What is your opinion on based kikes?

What is your opinion on based kikes?

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they still need to go

why, they have white skin

Race is more than skin color, user.

>based kikes
They are not to be trusted

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Pretty evident it's just subversion, kikes have proven time and time again that they cannot be trusted.

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Is rael
Is... rea-

Why do you hate Jews? They are superior to whites if they really do run everything. Even if they do, why did you let them? I thought this board recognized initiative and they certainly have it...

Likely vpn/proxy

heard they can vomit on people on command

No such thing. Jews are the gods of race baiting. They will shit on minorities despite being just as odious, dishonest and nation corrupting as the most criminal elements of the black, Arab or Hispanic community just to rile up public discord and resentment against them. Never trust a "based", "racist" Jew, their intentions are purely in the interest of pitting goys against goys.

all kikes deserve extermination

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try again memeflag jew

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They can ride the bikes that power the brain bashing machines and will have the good fortune of being masturbated to death.

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Fuck off you landlocked lederhosened loser

Our greatest ally

What about Jews that hate Jews?

Personally, I resent that Tyrone is the name stereotypically associated with niggers, simply because two of the most truly American and coolest blacks I've ever known have that name...

But to answer your question.. I have nothing against the people of Israel

last one died 11 years ago

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Most important part of pol and the world, based kikes will go after lefty kikes and assure and absolute win for democracy, on the down side they're going to be called OvenDodgers for eternity, maybe a nba team, maybe nfl team, THE OVEN DODGERS but thats it.

They hate us and because of that they need to go, even the based ones

there is none
a jew is a part of a seperate social and political interest group. all jews prioritize the interests of their group over others, just like every other people

No I'm still alive. My girlfriend hates Jews too, but she's a Muslim, so I converted.


Haha you won't do anything incel. Keep larping in your basement.
You are so pathetic
>angry huwhite Male
Take your meds so you don't schiz out

> Chile
You're not welcome either, spic

Don’t fall for it.

It's not about superior/inferior retard. Leave us alone, and leave our nations.

They are based. Therefore exempted from being kikes.


All of them.

In reality, they hate us all.

But I'm Jewish and don't want to live with those creatures lol. I think it's disgusting, all of them.

Daily reminder 99% of BLM flags are filthy fucking rat kike bastards that should be executed on sight for the degradation they put this board through

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Not worth the trouble sorting out. The smart and unkikey ones should blend in well enough and survive the Holocoaster anyway.

Sounds like fun. LIghtning floors included?

Complimentary soap and souvenir lampshades with every day pass.

They did not do anything wrong. They advocate for the right of oppressed people
Another tragedy will never happen and you LARP bitches will do nothing.

if they don't hide their flag and they don't act seditious, i appreciate them.

next time you see a jew on Jow Forums, ask him what this means:

"Ulice wasze, kamienice nasze"

So your admitting the BLM posters ARE kikes then? Gotcha.

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This is why I will be genocided within the next 30 years. Thanks rabbi.

I think Based Jews under certain examinations should be allowed in the ethnostate if they are closely watched and any signs of usury or nepotism is an immediate death penalty.

>muh kikes
>muh paranoid conspiracies
Take your fucking meds schizo.

I used to be a based kike. Now I’m a based Muslim. I look totally white, so I’m pretty much Jow Forums‘s final form.

>trying to divide people amongst race so we ignore them who are the real threat
So where is the based kikes?

I’d be okay with them if it didn’t seem like they would rather support their stalinist 3rd cousin over a goy that sees eye to eye with them every time the issue came up. That’s my only gripe with them

I'm a mischling so my opinion is semi-low. The "pure blood" side of the family doesn't talk to us

Jews have a persecution complex; a grand-uncle of mine called my grandpa a Nazi because he was Austrian, despite marrying his Jewish sister and having a litter of Jewish kids

It’s a scam like everything else kikes do

What's special about this. All Jews hate and/or exploit niggers. They just aren't all up front about it.

Based and redpilled.

For real. Even if they are “based”, who’s to say their kike descendants will be too?

Lawful but evil, they also make the laws.