Modern “Conservatism”
Modern “Conservatism”
Keep a condom on or a birthcontrol pill in your system. No need for abortion. Abortion simply means "im not responsible enough for sexual intercourse'.
Birthcontrol negatively affects the mind and ruins relationships.
Just don't have sex with someone you aren't willing to have an oops baby with
Conservativs are the true faggots.
Lahren needs to be shot
retard equivalent of "left is the real fascists"
She's actually right though
Her argument is pragmatic and humane
The modern right know how to listen.
But banning guns will totally work.
Pro-life is codeword for white genocide.
Shes always been a whore. Never liked her or been impressed
I once was a happy man, until that feeling... That cold rubber... That plastic wrap on my pee pee. At first I thought nothing of it but then it hit me, that just like my pee pee my life was surrounded by a fake, plastic-like barrier that allowed me to peak onto what a great life could be, yet I could never reach it due to the rubber barrier that tainted it all.
Like a lonely sperm cell on the end of a condom, I felt pressured by my peers as they also strived to reach out, with as much failure as me, and I could feel how I was pressuring them unconsciously as well.
The barrier had to be broken, the men had to be set free, but this could just never take place. I thought many times of ending my suffering and the one of the other sperms peers too, but what good would it be?
No, the rubber had to be destroyed. The plastic wall must be breached.
Anywho that's how my ex got an abortion
What if the fetus is deformed?
What if the fetus puts the mothers life at risk.
What if the fetus is a nigus
There are no conservative women, or even liberal women for that matter. Women only do what immediately appears to be most convenient to them, like animals.
Most people in Alabama agree with the Alabama abortion ban, and that is all that matters.
I am a woman, a feminist, and I am against any kind of abortion.
Abortion is a murder of a person. That baby person is not responsible for the circumstances of his/her inception, therefore, they cannot be punished for it.
They have the right to live even if they were a result of rape or incest.
And remember, regret is not rape.
The US economy needs every single American baby. No ifs, no buts, no exceptions.
Inb4 she already aborted and is feeling guilty
>"conservatives" against abortions which are predominantly made by shitskins
the state of conservatives. At least she is right, but for the wrong reasons
Tomi has completely fallen off in relevance, this is just her trying to get attention. Shes a bimbo with a dye job, not a conservative.
Well, if inadvertently getting yourself pregnant carries such potential danger, maybe these retarded whores should just keep their thighs shut.
is that even an inb4 at this point? there's no way in hell she hasn't, total conservathot who always puts herself out there whenever abortion comes up
>killing babies because you were too weak to protect your nations
Maybe whites are evil
That's exactly what it is. This bitch has terminated a pregnancy before and now shes trying to excuse it as nessecary. Her dye job should make it obvious shes a skank.
We've already discussed why she needs abortions.
I stand by her most rape is probably black on white anyway. Why would you even force the girl to raise Tyrone's son. It's fucking ridiculous. If anything it will increase the number of rapes, now that the rapists know that the woman is gonna be forced to keep their child.
Kevin Martin wouldnt date a thot like tomi
This argument is so retarded. There is no grey area with abortion.
You either believe life begins at conception, then abortion is murder.
Or you don't believe that, then abortion isn't murder.
The consequences from either conclusion are obvious. Any sort of middle ground position just exposes intellectual and moral insecurity.
>Maybe whites are evil
whites were so evil that they allowed you into the country they built. Think about what you say before opening your mouth, Sanchez.
>killing enemies is bad
Oh look, a whore protecting whores.
Abstinence is the best form of contraception. If you don't want a bun on the oven, don't get dough.
but he might sport fuck her.
Conservatives are not a monolith filled with scripted NPCs. I don’t agree with her on this, but she does good work in other areas. Denounce her for this and move on.
Abortion is about kikes making sure the government has a say-so in what you do with your body autonomy. You have an inalienable right to your body and to do anything you want to it.
There is only one real moral debate on the table and that is tax dollars used on socialist programs (like planned parenthood) against the will of the people on things they are morally against. This is about forcing people to pay for the healthcare of others because they happen to have already been forced to pay taxes.
ONLY EVIL KIKES want to push this issue to the SCOTUS to ensure you have no rights to your body. ONLY THEM. Christians know better and that's why every time you see one of those "pro-life" nutjobs they look possessed. They literally are possessed by demons.
conservatives in 2019 are the liberals of the 1990's
I’ve said this a million times. Don’t have sex for 5 days out of the month. A woman can only get pregnant 5 days out of her cycle. It’s not hard.
You can't remove abortion at a time when faith is at an all time low. There is very little convincing people to practice safe sex or keep the kid they make
Women have no ideology.
Abortion data is skewed to make it look like a majority of babies murdered are black, when in reality 87% of them are White, Blonde, Blue eyed. Even if the numbers were true we should still fight for every last white child.
Open your eyes, dumb nigger. Blacks and Mexicans are having 6 kids a piece where Whites are only have 1 at most.
Abortion isn't Nigger control. It's White Control.
That’s asinine. None of the bills outlaw abortion or contraceptives. A rape victim can (and should) be given plan B immediately. Even if that fails, she still has a solid two months to get a fucking abortion.
This whole rape and incest argument is nothing but a transparent straw man.
Conservatives are retards, this has always been apparent due to the Christfaggotry. This board really went to complete shit after 2016. Heil Hitler and hail satan and fuck retards.
Hopefully a ban on abortion will save millions of black lives
Hoes mad
>imagine being against abortion
Conservative should stand up to an overbearing government first and foremost...
Alabamian here, That law will not go into effect. They are just trying to get a case before the supreme court so that they may overturn Roe V. Wade. It will not happen though
this. They're not conserving anything.
thots gonna thot
If it makes it more dangerous then less will be willing
White women are just worthless.
Anyone who would force a girl to carry their rapists baby, who doesn't care about putting women's lives at risk, who wants to keep deformed babies with no chance of a good life alive is not a feminist. Don't you dare call yourself one.
If it doesn’t outlaw abortion, what does it do?
Most "conservatives" are just progressives driving the speed limit.
Listen to the way they talk about immigration.
>I have no problem with the entire third world invading my country, as long as they do it LEGALLY
Hopefully the degenerate women will seek the dangerous abortion means and end up dead as well
less thots is a good thing
She’s secretly /ourgirl/. Remember faggots, abortion is code for RACE REALISM/SCIENTIFIC RACISM!!
She’s saying this because she secretly wants sheboons to abort their niglets!