
sedentary lifestyle makes testicles too warm.

Why are Americans such testlets


There's a documentary from canada called 'The Disappearing Male' it explains a lot

High carb diet is the problem.
I started using low carb a few years back, my libido went through the roof. Wife got a hell of a surprise.

Obviously, as any retard could have guessed, and which has been backed up by science is that polution and birth control seeps into our water supplies and environment and destroys men on a biological level, but nothing will change because roasties need to be able to fuck to their hearts content and muh womynx rights so fuck you and your testicles which produce a chemical men literally need to function and live a bearable fucking life.

tl;dr fuck roasties

ban birth control


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Carrying a mobile phone in front pocket.;year=2018;volume=5;issue=1;spage=1;epage=5;aulast=El-Hamd

Based oldfag dishing out newfag newfag bait like a pro.

Good advice but this does not explain the sperm decline. It's probably
It's the fucking plastic, and maybe the wifi.

>how do we reverse this trend?
Collapse of modern civilization.


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Onions or (((onions)))?

>muh carbs are bad
I bet you were eating cookies and white bread and blamed it on carbs like a retard

>What is causing it
To put it mildly, the frickin' chemicals in the water turning the frickin' frogs gay.

You can't reverse something that isn't actually happening, RETARD

Nice sources fox got there.

literally emmasculation of men, mostly psichologically.

It starts when you are a kid and have no masculine role models to look at, have all female teacher schools and highschools. Have very high chances to get divorce raped if you dare start a family and have kids...

in 1 word: gynocentrism.

We have allowed the loudest wheel to get the grease, instead of remaining strict and bitchslapping females when they start to whine and btch.

The first step to reverse this is to take female rights away, starting with voting rights.
Cancel every "empowerment" program and feminist subsidy, and return the focus of society on those who create and mantain it, aka MEN.

And another huge step will be to depussify all the single-mother bastards who enforce and cuck for every female they come across. That, inmy opinion, will be the toughest achievement to do.

What makes you think your numbers are any better Lamalover? The US just has the money to spend on these studies and see how fucked we are, this shits worldwide though. Wouldn't be surprised if the US hadn't worst since we are the testing bed, but rest assured this shit has gone global.

People have all kinds of excuses. But back in October I decided to stop stuffing my face and sitting around getting drunk. Started actually caring about what I put in my body and started pumping iron. The fat melted away, my muscles bulked up and every morning I spring out of bed with enough energy to get the day rolling and a dick as hard as diamonds.

If your test is low stop being a lazy shit and blaming everyone else. You can lie to yourself all you want but you're only dooming yourself to be a low test limp dick sissy faggot

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Lack of exercise, lack of sleep, poor diet

Computers turning you gay, all the toxic chemicals of the underworld being extracted into our atmosphere. Trannies walking the earth will only go up. This is the beginning of the ascent. The metals under the earth we are digging up have demonic powers. As above so below.

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Obesity drives down t levels and Americans all have some detectable love handles, at least.

This, but unironically.
The law of the jungle will fix it.

/thread hahahaah everyone else in this thread is A RETARDED FAGGOT

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Marijuana, opiates and NSAIDs are all chemical castrating agents if used constantly.

eat our processed foods! what are you, gay? actually preparing a meal from ingredients!?

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>no results

Prevalence of cellphone usage and accompanying microwave radiation does not help. Many of us keep our cellphones in our pockets which has been shown to have an adverse affect on the health of our gonads, specifically the testes and sperm. Over the past few decades cellphones have seen wider and wider use, and have gotten worse with stronger microwave radiation. 5G will be the worst yet.

Lifestyle choices beyond cellphone usage also play a role, there isn't just one cause you can point to that you can blame for all of this. Poor diet, minimal exercise, birth control hormones polluting our drinking water, even failing to get enough sunlight and proper amounts of sleep. Many of us are on various medications, legally prescribed or not, which may throw our hormonal balance off.

Absolutely fucking amazing that I can make a simple shitpost calling someone a faggot and only solve two captchas, but a post like this has me solve 30.

> begging for handouts from the state
never change, spic