I hadn't had sex in years so this 10/10 was in my bed naked just with panties on

I hadn't had sex in years so this 10/10 was in my bed naked just with panties on

I kept trying to remove them all night but she kept refusing, at first we kissed then she refused to kiss me by the morning

Everytime she kept rejecting my advances she was giggling, she gave me a handjob and I came while we stared at each other, in the morning I tried to smash again

Then when she left she said it was so fun

Did I do badly guys? What if she finds me unattractive

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So you kept trying to remove her panties, she kept stopping you, and you kept trying to remove them?

So what you're saying is "she put up a clear nonverbal boundary and I continuously stomped it trying to get laid"

This is gonna sound dumb but a lot of women are scared to outright say no because of crazy guys.

honestly sounds like you were being so pushy that even though she didnt want to have sex she thought that you might do some fucked up shit if she didn't find some way to get you off.
Don't talk to her again. You might want ot risk an apology and say you're shit at receiving signals, but don't be surprised if the police end up knocking on your door tomorrow

Inb4 sexual assault charges

You sound like a creep honestly and she sounds like she wasnt into you

Fucking love the replies so far.
The guy is gonna lose all self esteem and i love it

>Everytime she kept rejecting my advances she was giggling
>Did I do badly guys?
Yes. She was giggling.

This. Neighbour's could have heard. Next time stuff her panties in her mouth and duct tape it. Amateurs

>kept rejecting my advances
if she had wanted to fuck you you she would have fucked you. you should have offered to eat her pussy

I did but she kept pushing my head away and my hands

And it wasn't like a strong no but shaking her head and saying mmm mm

Afterwards we talked a lot and she sent me memes and even after the date she said it was a lot of fun so I don't think I'll be getting assault charges

Also to everyone saying I assaulted her: this chick was on top of me biting me and also grabbed my dick when I told her I couldn't sleep, everytime she giggled or said no I would back off

She told me she was hard to get and that she never does this on first dates so I don't see why just because I'm a guy everyone on here was so quick to call me a rapist

Invite her over again.

If she's still interested in me I might do so in a few days but after reading all the replies about me being an assailant, I apologized to her many times for being so pushy and told her I wasn't so experienced

So maybe she won't be as interested anymore but one thing I'm not is someone who assaults women

She gave you a handy and kissed you but didn't let you stick it in. You sure she just wasn't on her period?

I do suspect she had something between her legs but it's probably not. She seemed like she wanted to have some control, while we were making out she told me she was difficult with every guy

I don't know why I took it so personally. She's even texting me now.

She's probably just trans. Offer to suck her penis next time and she'll let have her.

>Girl keeps rejecting OP's advances
>OP keeps on trying
You're really playing with fire dude.

Isn't that what you're supposed to do? Stop, ask what's wrong then keep going when she seems willing?

It could be that she doesn't want to fuck on the first date and look like a slut. One of my exes did that. We made out in her truck and I got to play with her titties. She wouldnt go further than that. The next date, I invited her over to my place and we fucked within an hour.

Just be cool. Dont listen to the trolls.

Lol it happened you’re a prophet KEK

This. Don't let this fuckers let you down, if she's interested you are set

>doesn’t want to look like a slut
>lays in bed naked and gives handjob on the first date

That’s exactly what I was thinking.
Did you think that maybe she was... idk on he period?

> I do suspect she had something between her legs
Bro....you know if it's a tranny or not. She might just be a ho in denial. I know some who claim they're "gonna make the next guy wait", but end up failing if he pursues them even after she says she wants to wait.

No I meant tampon, she had nothing down there

Rofl no.

If a girl is rejecting your advances, you shouldn't keep pursuing sex. Not only does it make you come off as a desperate incel (which isn't sexy), you're even putting yourself at risk of future rape allegations. Just don't do it.

Make moves on girls ofcourse. But if they reject you, just confidently be like: ''ok that's fine, no sex for you then''. Act like you hardly care. Funny enough this indifference will make it more likely for her to want to fuck you.

Don't get what you want by borderline forcing them to do it. Get what you want by acting like THEY are the one missing out if they don't do it.

Perhaps she was worried about starting or perhaps she just didn’t want to do it. You pushing her to have sex isn’t going to make her want it

The truth is that I am a very insecure guy who has no friends

I take everything sexual as a personal attack, if a girl seems unenthusiastic about it I feel abandoned

Then I will be in physical pain for days after without letting the girl know of course, this feeling of abandonment does make me feel physical pain

I know I'm fucked up, no matter how many girls I'm with I never seem to get better

>Did you think that maybe she was... idk on he period?

that was a nervous giggle to keep you from raping her, it worked.

>hasn't had sex in years
>suddenly lands a 10/10
stopped right there. larp this cringey shit to the other incel hangout, r9k, next time

Not notarized
Not consent

Spread the word

This is why PUA is a scam

This is fucking dumb op. You gotta ask the girl if her no is a serious no or a playful no, I can’t tell you how many women I’ve slept with that say no but actually want the dick bad.

Depends on the girl but a lot of them just want you to be the man and dominate them. You CANNOT listen to all the bitter incels giving horrible advice in here, I guarantee at least 70% of the people in this thread have never had sex.

everyone in this thread is either retarded or is samefagging

lol, I love to tease too

Always better to err on being too aggressive than not enough. It's just biology. Wish someone told me this when I was 18

OP i am a girl and you shouldn't ask this on Jow Forums,it's full of guys who can't read signals
it sounds like she had fun, she's exploring, just let her, but next time do dominate her if you SEE she's being playful (asking "is your no a playful one?" would be a turn down to me and a way to get a definitive no)
make her feel like she's the hottest thing in the world, you can do it

Enjoy your rape charges. Some of us don't like prison food and risk getting a foot long from Tyrone, thanks.

Sounds like she was just being a hard tease. In that case, she'll most definetly be willing to hook up again, ask her out another time.

nah he's right

I am highly skeptical of everyone’s rating system on here

Right at getting a JAIL SENTENCE ROFL


Well, girls are not going to solve that, you might need counselling and try to get a healthy mindset.