WA Supremracy


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>Cali 19
>Maine 32

Actually fake news

Christ, I live in Washington and it isn’t that great here.

>Maryland 6

509 represent.

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Eastern washington is great, fuck the coast, fuck seattle, fuck Olympia.

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Has the snow even melted yet faggot?

>Louisiana finally defeated Mississippi

>Tfw we outrank California in every measurable statistic besides diversity

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Popularity contest.

Biased statistics.

This is the work of a leftist, most likely a woman.

The more white the state, the better it is. Hands down, no argument.

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>mfw my state is dead fucking last

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Pierce county master race

Oregon sucks.
Dont move here.

Yahoo finance eh?
Also mfw Washingtonfag thinks his shithole is better than Oregon. It's just cause you can only see Portland from the border.

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>Minnesota 3
>Maryland 6
>Virginia 7
>Nebraska 9

Based Nebraska

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>tfw PA #41
take THAT mississippi

Fried shrimp poboys with fries and beer will do that to you

WA over NH ?
Who did this ? Jews ?

Louisianian and Proud

50 being the highest number means its the best one, bigger numbers are better obviously

Ferry county master race. Citycucks are homosex.

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>pierce county
>master of anything but the awful Tacoma stench and niggers
You guys are nig city, WA.

It's worth every bite.

Fuck portland
Fuck king county
Fuck Jay Inslee
Fuck Starbucks
Fuck the homeless
Fuck Amazon
Fuck Microsoft
Fuck Kurt Cobain

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Worth it. Nothing like a hot poboy and an Abita beer on a Friday night.

>TFW 10
feels good

Also this ranking is probably giving way too much weight to publically funded healthcare, because LA's healthcare services are pretty good compared to that of other states.
Turns out oil men need good healthcare services.

Why WV is so fucked if there are only whites there? Whites are not based?

Ha Louisiana in tha house bringing up the rear!

Also it makes no sense for Tecas to be 38 if you are considering infrastructure, education, health care, and economy.

Whoever made this ranking put some heavy weights in favor of social equity policies or something.

Same here.
I live in #1 and am trying to save up for a house in #30

Map is retarded btw have these people never been to a city in Washington? Filled to the brim with homeless. My small city has nearly a thousand homeless

low IQ whites went to WV to pick coal and fuck their cousins. High IQ whites went to New Hampshire to get lyme disease

It's weighted heavily for some liberal paradise metric. Only logical explanation that would put Texas in the bottom half when it's #1 in economy and education.

>AK is 44th
I guess this is one of these libshit rankings where worse is better.

This is the fault of Seattle. These homeless vagrants are coming through our cities to make their way to Freattle. Due to the nature of their addiction, a lot of them get permanently stuck in a different city, permanently.

#6 here, trying to settle in either #15 or #20.

>Commiefornia ranked 19

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This doesn't even make sense. Vermont is rural and poor and has no infrastructure or economy to speak of.

The shithole trifecta. Will I be able to smell you faggots if I move to lovely #30 Tennessee?

Note the south is total dogshit except GA. GA is fucking based. Nigger purge soon!!

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beautiful user

West Virginia is still way better than Brazil to be honest


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>tfw Louisiana
goddamn awful shithole

>GA #17
>above Texas because of the movie industry
A woman created this list.

And yet they still want to take my guns away.

WHATS IT LIKE NOT BEING NUMBER 1? LMAO FUCKIN FAGS. Kelso here where my based washingtonians at?


>#1 economy and fiscal responsibility
Get fuk’d with your bullshit stats

You dont say

>Minnesota is #3
Ok someone definitely included a diversity statistic or something. It's no coincidence that the Somali refugee state is #3.

The state is still 90% white

This unironically

>cheap "universal" healthcare
>but niggers literally everywhere

Map is a fucking joke

It's like a desert you can't shoot in

WV is more white.
These rankings are fucked by a mysterious variable that has no relevance in reality. Only reason MN would be ranked so high.

Somalis are based and violencepilled

They're like down's syndrome people but without the friendliness and empathy that a downie grocery bagger typically has

1 2 and 3 are 90% white

This is arbitrary as fuck.
Why is Cali and Georgia so high?
Why is pennsylvania and Rhode Island so low?
I expected lib bullshit, but this is just regular bullshit.

its not bad at all. virginians always mocked it and then as democrats became the anti white party they spread all the old memes against wv

Where I've really wanted to visit over the years is Visby, or some other parts of Sweden. Visby was the inspiration for Koriko in the Studio Ghibli film "Kiki's Delivery Service"

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Kirklander here. Where my white boys in socks and sandals at?


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at least our niggers have jesus

clearly biased considering how few people are in Alaska yet it is ranked almost the worst

Public healthcare.

It's a meth state.

My fiance and I just left the Seattle Metro area after growing up there and moved to Boise, fucking CRAZY how much nicer and quieter and...less diverse...it is. I dont miss the tent cities or nogs committing crime in our once safe suburb.

Pol should make its own map based on statistics. Would be more relevant than this garbage..

what's the methodology
what's the weighting on each of the factors
how are they ranking each factor
without this information i could say that any state is better than any other if i wanted
if the methods are shit the ranks are shit
>top 5 are all whitopias

What is this utter bullshit based on

>US News & World Report

aint diversity great?

Imagine wearing sandals without socks

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MN is incredibly great outside of the MSP metro area, but the metro area is borderline third world at this point.

>The blue states with highest crime and worse infrastructure are ranked top

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Is Massachusetts really that great? I heard its full of brazilians there.

Why is it always one of these beehive apartment buildings


Eat fucking shit Alabama and Louisiana.

This thread brought to you by: The People’s Globohomo guide to The US of America.

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enjoy your poos and gooks

Virginia #7 ftw

of course its not great

>not living in based Snohomish county

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The state is more than just a city.

Moved to Seattle for a high paying STEM job from a high 30s to low 40s range state. I think it's better but there's no city or state that can compare to Europe or Japan in terms of infrastructure. Hopefully later I can move a bit beyond the city limits and own a nice plot of land.

It's also worth the trade imo to go from a bunch of middle class idiots addicted to meth and heroin to a place where you can clearly see the difference between them and normal humans before interacting.


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>below Minnesomalia and Netrashka
At least we're better than Commiefornia, but it's clearly not by a wide enough margin

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What would Michigan's score be without Detroit?

Boise is tits. Just stay out of canyon county. The cops in Idaho have a saying -"2C is PC."

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>South Carolina above North Carolina
>North Carolina above Virginia and Pennsylvania


>cant even pump his own gas
Cuck lmao

>the most diverse state is the worst state
Yeah, right. Get this trash out of here.

Sup Styx