Sweden (yes) folk are required itt

Some user has posted these pics on the Яussian /pol board and said that he lives in Goteborg and he'd decided to check what Swedes are thinking about muslim migrants. He sticked this paper to the door of the commieblock where he's living one morning. In that letter he said that he's a muslim and demands that the Sweden flag from some guy's balcony must be removed because as a muslim he doesn't like the Christian cross. He also said that Sweden kids must stop drinking beer in the yard because it insults his religion.
So then that guy went to the university and in the evening he saw the second pic. That user translated new letters as "Fuck off', "Go back to your donkey fucking country" while in the reality it translates as something like "Sorry, I will take the flag off" meaning that the user was kinda a fucking joker.

So now I'm interested - does he even live in Sweden? If some Sweden user is here, check the spelling and grammar of those Swedish runes - are they correct enough or it's just a rough google translate?

Attached: 15583648500200.jpg (1548x2064, 1.44M)

Other urls found in this thread:


The second pic.

Attached: 15583648500301.jpg (1548x2064, 1.36M)

Don't even need to read swedish to know blue pen sven is a fucking cuck
sorry russki bro

It's fake.

> blue pen sven is a fucking cuck
Don't care.

I'm interested about grammar thing.
Although the type of paper is exactly the same in both pictures (not mentioning the way how S is written on both pieces of paper) - so this is fake as shit already.

Bother to explain?

Attached: 28f.png (600x600, 103K)

It's proper Swedish grammar.

swedish are not white, real white are germans/english/french

swedish are slav rape babies

It's not there are alot of misspelling of words looks like a typical google-translate job.

Never believe to a Russian on the Russian chan. Thanks man.

Attached: gG140L93.png (350x349, 64K)


Translated to English;

Assalamu alaikum! Dear neighbors!

The foundation of the Swedish unity is respect for immigrants. Nationalism and islamophobia's manifestation is unacceptable. We are civilized people.

On the balcony of apartement 15 hangs a Swedish Flag. Please remove it, thanks. I am a representative of the muslim minority in Sweden, a flag with a Christian cross frightens me. It reminds me of white nationalists and anti-muslim pogroms. Let us respect eachother. Fear doesn't promote respekt.

The residents in apartment 13 and 14 regularly drink beer in the courtyard. This is unacceptable. My religion requires I don't drink alcohol and your actions purposely harass me. You must respect the cultural tradition of the muslim minority in this country - So stop drinking haram where everyone can see it. The residents in apartment 14 must also remove all the empty beer cans from the balcony - it can be seen from the street, this is unacceptable.

I hope for mutual understanding.

Your muslim neighbor.

>t. abdullah

this HAS to be fake. no way someone is this fucking cucked

>no way someone is this fucking cucked

Attached: 4554555.jpg (540x720, 178K)

>t. Grisjävel

>Sorry :-(
>will not happen again

Some guy who happened to have 3 different markers and a pencil wrote this?

It was not enough for him to use 1 pen, he had to use 3 different ones and a pencil to basically write the same fucking thing 3 times?

Bruh how retarded are u people?

Suspicious that there is perfect Swedish but still Arabic writing there.
Insane if it is true

Does it look like fake swedish?
Focusing on his knowledge of the language, would you say that it's a fake letter for a troll-thread or user really could ives in Sweden and know Swedish?

But it is a joke, right?
Tell me it's just a joke

It is written by russian user to check how cucked sweden is.

The Arabic is written backwards.

>Perfect Swedish
Nigga what, only the response is semi decent. The first is a complete shitshow



Attached: 6cf.png (858x725, 361K)

Well, it looks like a joke for different reasons -

It's sad when something like this is more likely to be true than false.

The letter itself is written in bad Swedish, which would not be strange considering the writer would be a muslim.
There is a strange anomaly in there, the word "pogroms" which is a direct translation from Russian, but it's in a strange plural form.

>It's sad when something like this is more likely to be true than false.

pls no be demoralized swede-frens. One cold winter with no gas and Sweden will be 90% clean again.

Attached: 1546935035847.jpg (660x716, 53K)

Attached: sweden migrant.jpg (593x758, 200K)

Oh, and the reply note is from the same checkered notebook as the timestamp in the first pic.

>considering the writer would be a muslim.
You mean, "considering that the writer tried to seem Muslim"?
Writer is russian.
I mean, swedish language in this letter looks so, as if the author is trying to seem migrant and in fact, perhaps he (the writer) knows it well or so that it's absolutely bad even for a migrant and that whole thread was a fake with the expectation that (on Russian imageboard) no one knows Swedish and take it for truth?

Very observant mr cyberdetective. Still 2 people can have the same kind of notebook, but that is suspicious.

Attached: IMG_4610.gif (640x480, 1.26M)

> the word "pogroms" which is a direct translation from Russian, but it's in a strange plural form.
> anti-muslimska pogroms
> pogroms
Ha! Nailed it. "Pogrom" is a Russian word meaning destruction of someone's property by an angry mob (for example against Jews). It can be used in a plural form (almost everything in Russian can be plural), but it's not very correct.

This not translated word clearly shows that this is just a Google transate and the op likely doesn't even live in Sweden.

Attached: 134134413541.jpg (225x225, 10K)

How suspicious is it? Or notebooks of this format are well-known in Sweden?

also it's possibly one pencil, one pen and one marker for 4 marks.

Anons in sosach saw that this is a sheet from the same notebook he's holding on picture #1. Good ol' cringe trolling.

>but it's not very correct.
If we are talking about multiple cases, then this is correct.

The absolute state of cuckistan.

Not even a good attempt. I rate 0/5 1488s.

Most likely fake
Yes, it is common, but not with that pattern of punched holes. We only have our 4 hole standard.

