This is the thread that will unite the Christians of Jow Forums

Catholic, Orthodox or Protestant... no more division, no more infighting. From this moment onwards, we'll fight the Legion and the luciferian elites as ONE. Lets write some history, shall we?

No Pagans allowed.

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Other urls found in this thread:!qLBmFYTR!V5tYGYbhAtMbiWKFKBR_Kg!Ta4FxKAR!CwRRaDyDdX6k7iFcWDBs5w


christkikes die on the day of the rope

>just love people who hate god, user
Nice try, catholics

You are either a kike yourself or a newfag who doesn’t know what kike means

Those digis tho. Roman Catholic here. Praise be unto God, and may God bless all of my brothers and sisters in Christ! Amen

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You haven't watched it.

Our civilization is based on Roman and ancient Greek Indo European religion culture, not in Christianity, Christianity is an occupant cult from Israel.

Christianity destroyed our tribes, families, cultures, faiths countries and people.

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Based du_bs and tri_ps

how long have you been pretending to be retarded?

All those who accept Jesus Christ are my brothers

>If he likes the cocks he gets the rocks
Thanks Jesus

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But Catholicism is essentially satanism, they built churches with indulgences. Churches literally founded on Sin and Idolatry.

These pagan larpers are pathetic

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that’s a good goy. race is a social construct, we’re all the same

christkikes will be crucified on the day of the rope

Christianity is a forced meme by the satanic and devilish power of this world. Those who fail to understand the things said in the Bible who profess the false visage and testimony are condemned here until they learn or perish of the spirit.
The revelation is internal.

it's the truth
they are coming for you

Christians are anti white.

They are religion first.

They have no loyalty to their brethren outside of conversion.


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So both, got it.

>Christianity is a forced meme by the satanic and devilish power of this world.

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Pagan larpers will never show you what modern pagans are like
Here is what they look like, pic related

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jesus was middle eastern stupid kike worshipper

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They will be passed over (vocal retards will get shot yeah) and given many chances to rectify and eventually the falsehood of Christianity will be destroyed over time as people awaken in the absence of false prophets and purposed liars within the modern protestant and (((Catholic))) clergy, and in its place will rise Jesus Christ, the embodied masterhood that is described in the NT.

Amen and God bless you, user.

Stfu jew pussy

>inb4 Mormons ("""LDS""") or Jehovah Witnesses are even Christian.

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Beware the one who presents everything as a black or white, a this or that option. Reject the builders of dialectical systems.

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It is true.
Heed not the falsehoods taught in churches.

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A soul is worth more than gold to GOD.
This is everything I have.
I will not start a church,Christ is the only church.
((They)) are depriving you of your bright future.
Make sure you are ready to go.
And continue winning the lost.

Entire KJ Bible on audio:!qLBmFYTR!V5tYGYbhAtMbiWKFKBR_Kg


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>mfw I’m Satan and I trick a bunch of people into opposing me because reasons

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I don't care what glue sniffing ape men 70iq retards believe in.

tri_ps confirm

I don't like prots but I'll join them in a Christian army if it means we can get rid of the Muslims and Jews.

Yahweh is literally Satan numbnuts.
Jeebus Christ is the representation of someone who achieves union with the sun and thus passes Saturn.
Saturn is that which rules the material realm, and the sun is that which represents the spiritual realm.
"Ain Soph", singularity, is the real God and the trinity are its primary urges as far as we are concerned.
As crazy as it sounds that's the truth of the matter.

Anyhow by worshipping Yahweh you're literally worshipping 'Satan'. Absolutely epic.
Imagine being an unwitting material world worshipper.

Found the GoT fanboy. Paganism was made fully extinct in the West. Beyond folk traditions we have only the archaelogical record and we've only begun to understand it within a few centuries. Its gone, man. And nothing that is alive in western cultural memory is anything but Christian. And it lives longer than anything pagan before it. Established 33AD and will be here long after you are gone. Its not made by the hand of men. Even the greatest of men could do nothing but testify to what they'd seen.

