I've been diagnosed with psychopathy, and I'm asexual to boot. I feel literally nothing, is there a single actual reason to keep going? Be real with me. Every day is whatever, no matter what happens I don't get angry or sad, nothing brings me joy and there is nothing I wanna do. I can't connect with other people and I feel like the world itself is rejecting my existence as a practical joke.
The only thought preventing me from an heroing is this retarded vague idea that surely there must be more to life than this.
You sound like the perfect soldier. Join the army.
Jaxson Rogers
Not everything is about you.
Dominic Foster
There isn't. I won't go to a psychologist because I know they will diagnose me with something and I won't be able to keep my guns.
Jacob Clark
Have you ever done lsd? I’d recommend that at least once. Most people can’t connect with eachother, I think it’s more of a societal thing. It sounds like you’re a bit depressed. If you were truly numb it wouldn’t bother you, I think. Clearly you want something more so you are experiencing the feeling of desire. You could channel this into an activity. Try a heavy workout like biking or martial arts or running. Make goals for yourself to surpass. Chose some new things to learn. Learning is one of the most fulfilling activities I have done
Jeremiah Edwards
>diagnosed with psychopathy
I thought it was ASPD now? I thought they didn't use the terms psychopath and sociopath anymore
Jackson Baker
did they tell you why you are this way? what has your childhood been like, were you treated well by your parents? also you say you feel nothing. do you have at least some empathy? if not for people then for animals
Liam Jenkins
As a guy diagnosed with ASPD, just set a ridiculous life goal and try your hardest to achieve it. It's better than just exercising pointless nihilism everyday and you're the most qualified person to achieve that goal, anyway.
Nathan White
since true ASPDs usually have pathological boredom, and overly exaggerated self esteem and low anxiety, this is sound advice
Sebastian Allen
Razors pain you; Rivers are damp; Acids stain you; And drugs cause cramp. Guns aren’t lawful; Nooses give; Gas smells awful; You might as well live.
Gavin Carter
shitty poem
Levi Lopez
Depends on country.
Nah, psychopathy's inherent. Brain's wired wrong. My childhood was pretty happy. Also no, none at all. I know I should but I don't, no matter how edgy that might sound.
No matter goal I set it will be arbitrary, just for the sake of having goals. I kinda don't see the point anymore, it won't bring me happiness anyway. I have nobody to impress, either.
Jaxon Barnes
>Nah, psychopathy's inherent. Brain's wired wrong. "Genetically informed studies of the personality characteristics typical of individuals with psychopathy have found moderate genetic (as well as non-genetic) influences." so it can be genetic/biological, but mostly it's environment. could be brain injury too buit you don't mention anything of sort >My childhood was pretty happy. Also no, none at all. I know I should but I don't, no matter how edgy that might sound. you don't say much but you don't sound particularly callous, or passive aggressive. you also are pretty self conscious of your condition which I never heard any psychopath do. are you sure you were properly diagnosed? were you particularly harmful or aggressive/mean in your behavior? because if not, you sound more like schizoid.
Dylan Martin
You're quoting articles that sound hack at best and outright incorrect at worst. We have a fairly clear understanding of how a psychopath's brain is different than a normal one. Also, look at the wording of your first quote. The "personality characteristics typical of individuals...", not psychopathy itself.
As for the rest, I'm confused. Neither callousness, passive aggressiveness nor lack of self consciousness are psychopathic traits according to any study. There's a lot of misinformation out there, but you've just listed some so far out I'm legit seeing them for the first time. It's bafflingly wrong even by WebMD standards.
Alexander Sanchez
>callousness, passive aggressiveness nor lack of self consciousness are psychopathic traits according to any study callousness, lack of guilt are on PCL-R. hostility is one of the traits in DSM-5. on the second thought you do indeed sound like a faggot. so whatever buddy, I'll leave you alone now.
Luis Kelly
What did your parents do to you? You don’t just catch psychopathy, somebody has to abuse the hell out of you as a kid.. who hurt you OP?
Nathan Morgan
You didnnt even mention lack of guilt and hostility previously, but okay. You're psycho from birth, you can't become one. My parents were very loving and I was born into lower upper class.
Thomas Rivera
PCL-R is a sham, btw.
Aaron Turner
Become a serial killer
Brayden Cook
Get a GF you actually like.
Camden Mitchell
What are the odds of finding a girl I actually like who's okay with being with a guy who can't offer emotional support, is fine with not seeing her for weeks and has sex with her like once every three months?
Cause I sure as hell haven't found one.
Ian Hernandez
If you want to see her more often and have sex it's a good indicator you like her so shouldn't be a problem if you actually find one. My friend has ASPD and we interact daily. It he's in a bad mood or wants to be alone he just tells me why and that's that. We get along fine for years. Also stop using drugs.
Jacob Collins
Well, your friend probably has something very mild then. Good for him but not very helpful for me. If you got a cute girl acquaintance that doesn't mind tho hit me up user
Liam Diaz
Probably, idk, it's hard to imagine how bad it is. Try Reddit, they have a subreddit on ASPD.