> Many Jewish pogroms happened in the past.
> - Hey Egor, what's up with the pogroms today?
It's both correct in the modern language. Although the second is a bit shitty but still relatively correct.

That makes absolutely no sense!
That's not how translating programs work, they don't misspell words.
They just have bad sentence structure and/or choose incorrect words.

Do you have notebooks of this kind in Russia? With multiple holes?

Praktexemplar av den norska efterblivenheten.

I understand Swedish.

In the letter you posted, the person asks for beer to removed as well for religious reasons.

besides supposed common knowledge. Sweden actually isn't that cucked. its a defeatist meme put out by jews ofc. sure you get the short haired dike Norwegians who cant get laid but the vast majority of Sweden hates brown people

Fake and Gay
just like Sweden

>but still relatively correct.
hmm... don't think so. Sounds very awkward.
Peжeт cлyх, ecли пpeдcтaвить, чтo вживyю тaк гoвopят. He знaю, кaк бyдeт фpaзeoлoгизм "peжeт cлyх" нa инглишe.

Lol, ofc. But I did not see such format. But I rarely use them and look at them, so who knows.

thanks, user

There isn't alot of misspelled words. One word from what I can see.

> Sounds very awkward.
For you, bydlo :3
> Peжeт cлyх
That's why I said thati is RELATIVELY correct.

Btw, 'pogrom' word exists in Swedish: sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pogrom

Attached: 15308759215910.png (604x463, 223K)

>with no gas
Alternatively they could just use extra gas.

>For you, bydlo
Зa щo?


It's a direct translation from russian, the wikipedia article you linked describes events in Russia in the 1800s.

Also, to give my 2 cents on wether or not Sweden is that cucked. In the letter, the "muslim" is triggered by a neighbor having the Swedish flag hanging from his balcony. A person flying the Swedish does this for a reason, they love Sweden. And would not reply with "sorri i remove".



based italians

hahaha good job germany reading the comments. fuck foreigner scum

We're number one
We're number one
White Pride World Wide

apparently if you don't want unlimited immigration you are deemed a hateful cold racist. lmfao

Why are the German comments so fucking cucked.
>Muh foreigners are mistreated by racists and Germany is ruined because of racists.
Fuck these people.



Attached: BARS.jpg (563x405, 46K)

> I love how people adore Sweden so much. While the people there are generally nice, the country possesses some of the most hatred towards black people I've ever heard of. I was at dinner with a business friend (in Sweden) and mentioned a black friend of mine. The man then goes on a 15 minute long rant, with people genuinely LISTENING IN AND ADDING TO IT! It was BIZZARE. Something like 20 people at one point were listening in, and they were all ethnic Swedes. Love the country myself, but just what


> I am Asian and have lived in the UK and Europe since childhood. Nowhere in Europe I have seen such ultra right wing people. It makes places like London, Newyork and Prague like heaven. Don't travel there, They are drunk with their superlatives in economic indicators like per capita income, no of tvs etc but are othe lowest of the low morally and hateful.

muh cucked sweden

>We dindu nuffin, I swear its the wypepo's fault.
Fuck libcucks

> Denmark is the most racist country I have been in. With a neo-Nazi party in power, the more white the better. The emphasis here is on racial purity. Danes believe Scandinavians have the best genes given their light eyes, ginger and blonde hair, fair skin, and tall frames. Most scandinavians can't understand how any non-white people can be even considered attractive given the standard they have set. They also are keen to dismiss white people who may have had a parent or a grand parent of a different race, referring to them pejoratively as a speckled. A lot of Danes feverishly hate Muslims too.

based danes

Happens when people are tipsy.

We are not racist we just want that migrants respect the Italian RULES AND ItalianS PEOPLE. We have the BEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD and this migrants they are DESTROYED our ITALIA. Also they come and want to eat their foods which are disgusting ItalianS WE HAVE THE BEST FOOD. Therfore we say stop to say here that we are racists. We have most migrants here in Italy and they must happy, they are full lucky to be here in the MOST BEUTIFUL COUNTRY OF THE WORLD. ITALIA ITA:LI ITALIA!

holy shit I didn't know Italy was this based and "racist"


Attached: 2019-05-21 00_09_42-_pol_ - Sweden (yes) folk are required itt - Politically Incorrect - 4chan.png (223x113, 24K)

>"I love animals -- bears and wolves, as everyone knows -- but when I see the pictures of Kyenge, I cannot but think of, even if I'm not saying she is one, the features of an orangutan," he was quoted as saying.



>He said doesn't believe that Italians generally are racists and hopes Kyenge will be able to ease racial tensions.
"I really think that Kyenge is the right person in the right place," he said. "As an eye doctor, she is able to see in the distance."

Attached: salvini.jpg (1200x675, 55K)

Why have you summoned me, mortal?

Attached: Gerd Kommer.jpg (800x1120, 77K)


>I'm Russian and I'm intersectional feminist and I 100% guarantee that Russia IS THE MOST RACIST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD. Being racist here is like a DEFAULT SETTING. Non-white appearance here is like a definition of ugliness. POC are being treated as they are not humans enough, POC are put in a forced poverty, POC can't feel safe on the streets, POC are being killed every day and no one cares. Even those, who WERE BORN IN Russia, can't even rent an apartment or find a descent job. Muslim girls can't wear hijab at school EVEN IN THOSE REGIONS, WHERE Islam IS THE MOST POPULAR RELIGION. I hate this country. I literally cried a bit while writing this.

Can't say if its good because we are racist or bad because feminist scum exists

>I'm (((Russian))) and I'm intersectional feminist

Barnaul, Altai district


i suspect there are not so many russian students in gothenburg university. i wonder if we can dox him (and show these pretty letters to his professor for example).

You have his gps coords, so you could find the building where he lives. It could narrow the set of sspects