Goyim be gone

The Middle East rightfully belongs to god's chosen people.

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They rightfully were located in Egypt and Assyria for a while

Jews are not God's chosen people anymore, they fucked up.

God probably regretted chosing him when they tortured and killed him.

That's shit bait, even by leaf standards.

fine, go ahead and take it all on your own and get the fuck out of my country then.

So then why should Americans die for Israel?

Defending Palestine is anti-semetic. We Jews created Israel via the Balfour Declaration of 1917. You gentiles lost, deal with it.

>god's chosen people
The Desposyni

Attached: jewish-state-in-palestine.jpg (1040x500, 261K)

>God’s chosen people
>Kill the messiah when he told them the whole world is loved equally by God
literally selfish babies

You do realise god put Israel in Middle East surrounded by Muslims country to keep them in check right?

Goyim know?

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You could hypothetically nuke every inch of Israel so they cant make 2nd strike on the west.

and yet they're still alive. the whole point of putting them there was to be destroyed. They are the final burnt offering.

good one

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Jews are better than Christians. At least they stand up to the Muzzies and protect their women.

Christians quit in the 21st century like it was 1453 again.

Good. They deserve extinction. Nobody liked Christ anyway except the two whores that were his mother and the other Mary

Once the boomers are gone, we're going to let the Muslims wipe you all out and literally not a single person will shed a tear

I know for a fact that israel is going to get smashed to pieces.

Whats the one thing all empires have in common?

They all FAILED. The Jews will be no different, assuming they succeed.

what is wrong with that place you didn't claim?

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>he doesn't know
no one tell him


wtf does western sahara got to do with us dude ?

sure does, but fake jews are not chosen.

Attached: fake jew kike amalekites.jpg (2618x726, 945K)