Do they fatten the kids intentionally, or are kids just collateral damage in the plot to fatten the adults?
Child Obesity
calorie dense food is addictive and cheap. i don't think it's so much an intricate conspiracy but rather food companies just taking the path of least resistance.
also those are mexicans.
even most skinny people arent having a calorie deficit, they just are suffering so much inflammation from shitty food that they cant gain weight.
you expect me to believe all these skinnyfags are watching their weight? lmao no, they're just about as mindless and hedonistic as anyone else
if our food was actually healthy we would all be much much fatter
fatties need to realize how good they have it that their bodies can actually process this trash we call food
I don't think they are intentionally making people fat but I wouldn't put it past these fucking kikes.
Peak human performance can be intimidating to some, evolution is happening now.
Look at those fat whi-....ameri-... kids.
Take away their kids how hard is it
I saw the fattest fucking toddler I've ever seen in my life the other day. He couldn't have been more than 4, but he looked like the Michelin Man and was practically spilling out of the stroller. He was eating goldfish nonstop, and I was genuinely surprised his mom wasn't even more of a whale. How do you potty train a kid too fat to wipe his own ass?
Mike Myers isn't funny.
>He was eating goldfish nonstop
Please tell us you mean the crackers.
Yeah they want people fat because the plethora of issues that come with fatness are keeping hospitals in business. There's still some good doctors out there trying to do what they can, but fats will spend even more money on horseshit miracle cures while cheating and lying about their diets. Oh and fat people spend more money eating fast food and eating out in general, cooking your own shit is always cheaper.
Lots of money in the business of keeping people fat.
You think those clearly Asian, likely Vietnamese children are Mexican?
To be fair, Jamie Lee Curtis thought he was a scream
The 10 Year Old Boomer.
You don't have to faten the adults if you faten the kids
untermenschen are naturally at. Low metabolism. They walk slow, they think slow, they act slow. Very little self control.
These are the undesirables, der untermenschen, those who humanity must part with before ascending higher
Nah faggot, shitskins encourage their children to eat a lot to grow bigger and stronger than white people. Us whites are supposed to be pygmy humans, while shitskins enslave us.
This for sure.
I believe it's sugar, carbs, and other shit like that
Ahahahahahaha Kek nice
Low IQ is associated with increased odds of obesity, particularly in female adolescents and in adolescents with high SES.
Cross-sectional studies have found that obesity is associated with low intellectual ability and neuroimaging abnormalities in adolescence and adulthood.
Childhood general intelligence has a direct effect on adult BMI, obesity, and weight gain, net of education, earnings, mother's BMI, father's BMI, childhood social class, and sex. More intelligent children grow up to eat more healthy foods and exercise more frequently as adults.
almost everything is planned
consumption is the goal
we talk as if the jew controls it all
aside from the Rothschild family they don't
it's all about consuming and food is a major part of it
>the promotion of faggots leads to a decline in births
>that gap will be filled with 3rd worlders who live of the government and thus become a consumer
>promoting a guilty free fat lifestyle, leads to people consuming more
list goes on and on
it's not Apple,Google and all the tech companies destroying countries it's fucking Walmart
>100% way of knowing if your region is fucked is water filtering plants, go check most likely there wont be any under construction
example is London the populous has grown so much over the past ten years even if there is no drought there's still a water shortage
>no, not caused by climate change
High fuckin quality.
Almost everybody is fat now. Everywhere you go, endless parade of fatties.
Awwwwww... look at that porky little gook! He sure has had plenty of takeout to eat! Warms my heart!
are you retarded?
polyunsaturated fats + sugar = inflammatory disease out the ass
boomers replaced the moreso saturated (mostly animal based) fats with polyunsaturated fats because otherwise they'd already all be dead of heart attacks
the difference between saturated and unsaturated fats is analogous to the difference in complex and simple carbohydrates (simple sugars)
saturated fats are larger so they're more stable and less prone to oxidizing, so they dont cause anywhere near as much inflammation, like complex carbs relative to sugars. but for the same reason (they're bigger particles) saturated fats clog up arteries
obviously the key is moderation, but instead of that boomers just bought foods loaded in PUFAs so now that thats the norm their kids are all getting autoimmune disease and autism goes even higher than it was going from women putting off childbirth to older ages
no u
most skinny people are getting caloric surplus, you see it everywhere, they always complain about eating a lot and not gaining weight
its because they're suffering inflammation from shitty food, it literally tears apart the proteins of their digestive system putting them in perpetual protein deficiency
lol just eat some chicken lanklets
>Signage in the background all in Korean....
yeah thing about that, around here all the regular chicken breast is all fucked up because the chickens grow too large too fast without ever getting to stretch, so the proteins are all damaged, signified by a tough rubbery feel and white lines of collagen and fat striped through the meat, which is shit because excess shit protein can also be bad for you and probably cause more inflammation
you can buy more expensive brands that arent like that but most people are so used to animal products tasting like shit nowadays they do things to cover the taste and never even really notice
That's some great American food pyramid genius. What else is bad cholesterol? And as people stopped eating as much cholesterol and saturated fats from the 90s on clearly we have seen such improvements.
>You're an absolute retard
Historical evidence is what you need to listen to not the ever changing bs they feed you
No genius most skinny people simply do not eat as much as they think.
>And as people stopped eating as much cholesterol and saturated fats from the 90s on clearly we have seen such improvements.
im not saying we should all eat as much saturated fat as them for as long as they did, im saying they jumped from one extreme to another, and since they have the most buying power it affected the food industry as a whole
its probably close to 50% either way
so many people arent simply starving themselves when food is so abundant and easily available
I am saying that saturated fat do not cause heart attacks. Just as high cholesterol is good for you. One has to be very stupid to believe ever changing studies and not historical evidence. Which shows by all accounts before all these "government guidelines" people were doing hugely better in regards to obesity rates, heart disease and diabetes. In fact even IQ is declining now so pretty much all this new age and modern medicine has for the most part ruined us.
on the IQ bit, i think youre misinterpreting stats. the US average IQ is falling because whites went from 90% of the population in the 60s to 65% of the population now. nogs and beaners, which have low IQs, have been gaining significant ground, dragging the average down
white americans are about as smart as they ever were. in recent centuries, anyways
i think the IQ has decreased in all races for the same reason the low IQ races breed more than high IQ races
they're too stupid not to
For most of human history starvation and hunger is what drove human actions and behavior. Processed foods were the official end to that along with mechanized farming. That's not a bad thing, but it does mean we must discipline ourselves.
I grew up poor and went hungry sometimes. Being fat ain't bad by comparison.