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And I say this understanding that Saturn and the Sun are distinct and very different aspects of reality. Saturn is the harsher blind but hearing reality we abide currently, the Sun is the seeing and knowing reality we can aspire to. Closer to... not being some pitiful little creature made of clay so to speak.

amazing how Paganism was driven to extinction, but judaism survived and thrived in Europe for thousands of years

If it makes sense and you accept the offer you are SAVED.

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Nice quads

Can i praise satan and NOT be a jewish faggot?

Hmm, this guy sounds like he makes a lot of sense
>2:58, all those charlatans on one stage


Actually learn the archetypes the Gods represent instead of being as dumb if not dumber than these know-nothing Christians, user.
Learn more about "paganism" and uncover the meanings behind things. Also read Hermetic stuff and the Vedas faggot.

That is my charge to you friendo

Impossible. Jews are the ultimate satanists.

This. pagan larpers are a joke. There is no pagan memory and it's literally all lost in the dirt. Europe is fundamentally Christian and will fall only because it tosses away the true faith.

No man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven. John 3:13

That's right cunts, we all burn in hell.

It's shallow, gnostic nonsense. A template they can retroactively project onto anything to make it fit their narrative. Their source always being "channeled spirits"... or in other words, demons - the disembodied spirits of the nephilim.

Old age luciferianism, being sold as New Age spirituality by masons/gnostics/theosofists, etc.

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>tfw Christians overlook passages like this
TBF you can "ascend to heaven" but it's not as simple as going to some epic paradise lmao

wrong, science is the modern incarnation of paganism

Join the Catholic Church
Want Protestant style worship? Go to nearby Roman Catholic Churches
Want Traditional Catholic Mass? Go to local Latin Mass locations (not Sedegayaustists)
Want Orthodox Divine Liturgy? Go to local Greek Catholic Church, they are fascist compared to OrthoBolshitviks

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Did you miss the part where God sent Jesus to die for us so if we repent and believe in him we go to Heaven?
It’s not hard to get saved, you literally just need to repent and BELIEVE.

Faithless fool.

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This is spot on.

We should pray for all who are lost. The gates of Hell shall not prevail. But we pray for the salvation of all.

Ain Soph wouldnt be the Feminine in Gnostic, mother of Ialdaboth, would it? Because I dont think God the Creator is Feminine

Tr1ps confirm

I'm nothing like a gnostic I just like stealing their words.
I don't view the metaphysical as good or evil, I just view it as being and wish to... carry out whatever God intends me to. Be it teaching others the workings of the universe as I understand them. You are much the same my friend. You must learn the truth however or you're just spitting propagated bullshit lmao.

>Their source always being "channeled spirits"
Are you applying this judgement to me?

>Old age luciferianism
Jesus Christ is a solar archetype of a learned master. The historical man that inspired the twist on the ancient hero story that came to be known as Jesus Christ to us modern day weirdos was one such.
There isn't anything wrong with "luciferianism" anyway. Teaching people shit that usually gets buried by satanists/materialists with prejudice isn't a bad thing at all.

And stop being afraid of spirits. They're assholes but there is no devil and neither can any of those dead freaks harm you if you don't let them or bring it on yourself. People who "commune" often with creatures get taken advantage of because they trust the damn things. Imagine trusting something with the same level of sentience and self-worth as humans. As above so below, they're just as moody and selfish as people most of the time.

BTW those creatures with the many eyes in that drawing are stars and constellations.
Deadass. Both the OT and NT were written by astrologists.
It's actually profound how much they knew lel

>all christians unite!
So which denomination will be in charge?

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Glad to know there's at least one pastor who knows (((what))) is going on.

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Look into the idea of soul sleep.

Y'all are crazy eh.

KJV and one in christ is the only way. Anything other than this is Satan. God bless brothers.

