>be Bill Mahar
>claim Israel gets to keep land it "won" from being "attacked"
>fails to mention that Israel has never fought a defensive war besides the Yom Kippur War (which was waged by the Arabs to retake their rightful clay)
So this is the power of the American Jew.
Be Bill Mahar
That catholic school kid is going to screw him.
the one who bravely stood up against the mouthwash drinker?
The Palestinians got fucked. But after awhile you need to let it go. Take a cue from the Indians. They aren’t still bitching about wanting Manhattan back. After a certain amount of time, you have to take the L and make due with what you got.
take a quick measurement of your nose and report back
Yes, his show came out days after the other videos and he still said the kid started it. When Trump sued Maher he joked about it because it was a nothing lawsuit. He hasn't mentioned this one.
thanks for the history lesson, rabbi.
Dude deserves a spectacular public execution, there is not a more smug insufferable cunt around. He is the manifestation of peak jew.
> Israel has never fought a defensive war
Literally every major war tiny Israel fought was defensive and for its literal survival against united Arab armies backed by countries with hundreds of millions in total population and huge oil wealth.
> liberal collectivist mindset detected
Ok I guess we owe Tanisha reparations for slavery because of her great grand mammy was on a plantation too.
> (space)
hey hasbara goons, do you guys know how to properly post yet? go ask one of your supervisors if you're doing it correctly
Show flag.
How about on your own dime? Oh...
Oh shut the fuck up kike, Israel isn't going to get shit
This kid has a pretty good case, its be good to see him win.
>1948 wasn't a defensive war
>Like seven countries declared war and invaded on the same day
1967 I grant you was outright conquest.
>targeted killings of Palestinians before independence
>taking their homes
>700,000 "fled" after the war
It's not like Jews even bombed out Palestinians in their homes and businesses or anything, haha
he calls himself catholic, crypto-jews are the fuckign worst.
Oh right, and lets not forget the only claim Jews have to the land is their fucking holy book. the absolute state
Okay, but even if they were cooking children on firepits, the way the war worked was lots of armies invade country. The country invaded is playing the role of "defender".
He and Chuck Schumer have the most Jewish faces I have ever seen.
>cooking children on firepits
>not a casus belli
that's what we call an aggressor, which in this case were the Jews, before, during and after Independence.
>he calls himself catholic
He fucking hates Catholicism what are you talking about
It's not like the children belonged to those other countries. They were local children being put on firepits. This is not the same thing
Israel won that land you lazy mudshits. Just be glad that white people gave you bunch of dumb inbred worthless sand niggers the rest of that shithole region.
Not an argument, and not even true. It takes a really fucking good goy to defend literal terrorists.
Israel never won anything without help. They're pathetic worthless vermin.
Not an argument. Your logic is internally inconsistent. It causes you cognitive dissonance and you can’t respond intelligently. Instead we get an ad hom. Sad you don’t have the ability to contribute to the discussion
Of course it wasn't an argument, it was a question and a request. Dumb kike.
My last reply was a poor attempt at humor. I maintain that, firepits or no, the side that sends its armies into the territory of the other is generally perceived as "attacking" and the other party is "defending". I get that you strongly dislike Israel, but that doesn't change this very simple and widely accepted mechanic. It makes a big difference in war, which side is which, and not just for propaganda purposes.
But arguments are how white people talk. Ad homs (yo mamma so fat) is how niggers communicate. And requests are made my be inferiors to superiors. So are you sure you don’t want to make an argument?
Well you see, when you punch someone and his buddy attacks you, you're not really in justifiable defense mode. Your opponent is engaging in combat with you for your actionable policy of eradicating your would-be but unwanted potential citizens. Besides, I thought the talking point was that Palestinians don't exist and are really just a bunch of Lebanese, Syrian and Jordanians?
You might think you understand my hatred of Israel, but hatred doesn't mean I'm incorrect either. And it's generally not even a good thing to bring up propaganda when talking about Israel's wars, each and every engagement is surrounded by purposeful propaganda etched in a made up eternal conflict between Muslims and the Jews. You happen to have the unique position of being subjected to it from both the Israelis and your own government and media. All in all, the 1948 was not a defensive war on the part of Israel, and there's nothing to be said that will make this not true.
Saying my logic is inconsistent without explanation, then going onto say I'm not intelligent and suffer from cognitive dissonance is an ad hominem attack. That too is also the definition of not an argument.
>Israel never won anything without help
Arabs lost even with all the help. Just let it go you dumb mudshits. God obviously has the Jews back while Muslims remain godless in this fight. Thank Europe for carving places on the map out for you shitheads to live on though (reminder: you guys didn't earn that on your own).
You do realize that Jews don't know God because they haven't accepted Christ, and are therefore condemned, right? Jesus made this absolutely clear. Maybe your mega church is preaching something different?
Maher. Just a spoiled cunt with half a wit.
