Last thread I made got slid to all hell after some heated arguments with JIDF

Last thread I made got slid to all hell after some heated arguments with JIDF

Here is material that managed to get published at a well-known university in Minnesota. A friend of mine from Slovenia found a link to the Julian Assange piece which got tweeted by a UN lawyer working on Assange's case and emailed them to me.

Looks like more Americans are waking up and hopefully we will deal with our Juden problem soon enough.


Also, fuck you JIDF. You are all mentally retarded imbeciles and I would almost feel pity for you if you weren't actively trying to destroy everything good and beautiful in this world.

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>memeflag calling others jews.
>star of david displayed next to OP from my extension

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I don't think that would taste very good user

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I am Jewish myself. I have selected the hippie memeflag because I ultimately want world peace for all people. Also, I am tired of being labeled as an Amerimutt when I am in fact a Russian Jew.

I can smell your fear shill. Idiots like you keep trying to repress the truth, but you just make yourself look even more ridiculous in the process.

I don't really give a shit about university newspapers, but I believe these are worthy of attention because I have never seen anything like this come out of an Op-Ed section before in a university, let alone in any other newspaper in my country.

Try harder next time you piece of shit.

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I was hoping the community here would be more interested in the fact that young Americans are waking up to the truth and taking direct action to expose Zionism.

It seems I was wrong.

I am never visiting this site again. You win this time JIDF, but I will have the last laugh.

Yes, I am an autistic bipolar schizoid kike and these threads have been an abysmal failure, but I will have the last laugh when you all get sent to Madagascar and are kept on 24/7 military surveillance and never allowed to leave.

I have too much empathy in my heart to gas you.

Good day. Until we meet again anons.

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I'll give you a bump.

Kys faggot, sage

Nah, you Jews are trying to get us into war with Venezuela and with Russia.

Stop being a feral kike.



>I am Jewish myself
called you out already