Convince me heaven is what you think it is.

because snakes

Non-stop non-political Christcuck spam

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And this is what i ment with that gnostic template you always project on totally unrelated stuff. They are not stars and constellations, you absolute retard. It refers to a system of metaphysics that directly ties into the topological metaphore of infinite division, or sacred geometry as some would call it. Jesus carrying the cisors signifies his authority over that medium and his ability to create domains within said medium of consciousness.

But its not like your previous post didn't allready prove the veracity of everything i said earlier.

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Like clock-work, as usual.

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Christian threads are the /comfy/est threads on Jow Forums.

The sacred geometry applies to the heavens and vice versa you actual fuckwit.

Traditional Catholics lead by the SSPX and Pope Benedict.

Many modern churches aren't Christian churches. The whole philosophy they have is get as many people into church as possible through any means necessary - cool music, cool worship, etc. and avoid losing people through hard preaching. So they don't really inquire into whether the people are actually saved. It becomes a community and social circle disjoined from Christ so it becomes an environment for sin, heresy and aberration. It's hard to find a good church - you have to search

lots of deranged lunatics with mental problems spouting verses from their bronze age storybook

I don't believe in the entire package of Christianity but I do believe that it has a lot of truth and I can connect with actual Christians through that truth. Let's say just Christianity makes sense at very low resolution.

Oh sweet summer child...

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I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did so the only way GOD could save anyone from Hell was to make salvation a one time choice that lasts forever but people still reject it.

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How do you want to go about this?
I say we promote scriptural (Calvinist) Christianity and (much of) the American constitution in a foreign nation, and then make that our backup America. If everything goes to hell here, we can set up emigration propaganda and connections through the faith to (hopefully) bring in more of us.

Perhaps this one should be a theocratic constitutional republic, declaring Christianity (naming the denominations one-by-one) to be the state religion. Papal visits allowed, but not promoted. Mormons, Jews, and Unitarians not counted as Christian, and we actually stick to the ideal of not getting wrapped up in foreign conflict.

What are you a Tumblr shitposter

The only salvation you may have from this world is to climb out. It requires becoming Jesus Christ, a master and yogi.

nb4 pagan. I don't care about wasting time on this faggotry.

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Marriage is my church. Marriage is a sacred covenant between one biological man and one biological woman. Prove me wrong. In my home in my minds eye, its me and my wife. Jesus and Mo HAM MAD are not welcome.

> Pagancuck COPE
kek lads

>falling for jewish propaganda
nice meme kiddo

So we have 'Catholics' and 'No True Christian' denomination. I hate to say it, but Cathocucks at least have rules and regulation. Disgusting and poorly operated, but it's there.

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We should only accept the regulations provided by scripture (with regards to how the Church is run).

> he says the bible is written for kikes
> but they do not fulfill any of the biblical prophecies that the house of Israel would fulfill in history
> they never are decendants of Adam
> the holy bible also describes adam and his descendants as racially white Caucasians
> it's almost as if ….

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The scripture was cobbled together by the Romans in 325 AD.

maybe it will be the other way and all of you will convert when all the false media dissapear which is strictly anti christian since the french revolution

You mean the thing that had legs originally?

"I have given you every herb ... and every tree ... for meat."
Since many plants have evolved poisons to protect against animals that would like to eat them, God's advice is more than a little reckless. Would you tell your children to go out in the garden and eat whatever plants they encounter? Of course not. But then, you are much nicer and smarter than God. 1:29

nice trips

Based and redpilled. Christ is the way.

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>Being this clueless
Found the Muslim.

>when the evil god of the material world tricks you into being good and rejecting the material world.

You don’t even have a 13 year old atheists level of biblical understanding, user.

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Those are depicting Ashera, with YHWH being the bull in this picture. Which proves the historical accuracy of (much) later old testament writings,that were pointing out the ancient worship of the golden calf.

No, you are literally unworhty of knowing the intricate details of the medium.

Now go play with some Manly P hall's or blavatsky's bullshit and feel free to add some bullshit of your own...