I aint crying over dead arabs.
Nobody is asking you to cry. We're asking you to use that thick nigger brain of yours to come to the conclusion that Israel is bad news for the entire world.
Native Americans are all citizens now, when will Israel accept the Palestinians as their equals?
Propaganda is all a "casus belli" even is. Having a good one is nice, but historically war tends to be ultimately motivated by taking shit away from your opponent. It doesn't actually have anything to do with what we're talking about. I also dislike Jews, though, so let's just find common ground there.
Just watched that segment. In typical Jew fashion he went after the black Hebrews for not being genetically God's chosen. I hope someone told him about all the Ruskies living in Israel.
>Propaganda is all a "casus belli" even is.
Is that right?
Now we are getting somewhere. Those Palestinians aren’t the same Palestinians that had their land taken. They are the descendants of the Palestinians that had their land stolen. The Indians in America are not the Indians who got pushed off their land. They are the descendants of the Indians who got pushed off their land. Tanisha in Chicago in 2019 isn’t the same Tanisha who was enslaved in the 18th and 19th centuries. Descendants of Palestinians can’t claim land because someone in their bloodline once had it. Descendants of Indians cant claim land because someone in their bloodline once had it. Tanisha cannot claim she deserves reparations for something that did not happen to her but something that happened to someone in her bloodline.
>and whatever to the weak should fear the strong?
Palestinians have more claim to the land than Jews claiming Satan gave it to them 3000 years ago. That's the difference.
Jews invented their own God, and Christians know God through Jesus Christ. Muslims on the other hand worship a false prophet who was tempted by three demons.
Therefore Muslims have no connection to god, and should worship the white people who gave them countries instead.
At least Muslims actually like Jesus, I'll give them that much.
I agree that would been a good retort before the territory became occupied. Now that the territory is occupied, that argument about 3,000 years ago is irrelevant to present day. What matters is the territory is occupied. At the time, Indians probably thought that “manifest destiny” was a made up bullshit philosophy and not valid reason to continually relocate them. But here we are.
>Pretending to not be an inbred Muslim
Muslims deny the divinity of Jesus, his miracles, and they don't respect his words, so how can they actually "like" Jesus the begotten son of God?
>JFW there are prophets named Muhammad who consorted with demons
Why do you think Muhammad is a false prophet?
>He is the manifestation of peak jew.
Yeah, he is not even one of the heebs that pretend to take sides.
Because he just said whatever he felt like, and whenever it benefitted him at the moment. That's pretty much a giveaway
In what ways? Because Muslims do agree that Jesus was of virgin birth and did many miracles iirc.
Probably because he was a scumbag warlord pedophile and isn't Jesus Christ.
It matters because the creation of the state was predicated on 3000 year old lies.
>In what ways?
In a lot of ways (like Christ's miraculous resurrection). I know this, because I used to be "Muslim" before I converted.
You might want to check a lot of the old threads where I btfoed you must shills in the past instead of having to repeat myself.
You should repent btw like I did (an ex Muslim) if you want to save your tainted soul.
I'm almost 99% sure Islam believes Jesus came from a virgin birth and did miracles. He's a pretty important prophet.
>Ignoring the death, and miraculous resurrection of Christ.
kitman- dissimulation by silence or omission
Yeah but we also told the Indians Manhattan was worth a $1.25 cents and some furs. And we knew it was worth more even back then. And we knew that Indians were still confused about whether Europeans and horses were separate creature or 1 creature with the capability to detach itself at will. We were lying and dealing with people less sophisticated than toddlers.
>They aren’t still bitching about wanting Manhattan back
Google "Nathan Phillips" and work backwards from there.
Yeah I understand what you're saying, but it isn't the 1500's anymore, not to make a current year argument. For everything that's happened to the Natives, they have atonomy within our nations and can effectively unsubscribe from Canadian and American life if they so choose. Palestinians don't have those rights afforded to them. Israel was created by an international body, it wasn't an organic creation culminating from the blood and sweat of men it was handed to them on a platter. This international body also sets out rules for international conduct, which Israel routinely violated since 1948. Now the Jews are effectively operating the world's biggest open air prison where they control nearly every aspect inside and out.
And the other half of Palestine? Internationally recolonized to be a state, which is currently being occupied and invaded by Israel.
Imagine unironically believing this
he was raised catholic which he mentions often but he is in fact half a Jew. Probably should have clarified.
Not a bad argument. But the only way for the Palestinians to get it back would be via the international community. The same way Israel got it. So wat do?
OP is a Muslim who wants to go on Jow Forums and whine about how his countries has lost land to Israel. And tries to get WN to actually care.
Arabs are a bunch of losers who lose every war to Israel. Even when they form 5 country alliances against Israel.
Zero sympathy for Arabs. If they want the land back, they should fight for it back.
Why would I be a Muslim if I just denigrated Muhammad (piss be upon him)?
