what was the first red pill you accepted because of Jow Forums?
2006 oldfag here. Waiting for first one still
not a single one to this day.
Pol is just like these sort of droll but mentally limited old people in pubs who rant incoherently about their favourite thing to hate every sunday afternoon with friends.
It's not important to be right it's just to vent. Fuggn jews this, fuggn jews that. All day.
niggers dumb
That material frivolities degrade the human condition, not improve them.
Hello kike
>literal JIDF posting
oy vey
Discussing the JQ back when Jow Forums 2.0 was still /stormfront/
The difference between black people and niggers doesn't really exist
perpetual newfag, back to gaia faggot
you remember when this board had no flags?
it's the people who use flags that conform. I use memeflag to keep things the old fashioned way
fuck all of you who actually support this bs. Half of you are newfags the other half has no sense of board culture. I remember when you actually didn't know the nationality of the person you talked to which cut back 50% on the shit people talk here all day
Get gassed kike
I'll believe you if you show it, just for one post.
10 bucks says it's a kike flag
I particularly liked the period where people were arbitrarily assigned either an Israeli flag or a JDIF flag.
That they wanted this war and they hid the evidences. Also, questionning it is illegal.
that i suck cuz i'm brown
idgaf what you believe
moot raided this board and since then we have these cancerflags.
And that's what they should be called. Flags are shit.
the numbers
the number of the coloreds vs whites in the world
we lost the war long ago without fight
Based and checked.
6 million
dated 1889
6 million
dated 1900
6 million
dated 1910
6 million
dated 1918
6 million
dated 1935
6 million
dated 1939
just stop trying dude. You glow hard
We had selectable flags just before then. I used to use the rebel one all the time because it looked like TTGN.
That our ancestors didn't call darkies savages because they were racist, it was a warning.
>Waiting for first one still
Around blacks never relax.
I also got robbed later and my whole ‘its wrong to have opinions based on race’ flew out the window
The Jews were right
That's a good one. I used to post that constantly after I discovered that Jow Forums was receptive to non-mainstream ideas. I was told I sucked I sucked Schiff's cock multiple times, which is funny when you consider the Schiff family was one of the main forces behind the fed.
trips of truth
the redpill is Zionist bullshit aimed at decreasing birthrates and succumbing to their world goals
Don't fall for the fuckery
>around blacks never relax
This is something that everyone who doesn't live in a very rich neighborhood and only knows niggers by the television knows.
Checked and all of the above are true. Niggers are dumb unlike black people.
The real redpills come from /b/. Back when i first came to Jow Forums it was on /b/ at like 12 or 13, saw posts about niggers and how useless they were
Jow Forums is only good now for stuff like terrorist acts or school shootings and whatnot, rather then learning about redpills
On /b/, I learned about dicks.
Jews are the culprits of every single thing going wrong with the world and my life. Fuck jews with a cactus.
That Jow Forums is right about the Jews.
That Millhouse will never be a meme.
Black people are animals.
You two are literally just proving his point, lol.
It was Jow Forums that turned me on to the Jewish stuff.
At first I thought it was just a retarded conspiracy, but it really is the god damn kikes.
Its the jews its always the jews. You come here thinking its a joke and then you notice the jewish last names and you just start to hate them.
Women are incapable of conventional love. Instead a transactional love based on hypergamy.
Humans are animals. You're just more heavily domesticated.
lmao, thank you for bringing back fond memories NOW GB2 GAIA FGT
Victors write the history books.
At least they have friends
so is this the glowniggers doing meta analysis or am i the newfag?
There is no such thing as red pill
jewish influence is the only question that I have looked at that if you have enough time and energy you can observe specific jewish individuals, whether it be the frankfurt school and critical theory or the people pushing for hate speech laws in britain after the second world war or media ownership and the trash they promote. it's all right there, undeniable fact.
It's always good to be a bit skeptical
I mean of the stuff that is usually considered tinfoil schizo shit.
There is no such thing as red pill
I still hold out hope.
Life is inherently meaningless and we slowly stop giving a fuck the older we get as we embrace the inevitability of death. Also, we only have the illusion of free will when really our fate's been preordained since birth.
Hi kike, you're not fooling anyone. Flags became necessary due to shilling, as you well know. Then the board got taken over by kikes and memeflags magically appeared.
>If I act like a jew, then call them out on calling me a jew before they do it, I'm immune!
Ya, no.
They didn't magically appear. m00t pulled of Jow Forumsharbor after and then the meme flags disappeared and we had forced country flags and global IDs. Fortunately, somebody listened to the outrage and made it per-thread IDs.
Either way, forced country flags are necessary due to the shilling involved in politics.
The shilling is eternal and existed before country flags and IDs.
The only redpill to be found here is that a couple dozen dedicated people were able to turn a bunch of edgelords into Nazis with PsyOps.
Gender is a biological construct and that biology has dispositional/psychological consequences.
>what was the first red pill you accepted because of Jow Forums?
Milhouse is a meme
Jews melted the steel beams with lasers shot from their eyes.
Pizzagate, that shooting at ping pong did it
That's because Jews are always behind the bull shit
>IQ and race
>crime stats
>jews not being white
>leafposters suck
>hitler wasn't that bad
Women shouldn't be allowed to vote.
Was a difficult pill to swallow thogh now I wonder how I ever thought it was a good idea to let them vote.
He didn't act like a Jew. He just talked about how Jow Forums is all about venting without proof, and then they proved his point by claiming he's some kind of covert Jew, as if any real underground conspiratory organization would even bother posting on Jow Forums of all places. All this without a hint of irony.
Trips dont lie.
I guess you could say Jow Forums helped me to understand how white supremacist think very well, this of course reaffirmed my believe that they're retarded.