Why do Americans not have stricter gun laws?

Seriously, you gun nuts have more laws restricting women's rights than restricting guns.

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meme flag full of third world hordes

We don't need them and no we don't you fucking retard.

None of your business

because they are unconstitutional and totalitarian

Because our founding fathers were not degenerate commie faggots. You want to be the only sucker without a gun be my guest. Have fun getting raped and murdered.

Because we have rights

I'm sorry, but until I can legally purchase a fully automatic machine gun with minimal paperwork then a woman's vagina is more free than my 2nd amendment rights.

why do you care?

It's not surprising you russians can't figure it out. We have a bill of rights here. Which protects a lot of things, like Freedom of Speech, right to a speedy trial, have a jury, freedom of religion.
Things you morons don't have. You'll never figure it out, it's too alien to you.
Oh, and relating to your pic, the "Right to life", which is a DIRECT quote from the declaration of independence (along with liberty, and the pursuit of happiness).

restricting women's rights
*giving infant's rights

Americans believe in the right to defend yourself from criminals and tyranny.

Exactly what rights do men have that women don't?

>Seriously, you gun nuts have more laws restricting women's rights than restricting guns.

You have no fucking idea, do you?

Look. If you don’t like America’s gun laws, just leave. Nobody is forcing you to stay here. Now go sit in the corner until your attitude improves.

Fuck off and kill yourself kike

For protection from Niggers and Tyrants.

>What rights do women have that men don't?
Being able to vote without having to register for a draft.
Ability to terminate a pregnancy if it is not wanted.
Ability to sue a man for his labor if you trick him into signing a piece of paper regarding your illegitimate child.

Most states the man is screwed for child support if you agrees its his or not.
The mother only has to put his name on the birth certificate.
Even if they've never had sex, the law is on her side until proven otherwise in court. And even then, no refunds for what the man may have been ordered to previously pay.


How do we have such strict gun laws ? cuckboy

>From your cold, dead womb.
Tits or GTFO

(That was for OP)

Of course I would kill both her and the child of that occurred.

And probably move on to the synagogue

Stupid ass

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Pretty sure man has been effectively regulating uteri for ages, prior to the introduction of fully automatic modern weaponry. This regulation of the human body, and as a whole, the human organism, was implicit and people understood its natural societal mechanisms.
When our constitution set out to define and regulate our usage of modern weaponry, the forefathers instinctively and purposefully crafted that language so that idiot genital-mutilated freaks shouldn't be goyed into being able to misinterpret the wording. Of course here we are, but this is why these people fully understand they have to go so far as amending the constitution. Because the law is very clear.

You don’t have the first clue about American law, do you?

The process for purchasing a new firearm requires an fbi background check and in some states, a waiting period.

An abortion is an afternoon at Planned Eugenics, no questions asked.

And FYI, the US has less restrictive abortion laws than many EU member states. So FFS, research a topic bf posting. Or better yet, just STFU.

Because guns aren't the problem. You should be asking why we don't have stricter laws that address our nigger problem.

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Nobody needs a fully automatic abortion machine!

>mfw I patent a coin operated raspberry pi attached to a hand held kitchen mixer

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one is a right and one is not