I went outside and filmed muslims without their permission. And some other people.
New episode 9
damn, user pls stop
Not politics
>NPCs in their natural habitat
>Suddenly this is NOT OKAY!
Cameras on every street corner, every store.... but this one faggot, "why are you doing this to me!"
OP is a based faggot
I'm willing to allow this to devolve into a Live Leak/World Star thread.
As you were, OP.
Doesn't even come close to surveillance camera man.
You gonna get stabbed
mandy muse is so hot
It's harder for me to watch this stuff then gore and rekt.
jesus christ, mudslimes have more balls than us
all the whitoids you filmed in the previous videos didn't care for the most part, but the mudslimes are going absolute crazy
lol! How have I not seen these till now!
(Peace be upon you)
that muslim ‘female’ was worse than her husband. she was pulling me and my cam constantly.
i was about to punch her, but warned her first
yes, we know.
too bad the feller quit. i wonder what happened to him
not without a fight though
gj user.
you are proving with every video that those faggots are either not-OK or aware of the fact that google, faceberg, twatter, youtube, instathott, discord, viber, messenger and other various platforms, along with banks, small and big shops, malls, super markets are continuously keeping record of their actions whenever possible, but if you point your camera toward their faces, they get uncomfortable.
this is the frog in the pot experiment. you boil them too quick, they react, you boil them slowly, they don't notice it.
good job exposing those faggots.
He probably got himself a life, maybe you should try it too instead of going out and creating these cringe fests. The funny thing about surveillance camera man was his passive and non confrontational attitude. You on the other hand sound and act like an utter faggot.
You should start explaining yourself more and see if you get different resction.
Cameras everywhere
Government cameras
Corporate camera
I have a camera too
Why are you more worried about me then them?
It's kind of strange. Facebook knows where all of my friends live, it knows how old they are, their names, their phone numbers...
Thank god I never signed up for that shit.
For a man with Aspergers you’re a tough one.
who says i cant do both? thanks for the feedback mate.
Why do muslims always chimp out completely when you film them? You see the same shit everywhere. It's like video cameras are their kryptonite or something.
Kek. You again.
they were in some kind of argument before i arrived. seemed like he was begging her or something, i guess that played a part
Pizza guy was actually pretty wholesome lmao
Still a kike, but a better kind
Holy shit they mad
They chimp out the same stupid way if you go up to them and stare at them, or talk shit to them.
Post selfie user. We need to see the legend behind the camera. The Scorsese of our generation. The Tarantino of the internet.
Anyone else think the chinese mans reaction at 11:01 was a bit odd?
like, full stop, neck turned, robotic ‘no’. freaked me out a bit when it happened, but maybe im imagining shit
you got trolled on that first one
OP btw. Jannies fucking me in the ass with the bans
lucky for you that you are in a cucked place. do that in my country and you end like pic related.