I want to be free of the "Idiot Box". You all have shown me the truth

What are the alternatives? Where can I go for news now? I can't stand the propaganda anymore and I can see it in even shit like ESPN.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Do not consume western mass media, flat out. Go for older western stuff, or non-western stuff

Good question

I haven't watched TV in 7 years, except for sports. I read news online, multiple different places. I read books, 2 or 3 per week. I conversate with neighbors. I haven't missed it either.


Unironically read harretz, they give no shits and write for their own.

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Classical literature is your friend

>non-western stuff
Russian media is just as bad only they're shilling for (((Putin))) instead.

Never get between a Jew and his shekels.

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Triple oy vey!
What a mushugana

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You have to read everything and learn to read between the lines and the bullshit

Yay, we /soviet/ now.

>Where can I go for news now?
Try The Liberty Mill. It has feeds from about 10 different sources. Good stuff.

There's so much pointless trivia provided, to distract, confuse and demoralize. I stopped watching or reading the news for two years, around 2012 to 2014. My life remained unaffected, and it actually improved my sense of well being. People were up in arms about one thing or the other, and as usual, nothing really happened, at least nothing that affected me or anyone I know. The disaffected 90s misanthropes might have been on to something.

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check that, so true.

Well done user.
After a couple of years without TV you'll realise just how insanely weird TV is. It's hard to describe, but when you happen to catch a glimpse of it again you'll notice that it has a sort of fake, plastic, weaponized evil quality that you simply didn't see before (because you're not supposed to).

I havent watched TV since the early 00's
Get a real hobby.

No, in Soviet Russia, everybody knew the news was bullshit. Only a small fraction knows today, and most who know today didn't know 5 years ago.



Conversate.... Ya we can tell how much you read user.. fucking nigger speak.

Sports is scripted too user

Why do you want to watch the news user? It’s not real.

Aljazeera if you want weird Arab shit skin news

Pluto Tv has RT

Red ice creations, the right stuff .biz, styxhexenhammer, lionel, John B Wells,

>Where can I go for news now?
Honestly, devote some time on learning History. Consuming News without an understanding of History is useless, and you end up becoming ruled by your emotions because you can't logically reason why things are in their current state and why things are happening. Use the News as a compass for expanding your understanding of topics, and never trust it as authoritative.

"The Media" as an institution doesn't exist to inform you, it exists to tell you what to think and how to feel. Of the billion newsworthy things that happen every day, the media handpicks a select few to push a narrative or trigger emotions in the general population. This A) keeps you addicted and watching commercials or clicking banner ads, and B) lets them manufacture popular consent for whatever evil bullshit they happen to be pushing at the moment, whether it's a war or an impeachment or some more mundane business thing or whatever.

As a source of facts (as opposed to truths) the media is generally reasonably reliable, so they have their use there. Of course they'll only tell you the facts they want you to know, so you need to seek out a wider range of sources and use your own intelligence to figure out the context and understand the full story.

Even when relying on them for "facts", though, you run into trouble. In any news piece one must carefully isolate the "facts" being reported from the opinion ("analysis") or other narrative-building elements of an article that try to build these facts into false or misleading "truths". A 2,000 word news article might contain less than 20 words of actual "facts", and the other 1,980 words should be ignored completely. Also it's important to recognize precisely what "fact" is being reported. CNN can accurately report that "Trump was briefed on a document alleging that Trump had an orgy with hookers in Moscow" while at the same time knowing that everyone listening will just hear "Trump had an orgy with hookers in Moscow". The propaganda purpose is fulfilled, the lie is spread, and the fact checkers are happy.

tl;dr: The media is fucking terrible and evil, but unfortunately there's no good alternative to fill the gap either. If you must expose yourself to it, do so knowing you're being manipulated at every step, and under no circumstances should you equate "being informed" with "reading the news".

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>non-western stuff

weeb detected trying to defend his manchild status

Yes, I was a very good goy only three years ago.

shut up cuck

Watch an anime called K-On!. It's on nyaa. Maybe learn Japanese. Always watch shows in Japanese with English subs if you need them.

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Controlled dialectic extravaganza .biz

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For the love of God, I just want to know the latest developments on the european immigration crisis.


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Quality post, user. The media outlets exist as a layered landscape each targeted towards a certain demographic in order to shape their individual world view and build consensus realities upon those. The designers are even so clever as to have implemented built in safety net functions to capture and corral in the more skeptical and inquisitive individuals in the form of various alternative media outlets. It is an ingeniously designed prison for the minds of the masses that they can utilize as a tool to help manifest their goals and agendas into reality. I thought this guys term "The Graduated Animal Farm" was an interesting term for the system and the video is well worth a listen.


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99% of news is clickbait and opinion pieces why the fuck do you want to read that? Here's a hint, whether you do or don't read the news the same shit is rehashed day after day ad infinitum. You become addicted to voyeurism.

Based and dystopia-pilled

Turn off the electric jew, go outside. Get a hobby. Lift.

Well said

pol is my only source of news

Unironically this. Anyone who tells you otherwise is just blinded by ideology of another name.

You can go stand in the dunce corner op

Adding the red was try hard cringe

"The news is the biggest fucking lies ever" if you have a cable subscription, cancel that shit. We will never know what is actually going on by relying on media outlets. Eurasia is our friend then they become our enemy and all traces of their past friendship is scrubbed from memory. Babies in indicators and sniper fire on the tarmac, all part of a story to keep the cattle in the fence while the ground erodes beneath our feet. Nothing to see here citizen move along

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I had to save that shit nigga, that is one ugly jew

I was a good goy till I got off pills 5 years ago and could finally see how our world is falling apart and all the media talks about is al GORE level conspiracies and race bait. they openly hate whites, and demand more for everyone else, even though we subsidize their rent, college, and everything else.

oy vey kikes and their shekels