Don't give me that taqiyya shit.
Anyway, I know why Arabs don’t fight to regain land from Israel. It’s because they know they’ll lose the war, and will only lose more land.
It’s pathetic how they can never beat the tiny nation of Israel.
Zero sympathy.
You didn’t insult Muhammad until just now.
>Palestinians fight for the land back
>"Stop being terrorists!"
I called him a scumbag pedophile warlord 2 hours ago.
Listen Jew, your ass must be jealous of the shit that comes out of your mouth. You clearly don't kbow a fucking thing about the native aboriginals and their mentality but of course that's lost on you because you haven't a shred of empathy for anyone or anything else. And even if anyone goes out of their way to tell you, you'll have forgotten about it the next day.
Filthy bilge rat.
Ban memeflags
Wouldn't it be great is Israel was turned into a smoking crater??
its not like anyone would miss those fruitcakes
>Be Bill Maher during the Obama administration
>See Trump on television talking about his 'Birther' theory. Think it's stupid
>Start making jokes on television poking fun at birthers. It goes over well.
>Jokes escalate to the point where Bill offers $1M to a charity of Trump's choice if he can prove he's not the son of an orangutan.
>Trump shows his birth certificate and tells Bill to pay up.
>Bill renegs on his offer saying it was only a joke.
>Trump takes Bill to court. Loses his case.
>Bill takes to airwaves gloating about his legal victory.
>Trump responds by running for president and winning, thereby making himself one of the only things Bill is going to be talking about for the next four to eight years.
>There is no way for Bill to escape this. Even if he quit his show and walked away from the spotlight, every jerkoff is going to be coming up to him asking "So, what's up with this Trump guy?" It's going to be in his face every day.
That might be because you’re trying to disguise your religion. Alternately you might be an Arab Christian. A lot of them have fled to the US and Canada over the last several decades.
if you're going to go with the "trying to disguise your religion" thing, then you'd have to apply that standard to anyone who claims not to be a muslim when you conveniently want them to be.
Anyway, I feel every bit as much sympathy for Palestinians as I feel for the pre-1924 Native Americans in the US. In other words, exactly zero. They’re both losers who lose every war.
Actually, I take that back. I feel more sympathy toward the pre-1924 Native Americans. Since they kept getting cheated on treaties the US signed with them. While Israel has never signed a treaty with the Palestinians.
That's a pretty rich statement coming from a country who has actually lose several wars against natives.
The most effective and practical thing we can do about the JQ is support Israel and support Jews returning to Israel. In fact, it's the only realistic solution. Isn't a homeland for everybody and everybody In their homeland the goal?
I don’t have any sympathy for Moorish Spain. As long as they couldn’t drive out the Moors, they didn’t deserve to be an independent country.
Agreed 100%.
The Palestinians supported Israel during the 6 day war giving them water and food as they went out into battle
We never lost a war to the natives. Other than the Little Bighorn, I can’t think of a battle where the Natives beat us.
yep, and quite a repayment they got in return
Red Cloud's War to name one
No one gives a shit about claiming that God or Satan or whoever gave someone the land. The segment of Jordan that created the Palestine narrative + a bunch of surrounding countries all engaged in war against the Jews. They lost, the jews won. That is the only 'claim' to the land that is needed. I wish the jews had been wiped off the map, or the sand niggers were able to stop fucking their sisters long enough to learn how to warfare, but the fact is they didn't, they lost the war, they lost control of the territory. Might makes right, it has been the adage since the dawn of time.
We eagerly await, when the descendants of Jews will stop talkign about the Holocaust.
If that’s true, then they shouldn’t have trusted Israel. Zero sympathy that they trusted a people who they shouldn’t.
he isnt a jew. not a real one. most actual jews are long gone. the few that remain are to few to fill 1 native american reservation let alone israel or all of the msm media and hollywood
rome, midle ages europe and the nazis kind of made sure of that. what we are mostly left with are diluted blood lines of jews and fake jews that the jews were warned of in the bible. those guys wandering over claiming to be a tribe of jews but were just hungry niggers. sad since the bible is all about blood lines. you know the big guy made a clean break with those people long ago. like the end of the old testament when he says its the end of the age of miracles. jesus and his friends say a magic monster will bring god back one day by ending the embargo on magic. but who knows it was written by jews
Ok. Not sure I’ve heard of that war until now. According to Wiki, it seems to have been a very small war. (1,500-2,000 Natives vs 700-1,000 Americans)
Anyway, out of dozens of Indian Wars, that’s probably the only one we lost.
Absolute bull shit. Natives constantly bitch and whine about us taking their land and the billions of dollars we’ve handed them has done nothing to make them any less resentful.
But you already knew you were full of shit, didn’t you kike?
I don’t have any sympathy for Muslim Palestine. As long as they couldn’t drive out the Israelis, they didn’t deserve to be an independent country.