Wind Turbines

What do you think about the wind turbines?
Are they able to generate more energy than it is required to produce them? i haven't researched that very well but I can't imagine they are sustainable on a energetic and economical perspective.

In my opinion the effort of many governments to build more wind turbines is a result of the heavy lobbying-money from the companies that produce these turbines. In exchange of the financing the election of the green parties, those companies receive heavy subsidies from the governments.

any thoughts?

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So little power so much danger and maintenance

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Haha I remember that picture. Those two monkeys got trapped up there and burned to death together

Scotland here... these monstrosities are destroying our landscape here. No one seems to care though due to liberal fuckwitery and eco branwashing being the norm. Our gorgeous landscape is being forever altered though, and some of the wildest unspoiled land, and places of historic interest and value are being build on.

What really chaps my arse though is that they bribe small communities with small handouts of money to build cycle paths and play parts and such and the average pleb thinks its great.

As I understand it there is a lot of incentive to the Scottish parliament for them and its likely dirty as fuck.

There is also very little 'green' about them. They destroy bogs which are massive contributors to co2 conversion to build the roads and infrastructure. They aren't turning out of the time anyways, and are inefficient. They take a shit ton of coal, steel and copper tomato which are all pretty damaging to produce, and they mess with bird and sea life habitat.

Green energy targets get the SNP re-elected by.the leftist norms, and they have pledged to surpass EU green energy targets by 2035 which means they are building these eyesores at a HUGE rate.

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Ignorant people thing they'd work, because of the Dunning-Kruger effect.
The EE engineers I've talked to say the MTBF and out of synch problems with them make them worse than useless.
tl:dr - Dumbasses just gotta dumbass because "saving the planet"

absolute useless abnominations.
Destroys insects and flying animals and reduces property prices.

Hi !

I don't give a single fuck about wind turbines. However, you are a really polite person, since you started your thread with "hi !". It's a good and positive thing.
Have a nice evening, user !

>What do you think about the wind turbines?
inconvenient almost random energy production
takes too much space
kills birds
for little energy output
>Are they able to generate more energy than it is required to produce them?
yes of course.
>i haven't researched that very well but I can't imagine they are sustainable on a energetic and economical perspective.
they are, don't give your opinion on things you haven't researched

I have never seen a source that says how much energy it takes to build, transport, set and maintain a wind turbine. Never saw any comparison of the energy output with the input.

I want to know more about the wind made energy (and the monetary value) that is effectively used and not wasted considering that there are periods in which the demand is low and there is no storage possibility.

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So what you’re saying is the less coal with mine the more recycling steel prices will go up? I’m okay with that.

Litteraly tons of wasted concret
Sound is horrible
Shit on the landscape
Produce little to no power sometimes
Why bother?

Germany has a lot of windmills. They have so much electricity, they don't know what to do with it all.

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I guess their last thought was the realization that they were giving their life for a big lie.

>What do you think about the wind turbines?
They are pee pee poo poo.
Globo homo solutions to globo homo problems.
I haven't researched them to know about energy needs to produce but I don't like metal windmills anyway.
They are certainly useless as an energy source for modernity, not stable enough to deliver constant power.

>After working your whole life you can afford a house outside the shitty city
>You build your dream house in the countryside
>Finally some peace
>Time to retire
>After the first week of retirement the government led by AOC (or similar) decides to build those motherfuckers in front of your house (pic related)
>These turbines are noisy. you hear them day and night
>Your property loses 40% of its value
>AOC (or similar) still lives in the city and decides where to build new wind turbines
>She is the new green hero that everybody was waiting for
>She ((magically)) becomes CEO of green energy companies
>you see dead birds and bats everyday
>Eventually you get cancer because of the wind turbines and die.

Attached: fukerss.jpg (694x463, 43K)

>What do you think about the wind turbines?
Like any power source except nuclear its shit.

pic 2:

Attached: aocc.png (528x619, 414K)

>i haven't researched that very well but I have an uninformed opinion anyway

>What do you think about the wind turbines?
old tech, unsightly, noisy, generate a decent amount of power.
>Are they able to generate more energy than it is required to produce them?
interesting. in the long run all this tech is. eventually pay for itself and more, if it lasts the tests of time and engineering quality.
>in my opinion the effort of many governments to build more wind turbines is a result of the heavy lobbying
it's usually the way, as happened happened/happens here australia.

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>What do you think about the wind turbines?
They're a loud, noisy eyesore that will never recoup the cost of their construction.
Where I live they are forcibly put onto your property though imminent domain laws, as they are a utility. I wish all liberal communist faggot would die of aids sooner.

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is that the green's way of trolling the nuclear industry? goes to show the left really can't meme., even in real life.

>Where I live they are forcibly put onto your property though imminent domain laws
wow. what a bunch of cunts to do that to some person's property.

Properly located turbines are actually pretty based. They have a tendency to kill large numbers of raptors however.

Very low energy output compared to input. Hydro of any kind is far superior and on the level with nuclear power.

If you have to resort to nit-picking the ore content of the design as somehow counting against its Green credentials then the bottom of the barrel is likely all you have. I think it's a good thing to prepare for fossil fuel phasing out, Wind Turbines are part of a well-balanced strategy that's being pursued in Scotland, and to me they have no more a deletrious effect on our landscape than Pylons do. and what sort of Kikery is it to appeal to the Green argument in opposition to Wind Power? That's like when the Lefty cites the Bible at the Right-Winger.

>these monstrosities are destroying our landscape here
is this the best you can come up with exxon shill?