>be Bill Mahar
>claim Israel gets to keep land it "won" from being "attacked"
>fails to mention that Israel has never fought a defensive war besides the Yom Kippur War (which was waged by the Arabs to retake their rightful clay)
So this is the power of the American Jew.
Be Bill Mahar
That catholic school kid is going to screw him.
the one who bravely stood up against the mouthwash drinker?
The Palestinians got fucked. But after awhile you need to let it go. Take a cue from the Indians. They aren’t still bitching about wanting Manhattan back. After a certain amount of time, you have to take the L and make due with what you got.
take a quick measurement of your nose and report back
Yes, his show came out days after the other videos and he still said the kid started it. When Trump sued Maher he joked about it because it was a nothing lawsuit. He hasn't mentioned this one.
thanks for the history lesson, rabbi.
Dude deserves a spectacular public execution, there is not a more smug insufferable cunt around. He is the manifestation of peak jew.
> Israel has never fought a defensive war
Literally every major war tiny Israel fought was defensive and for its literal survival against united Arab armies backed by countries with hundreds of millions in total population and huge oil wealth.
> liberal collectivist mindset detected
Ok I guess we owe Tanisha reparations for slavery because of her great grand mammy was on a plantation too.